
The Soldier

The Soldier

A group of civilians join the Army temporarily as volunteers to combat drug trafficking and border incursions near Burma. On an exercise into the jungle they find a place full of strange figures. They go back to base and discuss their findings with a monk. A Karen woman says the place is haunted. The monk says it isn't and goes back in there with t..

Nataly Fish

When the Soldiers

When the Soldiers

Nataly Fish

The Little Devils Meet the Soldiers
Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past

Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past

When an American scientist carrying a cure for the AIDS virus is kidnapped by an arms merchant, John Kyosuke is forced back from retirement. He accepts the challenge to regain pocession of the anti-serum. He finds out that some of the people he is after are closely related, which gives his conquest a whole new meaning.

Nataly Fish

Loyola, the Soldier Saint

Loyola, the Soldier Saint

A historical drama based on St. Ignatius of Loyola as a Warrior, as a Founder of the Jesuit Order and as a Saint .

Nataly Fish

The Soldier and the Elephant

The Soldier and the Elephant

Soldier Armenak is given an extraordinary task: to transport an elephant from Germany to the Yerevan Zoo.

Nataly Fish

The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue

The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue

The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue is a Hong Kong Drama starring Sammo Hung in a child role

Nataly Fish

The Soldier

The Soldier

The Danish war veteran Henrik returns home from Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress. After a series of failed treatments, he travels deep into the Amazon jungle to heal himself with natural remedies and the world's strongest hallucinogenic drink, Ayahuasca. 'The Soldier' follows Henrik's struggle in the jungle for three full years, and is an inn..

Nataly Fish

Soldier In the Camp

Soldier In the Camp

The Upper Egyptian Khader Hassanein joins the Central Security Forces, he accidentally meets Metwally Al-Zanati on the train, who tells him that he must take the revenge of his father who was killed 20 years ago. Khader realizes that he is the person who Metwally is meant to kill.

Nataly Fish

The Soldier

The Soldier

Microseries about the creation of The Soldier, a play by leading Belarusian dramatist Pavel Pryazhko. Pavel Pryazhko is best known for his experiments with theatrical scripts. His most recent endeavour is The Soldier (2011), which consists of just two sentences. Theatre director and Golden Mask national theatre award laureate Dmitry Volkostrelov d..

Nataly Fish

Le soldat vierge

Le soldat vierge

Deux soldats, Daniel et Jérôme, fuient une guerre que nous ne voyons pas et dont nous ne savons rien. Jérôme est salement blessé, il va mourir, il le dit, il le sait, il a peur. Alors Jérôme souffle à Daniel une dernière volonté : il ne veut pas mourir puceau. Il veut mourir aimé.

Nataly Fish

Les 4 soldats

Les 4 soldats

Dans un climat de guerre civile, un combat qui leur a fait tout perdre y compris leur jeunesse, quatre soldats âgés de 15 à 21 ans, vont se rencontrer et tisser des liens d’amitié. Dans l'emprise d'un conflit d'adultes auquel ils ne s'intéressent pas plus qu'ils ne le comprennent, Matéo, Dominique, Big Max et Kevin vont se préserver en rec..

Nataly Fish

The Soldier's Tale

The Soldier's Tale

The tale of how the soldier not hurry to return home after the end of military service.

Nataly Fish

Le Soldat Rose

Le Soldat Rose

Retranscription télévisuelle de la pièce de théâtre musicale "Le Soldat Rose", qui voit Joseph, un petit garçon déçu par les adultes se réfugier dans un magasin de jouets. Il va faire la connaissance des peluches et autres poupées, et découvrir enfin un monde qui l'enchante.

Nataly Fish

Sailor Moon : Les Fleurs maléfiques

Sailor Moon : Les Fleurs maléfiques

Quand il était petit, Mamoru avait rencontré Fioré, un étrange garçon devenu un ami très proche. Celui-ci fut forcé de partir, mais lui fit la promesse de revenir avec des roses. Quelques années plus tard, Mamoru retrouve Fioré, qui est devenu fort étrange… et peu de temps après, la ville est envahie par des fleurs extraterrestres mal�..

Nataly Fish

The Child and the Soldier

The Child and the Soldier

On New Year's Eve, a young soldier is looking forward to going home but is given orders to escort a juvenile delinquent to a distant reformatory. He sets off with the child handcuffed to him.

Nataly Fish

The General, Staff and Soldiers

The General, Staff and Soldiers

Nataly Fish

Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

Yuko Asou is a Japanese student from the late 1980s who must protect three different kingdoms - our own land, the land of the Spirits, and Vecanti, the world of dreams - by using a mystical sword called Valis.

Nataly Fish

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

Inspired by the idea that the Unknown Soldier might be their (great) great grandfather, a group of children from Brussels with different roots fantasizes about the adventures of their ancestors in World War I.

Nataly Fish

The Two Soldiers

The Two Soldiers

The film follows soldiers escape and wander, talk, and drift aimlessly.

Nataly Fish

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