
Escape from Sahara

Escape from Sahara

Nataly Fish

The Escape

The Escape

The tragic story of a group of prisoners, ordinary people, were detained in the camp at Lager in Naise at the beginning of WWII, after that mighty torture and abuse by the Germans, will try escape from the camp. A few succeeded.

Nataly Fish

Chaidari 3:30 Escape

Chaidari 3:30 Escape

During the occupation, the German forces capture and imprison at Haidari leader of the Resistance Colonel Gregory. The resisters organize every detail of his escape.

Nataly Fish

Confinement Escape Sex Slave

Confinement Escape Sex Slave

One of the many 'Confinement Escape' films.

Nataly Fish

Escape to Freedom

Escape to Freedom

A historical thriller directed by Cheng Kang.

Nataly Fish

Escaping the Fragile Planet

Escaping the Fragile Planet

A boy-meets-boy tale, a few hours before the world ends.

Nataly Fish

Escape to Ropotamo

Escape to Ropotamo

After a successful concert, the famous singer Lina Dimova disappears. She travels to the seaside, where she pretends to be mute and lives in the cabin of Manol at the bed of Ropotamo River.

Nataly Fish

Animal Escape

Animal Escape

An SF thriller genre film in which animals that have become human during vaccine new drug trials are created against the backdrop of a virtual future that has become anarchy due to the outbreak of infectious diseases, and they escape the laboratory and chase defectors with former soldier Yoo Mi-ra and vaccine researcher Gong Soo-cheol.

Nataly Fish

The Escape

The Escape

Everyone seems to want to stop General Tsai from leaving Peking.

Nataly Fish

Escape to France

Escape to France

A former Fascist takes his son and escapes across the border into France, where he tries to avoid being recognized and having to pay for his wartime crimes.

Nataly Fish

Escape to Berlin

Escape to Berlin

A farmer from Eastern Germany decides to flee to West Germany.

Nataly Fish

Les deux évadés de sing-sing

Les deux évadés de sing-sing

Deux préposés aux toilettes publiques de New York sauvent la vie du chef de la mafia, Attanasia. Attanasia transforme l'un d'eux en boxeur à succès en préparant ses matchs et fait de l'autre son bras droit. Lorsqu'une guerre des gangs éclate, les deux hommes sont accusés des meurtres et condamnés à mort. Le jour de l'exécution, ils refuse..

Nataly Fish

Le Piège

Le Piège

En Provence, le père Caillé dirige une pension de famille secondé par sa belle-fille Cora et une bonne. Le vieillard poursuit Cora de ses assiduités jusqu’au jour où celle-ci, lors d’un affrontement particulièrement violent, l’abat sous les yeux de Gino, un pensionnaire italien dont elle est amoureuse. Les deux complices vont tenter de ..

Nataly Fish

Escape from Death

Escape from Death

Anne is convinced she has found her husband's corpse, but Dr. Mark can only find out that the man has gone home. When he comes back, his wife does not trust Mark, who believes she suffers from schizophrenia.

Nataly Fish



Dans une Suisse paisible et feutrée, la mise à l'épreuve de la fragilité du couple vue à travers le double itinéraire amoureux de Paul, chercheur en biologie, Anne sa femme, Auguste, écrivain et son amie Virginie.

Nataly Fish

Close Escape

Close Escape

Knowing that he's dying from cancer, Lam feels a responsibility to come up with sufficient funds quickly so that his younger brother Wai-leong can complete medical school.

Nataly Fish

Escape from the Cage

Escape from the Cage

Depicts the chaos at a circus following an ape’s untimely escape.

Nataly Fish

Escape at Dawn

Escape at Dawn

The trial of political prisoners is taking place in the Kutaisi prison. They face hanging or life imprisonment. In order to release them from prison, a party figure, nicknamed "Chagara" and a revolutionary woman, "Vardo", aka Nato Nakashidze-Volfisa, come to the city. She rents a house near the prison, supposedly to open a knitting workshop. Will ..

Nataly Fish

Ne me libérez pas je m'en charge

Ne me libérez pas je m'en charge

Ancien braqueur fiché au grand banditisme, Michel Vaujour a toujours préféré la fuite à la prison, l'aventure à la soumission, la liberté à la loi. En l'espace de 30 ans, il aura passé 27 ans en prison - dont 17 en cellule d'isolement - et sera parvenu à s'en échapper à cinq reprises avant d'obtenir une libération conditionnelle en 200..

Nataly Fish

Libye, les centres de la honte

Libye, les centres de la honte

En Libye, des milliers de migrants venus de toute l'Afrique sont parqués dans des centres de détention aux conditions inhumaines, dans l'attente que l'Europe et l'ONU statuent sur leur sort. État sanitaire déplorable et surpopulation, travail forcé, tortures, viols, meurtres, enlèvements avec demande de rançon aux familles restées au pays o..

Nataly Fish

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