
In Other Words

In Other Words

This short documentary explores homophobic language and its consequences among teenagers. Name-calling and cruel language hurt, say the teens who speak in this video. Homophobic language is a common verbal put-down among young people, but many adults feel uncomfortable responding. This video is a tool for teachers, counsellors and youth groups to e..

Nataly Fish

Leaves Of Words

Leaves Of Words

I Can't Stop Thinking Of The Possibility That Where I'm Trying To Escape To Is Far More Sinister Than What I'm Trying To Escape From.

Nataly Fish

War With Words

War With Words

A game of Telephone shows how the media can manipulate and shape our perception of current affairs and personal politics - simply through their choice of words.

Nataly Fish

73 Suspect Words

73 Suspect Words

73 Suspect Words is a deceptively simple and ultimately chilling meditation on the power of text. Ahwesh succinctly delves into one person's obsessive irrationality, and his expressions of fear and anger. Based on a spell-check of the Unabomber's manifesto, the work evokes the violence underlying the key words presented.

Nataly Fish

The Unseen Words

The Unseen Words

The lack of show does not dampen the spirit of Distra Budaya members to keep practicing kethoprak, until one day they have an idea to make a performance to upload on Youtube, to be seen by them who can ‘see’ and can be known by the public. One spirit: to entertain the people.

Nataly Fish

Words and Actions

Words and Actions

Information on the different groups and organizations that are there to help the population during wartime.

Nataly Fish

The Words Matter

The Words Matter

When Michael Chanak took a job at Procter and Gamble in the mid 1980s, the AIDS epidemic was rampant. The company had found a niche with Peridex-a prescription mouthwash used to treat thrush in people suffering from HIV/AIDS. But despite selling to the LGBT community, P&G had no language protecting these individuals within the company. Chanak, who'..

Nataly Fish

sucking on words

sucking on words

sucking on words is a documentary film that features interviews with, and extensive performances by, the American poet Kenneth Goldsmith. It also features critical commentary on his intense and ground-breaking conceptualist practice from three of North America’s leading voices on avant-garde poetics. Shot on location in New York in 2007, the live..

Nataly Fish

Lost for Words

Lost for Words

A summer afternoon lying in a field. Slight breeze. Friends in the distance sit talking. Looking at a book sometimes I see them. - AN.

Nataly Fish

words are meaningless

words are meaningless

Directorial debut. Short experiment.

Nataly Fish

Seven Deadly Words

Seven Deadly Words

With Egypt Valley Church out of funds and out of touch with the community, pastor Evan Bennett sets out to change things for the better. But there's a problem... One family doesn't like change, and is willing to do ANYTHING to stop him. How far will they go to preserve the Status quo ?

Nataly Fish

In Other Words

In Other Words

Ex-lovers meet to return each other's things. What they say and think is different.

Nataly Fish

Last Words [sic]

Last Words [sic]

An ex-boyfriend's goodbye-letter tells a humorously painful story of lost love, betrayal, and desire, as the author grows increasingly delusional, defensive, and passive-aggressive with each paragraph.

Nataly Fish

Lost for Words

Lost for Words

A parody on the post urban devastation wasteland film with a slant on 'rectangular' thought patterns in which a little girl recites from Marx's Communist Manifesto between two cardboard cut out trees and Alfa, the last man on earth to read and write (improvised by Yehuda Safran), is interviewed on TV (improvised by painter Jock McFadyen); with came..

Nataly Fish

Words for Thomas

Words for Thomas

Set in Baltimore, Words for Thomas is a music film and visual letter to Thomas, artist Jurdan Bryant's friend from childhood. The film shows Jordan's internal dialogue after hearing the news of Thomas' suicide.

Nataly Fish

Words on Pain

Words on Pain

Brigitte gives powerful testimony about her past, marked by physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. She expresses the importance of breaking silence and connecting with others to rebuild herself.

Nataly Fish

Words Are Things

Words Are Things

Some day we’ll be able to measure the power of words but in the meantime let’s be careful about the words we use.

Nataly Fish

Away with Words

Away with Words

Starring Emily Clark and Michael Stephens as two strangers mutually embracing a near wordless encounter on a loud, Los Angeles summer night.

Nataly Fish

Act Without Words

Act Without Words

Andersen's first extant work as a filmmaker, made as group project while he was a film student at the University of Southern California. A spirited adaptation of Beckett's eponymous mimed play, efficiently compressed to the 300 foot (16mm) class requirement, Act Without Words boasts an uncredited Lester Young soundtrack that points towards Anderse..

Nataly Fish

Wise Words 3

Wise Words 3

Eccentrics answer the question "What do you spend your spare change on?"

Nataly Fish

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