
La cigarra está que arde

La cigarra está que arde

Nataly Fish



Memories of two women experiencing their first love. In this encounter, the apprehension of body image and sexuality are involved through theater and drawings of Antonin Artaud.

Nataly Fish

Forbidden Marriages in the Holy Land

Forbidden Marriages in the Holy Land

Directed by Michel Khleifi.

Nataly Fish

Enoch Arden

Enoch Arden

Seamen Enoch Arden returns home after a long absence marooned on a desert island. At home he finds his wife married to another, and though he loves her, he cannot bear to disrupt her current happiness.

Nataly Fish

Land of Challenge

Land of Challenge

Directed by Abdellah Mesbahi.

Nataly Fish

Ardently Arlene

Ardently Arlene

In the twilight years of her life, Arlene Murtha, the matriarch of the Murtha Family, unveils her past and reveals stories of growing up against the backdrop of her family's Christmas celebration.

Nataly Fish

Ardor Irresistível

Ardor Irresistível

The film presents the theatrical show "Os Sertões", staged by the group Teatro Oficina during 2007, in the city of Canudos, founded by Antonio Conselheiro and massacred by the Brazilian army in 1897.

Nataly Fish

Douma Underground

Douma Underground

"With the barrel bombs falling on Ghouta, civilians sought shelter in the basements of their homes. I was one of them, holding on to my camera, I tried to film what I couldn’t express in words."

Nataly Fish

Dead Aim

Dead Aim

A traveling gravedigger during an (unspecified) war adopts a orphan he finds alone in the desert. After the war with the orphan grown and business slow, the orphan begins to generate business himself by shooting people. The orphan wants to make one big score by robbing a bank but the gravedigger resists. Their dream is to open a fancy funeral parlo..

Nataly Fish



Madrid. Immediate vicinity of the M30 highway. A nameless man walks tirelessly against the infinite traffic. In one pocket, he carries a map. In the other, different objects, like a broken compass, a die with powers, a magic stone, and a button battery that always reflects the full moon. From here on in... The night. The trip. The devil. A flute an..

Nataly Fish

Enoch Arden

Enoch Arden

Moving Picture World described the film: "There is a small need to describe this subject as the poem of Lord Tennyson is so well known, so suffice it to say that this Biograph subject is an unusually faithful portrayal of that beautiful romance of Enoch Arden, Annie Lee and Philip Ray, taken in scenes of rare beauty".

Nataly Fish

The Prophet, the Gold, and the Transylvanians

The Prophet, the Gold, and the Transylvanians

Two peasants from Transylvania go to America in order to meet their brother who had left Romania ten years earlier. They meet a prophet in the American state of Utah and eventually help the cause of justice in the villages where the prophet proves to be a dictator and exploiter of the coal miners over there.

Nataly Fish

The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians
Ardal O'Hanlon - Live

Ardal O'Hanlon - Live

Hilarious stuff from the Brilliant Irish Comedian, Ardal O' Hanlon.

Nataly Fish



Trying rid himself of his anguish, Arthur burns poetry and songs made with his former partner. However, Isa's presence makes him remember and feel everything that he wants to destroy again.

Nataly Fish

As the Flames Rose

As the Flames Rose

On the phone in his dark bedroom, a man relives the end of a turbulent affair, while across town, the city burns.

Nataly Fish

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

The adventures of the three Brad brothers continues when Traian falls in love with Anabelle, a singer. He wants to marry her, not knowing that she is helping someone to rob a bank.

Nataly Fish

The Half Fallen Tree

The Half Fallen Tree

A middle-aged couple in Darbhanga was in financial trouble and had a loan payment due the following day. The unemployed husband then made the decision to steal his wife's valuables and go on a voyage of guilt in order to solve the problem.

Nataly Fish

Discovering Ardi

Discovering Ardi

The discovery a 4.4 million-year-old Ardipithecus skeleton rewrites the story of human evolution and provides strong evidence that bipedality is the oldest defining characteristic of human ancestors.

Nataly Fish



With fine watercolour strokes, Daniela de Felice paints the portrait of a young woman in love and with a true passion for politics. The film takes us back to the Italy of the 1990s, between Berlusconi’s rise to power and the final reverberations of the 20th century. Ardenza is unexpected and moving, with riveting sensitivity and sensuality.

Nataly Fish

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