
The Hollies: He Ain't Heavy... He's My Brother

The Hollies: He Ain't Heavy... He's My Brother

1. Introduction 2. Carrie Anne 3. Sorry Suzanne 4. Jennifer Eccles 5. Do The Best You Can 6. Look Through Any Window 7. Listen To Me 8. Very Last Day 9. He Ain't Heavy... He's My Brother 10. I Can't Let Go 11. Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress 12. Yes I Will 13. The Air That I Breathe 14. Dear Eloise 15. Too Young To Be Marrie..

Nataly Fish

My Younger Brother

My Younger Brother

Based on the novel of Vasiliy Aksyonov "A Ticket to the Stars". School is over, final exams are behind — and Dimka was the first to think of waving away from home. The convictions of his elder brother Viktor about a serious attitude to the future life only more “warmed up” the four friends, and for the first time they went to Tallinn for the..

Nataly Fish

My Brother Aleksa

My Brother Aleksa

The story of poet Aleksa Santic, visionary and romanticist, great loser in private life. The poet was born in strict patriarchal, rich trading family from Mostar, in conservative social environment, in controversial times in the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. As a young man, he falls in love with the Slavonian girl, Anka Tomlinovic, daught..

Nataly Fish

My Brother Is Afraid Of Just About Everything

My Brother Is Afraid Of Just About Everything

Martin couldn't understand his little brother's many fears until he, himself, was scared off by a large dog.

Nataly Fish

My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain

My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain

Underground Italian extremely gory, gross-out "comedy" (in early John Waters vein) about a badly burnt morphine junkie who is turned into a zombie after he gets injected with infected urine by his pug-ugly, crazy sister.

Nataly Fish

My Husband's Secret Brother

My Husband's Secret Brother

Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic surgeon, Kevin. As tragedy continues around her, secrets about Kevin and her late husband's family nefariously come to light.

Nataly Fish

Me & My Brother’s Mistress

Me & My Brother’s Mistress

Yoko, a high school student, lives with her brother, Kenji. Since they lost their parents early, they have been supported each other. One night, Yoko witnesses Kenji, who is planning to get married, having an affair with Misa. Kenji’s cheating makes Yoko frustrated; however, Yoko felt uncomfortable and unsatisfied with Kenji's fiancé, Kaho, bec..

Nataly Fish

My Brother and I

My Brother and I

Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with w..

Nataly Fish

My Soul Brother

My Soul Brother

Meeting of two very different brothers: Carlos is an ambitious young businessman happily married to Julia, Toni is a nerve that life has given him so many sticks as the people who surrounded him.

Nataly Fish

Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère…

Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère…

Le 3 juin 1835, Pierre Rivière, un jeune paysan normand de vingt ans, égorge à coups de serpe sa mère, sa sœur Victoire et son jeune frère Jules. Il prend la fuite et erre plusieurs semaines dans les bois avant de se faire arrêter. A peine emprisonné, le meurtrier, que la plupart des témoins décriront comme un garçon au comportement étr..

Nataly Fish

They Killed My Brother

They Killed My Brother

Reconstructing the details of the death of his brother, Rafael Burlan da Silva, twelve years ago, the filmmaker Cristiano Burlan launches a personal journey that leads to the heart of a cycle of violence in the outskirts of São Paulo — like the neighborhood Capão Redondo, where his family lived and where his 22 year-old brother was killed with ..

Nataly Fish

My Brother

My Brother

Nataly Fish

Mis Hermanos

Mis Hermanos

Les frères Ángel (17 ans) et Franco (14 ans) sont incarcérés dans une prison pour mineurs depuis un an, en attendant le jugement de leur affaire. Malgré l'hostilité du lieu, ils nouent des liens avec d'autres jeunes et passent leurs journées à rêver de ce qu'ils feront lorsqu'ils seront libérés. L'arrivée de Jaime (17 ans), un jeune reb..

Nataly Fish

The Stranger at My Brother's Grave

The Stranger at My Brother's Grave

In a pretty Cotswold village, a mystery has been puzzling residents for decades. Following the death of local Boy Scout Karl Smith in 1947, mysterious gifts and messages began appearing on his grave in Prestbury. Despite his sister Ann Kear's best efforts, the identity of the visitor has never been revealed. Journalist Camila Ruz joins Ann on her q..

Nataly Fish

My Father is my Mother's Brother

My Father is my Mother's Brother

Tolik, an openly gay bohemian singer/artist in the Ukrainian underground scene, is raising his niece Katya, a stubborn little girl who has taken to calling him Dad. Her mother, Anya, is both at the heart of the film and almost doomed to the fringes, adrift between solitude and stays in a psychiatric hospital.

Nataly Fish



Simple a 26 ans mais il a les capacités intellectuelles d'un enfant de trois ans. Simple est handicapé. Depuis la mort de son père, il vit avec sa mère et son frère cadet : Kléber. Seulement, quand sa mère décède à son tour dans un accident de voiture, les deux adolescents se retrouvent livrés à eux même. Kléber va donc prendre son gr..

Nataly Fish

The Blood of My Brother: A Story of Death in Iraq

The Blood of My Brother: A Story of Death in Iraq

THE BLOOD OF MY BROTHER goes behind the scenes of one Iraqi family's struggle to survive amidst the carnage of the growing Shia insurgency. Nineteen-year-old Ibrahim dreams of revenge when his brother is shot and killed by an American patrol. With scenes of fighting and death on the streets of Baghdad, this is the closest most viewers will ever com..

Nataly Fish

My Elder Brother

My Elder Brother

Gangseo, while having sex with his girlfriend these days, often thinks about her older sister. He always blames himself for being a pervert, but he just can't help it. One day he saw a sexy performance, and his body reacted instinctively. One day, Kang-seo listened to the sound of his older brother, Chan-jun, and his quarrel after sex. From Chan-..

Nataly Fish

My brother's home

My brother's home

Nataly Fish

My Brother

My Brother

Alexey was born in Russia and adopted by Gabriela, an unmarried woman. Later, Gabriela and Alexey adopted Mateo, another child from Siberia. Over the course of nine years, Alexey and Mateo demonstrate what it means to build bonds of reciprocal trust despite the internal conflicts they face.

Nataly Fish

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