
Les Parrains

Les Parrains

Lucien, Henri et Gérard. Trois copains éparpillés à travers le monde.Après un casse foireux, Max, leur pote s'est fait pincer. C'était il y a 20 ans.Aujourd'hui, pour fêter la prescription, Max leur révèle enfin où il a planqué le magot. Mais avant de toucher leur part, ils devront décider si Rémy, son fils, est digne de toucher la sie..

Nataly Fish

Roaring Heavenly Dog: Brave Dragon Palace
The Dog Killer's Trial

The Dog Killer's Trial

Nataly Fish

Le Trésor de Sherman

Le Trésor de Sherman

Sherman est un chien des rues. Il est recueilli par Miss Lilly, une vielle dame qui s'occupe d'animaux abandonnés. Dans la villa de Miss Lilly, Sherman rencontre pleins d'amis dont la magnifique Bella. A la mort de Miss Lilly ses méchants neveux tentent de s'emparer de l'héritage. Sherman et ses amis vont devoir lutter pour garder la maison et f..

Nataly Fish

Seven Dogs

Seven Dogs

A lonely guy who lives with seven dogs get a complaint from his neighbors. Will he come up with a creative solution to overcome this?

Nataly Fish

Island of Dogs

Island of Dogs

The dramatic story of Esref, a journalist who is excluded from his profession and trying to prove himself again, and Sukran, a former film artist who lives with dogs on a deserted island due to loneliness.

Nataly Fish

Bringing Up Cruelty in Women and Dogs

Bringing Up Cruelty in Women and Dogs

A single woman's and her dog's personalities are affected by tough life circumstances.

Nataly Fish

Dog of Fortune

Dog of Fortune

From Hokkaido to Tokyo, hunting dog Goro embarks on a long and grueling journey to reach home. With the loss of his master who held a secret to a weapons smuggling case and the corruptions of those who are involved, Goro's adventure unfolds.

Nataly Fish

Say It Through the Dog

Say It Through the Dog

Dita, a thirty-year-old woman longing for a baby, receives a young Border Collie from her boyfriend Filip, even though she never wanted a dog. She despises the dog-owning community and loathes dog waste, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she steps in one.

Nataly Fish

Love Death Dog

Love Death Dog

In the early 20th century, a Japanese scholar visiting Korea left behind numerous glass-plate photographs. The narrator discovers images of dogs among his photographs and embarks on a journey tracing the stories of dogs from over a century ago.

Nataly Fish

God Man Dog

God Man Dog

A professional hand model Ching suffers from post-natal depression and her architect husband Hsuing is unable to deal with it, driving their marriage to the brink of collapse.

Nataly Fish

Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie

Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie

Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie is a 1969 Danish comedy film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and Lisbeth Movin and starring Dirch Passer.

Nataly Fish

4 Taxidrivers and a Dog

4 Taxidrivers and a Dog

A funny adventures of a dachshund puppy and four his friends - taxi drivers.

Nataly Fish

Stray Dogz 8

Stray Dogz 8

When a greedy family pockets their son's disability payments with no intention of repaying their loan, Ando hatches a plan to get his money back.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Trick

The Dog Trick

A shy but very romantic young man tries to meet a girl by walking a borrowed dog. The trick works unbelievably well. They fall in love.

Nataly Fish

Doghat Tisra Aata Sagla Visara

Doghat Tisra Aata Sagla Visara

A newly married couples' lives are turned upside down when a childhood friend visits them unexpectedly.

Nataly Fish

Chien bleu

Chien bleu

Émile a peur du monde. Il ne sort plus de chez lui et peint tout en bleu. Une nuit, son fils Yoan rencontre Soraya, une adolescente fan de danse tamoule. Elle va l’aider à trouver la bonne couleur.

Nataly Fish

Like Rabid Dogs

Like Rabid Dogs

Le commissaire Muzie enquête sur une bande qui semblent tuer, voler et effrayer la population sans raison. Ses recherches l'amènent à soupçonner des adolescents issus de milieux aisés dont le seul mobile est l'adrénaline.

Nataly Fish

Diamond Dogs

Diamond Dogs

A stage three cancer diagnosis leaves deaf and mute Johnny with little to lose, when he is lured into a deadly underground social experiment. Funded by the uber-rich, it pits fighters against one another in a test of animalistic aggression and adrenaline. Johnny’s fight to the top is brutal, fueled by the sole desire to exact revenge on the man w..

Nataly Fish

The Dog

The Dog

In order to escape from her ex-husband, A-Long, Lili moves to an old apartment by the sea and discovers a living sofa there. After fixing the sofa's broken limbs, the sofa becomes affectionate with Lili like a dog. A-Long finds Lili's apartment and demands money from her. When the two of them argue, the sofa suddenly swallows A-Long whole, leaving..

Nataly Fish

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