
A deux pas de l'enfer

A deux pas de l'enfer

Un tueur professionnel ne devrait jamais faire confiance à ses «amis». Pour avoir oublié de respecter ce précieux conseil, un assassin s'aperçoit qu'il a été payé avec de l'argent volé. La police, qui était sur la piste des voleurs, le repère et se met en chasse avec l'intention de l'interroger. Pris de panique, le tueur doit prendre la..

Nataly Fish

Short Plays

Short Plays

Football seen through the eyes of some of the best directors of the world.

Nataly Fish

Martin Scorsese's Quarantine Short Film

Martin Scorsese's Quarantine Short Film

Director Martin Scorsese talks about life in isolation.

Nataly Fish

We the Economy: 20 Short Films You Can't Afford to Miss

We the Economy: 20 Short Films You Can't Afford to Miss

Everyone’s talking about it, but who can explain it? Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Productions and Morgan Spurlock’s Cinelan have partnered to produce WE THE ECONOMY 20 Short Films You Can’t Afford to Miss. Each film is helmed by an acclaimed filmmaker, each with their own creative vision. The series aims to drive awareness and establish a better..

Nataly Fish

Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short

Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short

73 BC pre-Columbian New World. A humble soldier rises unexpectedly as the protector of a young republic. Now Chief Captain of a war-weary nation, Moroni defends his country with revolutionary prowess, but his greatest struggle will be uniting a beleaguered people.

Nataly Fish

Le Mans, chemin pour l'enfer

Le Mans, chemin pour l'enfer

Le jeune pilote automobile Dustin Rich tombe sous l'aile de l'ancien champion John Lee Scott qui se charge de coacher le jeune homme.

Nataly Fish

Shortcut Safari

Shortcut Safari

Shortcut Safari' is about adventures of a group of 7 urban children, between ages 10 to 14 years, who get stuck in a deep, dense forest while returning from a day long trip organised by the Nature Club of their School.

Nataly Fish

Sweet 'n Short

Sweet 'n Short

In South Africa, Sweet Coetzee wins an award for 20 years service as a sportscaster on his 40th birthday, beating his rival, pompous George "The Weasle" Weedle. After Sweet gets drunk one night at his birthday party, he misses a sportscast and his boss, Bryce Williams demotes him to interviewer and promotes Weedle. A subplot of the film are two rob..

Nataly Fish

Playboy: Sexy Shorts

Playboy: Sexy Shorts

Seven erotic vignettes. Tales include "Face to Face" about a man who has the amazing ability to change his appearance and play the ultimate mind game on women, "Limousine Service" about two women spending the night out on the town when they cross paths with a mysterious stranger and "Sweet, Wild, Don't" about an extraordinary casting session.

Nataly Fish

Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage

Seven Short Films About (Our) Marriage

Noah and Madison are artists who want to change the world, and they begin their marriage as most couples do - full of hope and idealism, sure that their love will solve all their problems. But marriage isn't all about the great times people post on social media. It's also about the arguments over petty stuff, and the arguments over big stuff, and ..

Nataly Fish

Sexy Therapy

Sexy Therapy

A Brooklyn, Nathan Fisher, 35 ans, est un écrivain en panne d'inspiration. Lassée de le voir incapable d'achever son roman, sa petite-amie, femme ambitieuse sur le point d'éditer son premier livre, le quitte. Nathan apprend alors que son père est victime d'un accident cérébral, il décide de rendre visite à ses parents en Floride...

Nataly Fish

Teacher Shortage

Teacher Shortage

What is supposed to be an educational and collaborative weekend professional development session for the English Department of Prescott High School instead turns into a blood soaked nightmare when a masked killer targets them.

Nataly Fish

Short cuts :

Short cuts : "Sans toit ni loi" d'Agnès Varda

Le film "Sans toit ni loi" d’Agnès Varda résumé en une minute animée par Julie Daravan Chea.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Le Corbeau" de Henri-Georges Clouzot

Animated short film by Franck Dion that revisits in 1 minute "The Raven" by Henri-Georges Clouzot.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "La Femme du Boulanger" de Marcel Pagnol

"The Baker's Wife" by Marcel Pagnol animated and summarized in 1 minute by Jon Boutin.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Les Douze Salopards" de Robert Aldrich

One minute animated version of "The Dirty Dozen" by Robert Aldrich directed by Frank Ternier.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Dead Zone" de David Cronenberg

An animated one minute short film by the director Gabriel Harel on "The Dead Zone" by David Cronenberg.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Un Homme et une Femme" de Claude Lelouch

One minute short film realized by Frank Ternier around the movie “A Man and a Woman” by Claude Lelouch.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Mon Oncle" de Jacques Tati

A one minute animation by Antoine Bieber on the film "Mon Oncle" by Jacques Tati.

Nataly Fish

Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Nous ne Vieillirons pas Ensemble" de Maurice Pialat

The movie "We Won't Grow Old Together" by Maurice Pialat animated and summarized in 1 minute by the animation films director Augustin Guichot.

Nataly Fish

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