


This video dance project is a sort of condensed poetical and cynical look on the situation in the ex-Yugoslav territory. Hysterical and hectic dance movements are put in juxtaposition with surrealistic artificially constructed imageries, based on Magritte's paintings and documentary shoots of the refugee camps, where Bosnian refugees lived in Ljubl..

Nataly Fish



What about the labyrinth, except that it is a labyrinth?

Nataly Fish

The Labyrinth Prisoner

The Labyrinth Prisoner

Khalid and Shady, two medical students and best friends, apply as volunteers in a social experiment only to find themselves held captive.

Nataly Fish



The insidious power of eating disorders is swift and devastating. Sufferers are left at the mercy of dangerous thoughts and turbulent emotions, isolating themselves from their loved ones who struggle to protect them. This sensitive film approaches anorexia and bulimia from a deeply personal angle, revealing a family fighting to remain unified in th..

Nataly Fish



Juan imagines Laura being suffocated and becomes obsessed with those images that become more frequent and more real, to a point of no return.

Nataly Fish

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

A voyage into the labyrinthic memories of a Uitoto man, who worked for the drug Lords in the Colombian Amazon back in the 80s. Following his path between the forest and the ruin of a Narco´s mansion imitating the Carrington mansion in the soap opera Dynasty, the film unfolds the hallucinatory account of a near-death experience.

Nataly Fish

Labyrinths of Memory

Labyrinths of Memory

Esra Tanrıverdi’s Memory Labyrinths, shot on 16mm film, questions the limits of forgetting and remembering. The film attempts to capture how one is exposed to repressed and fragmented memories after the loss of someone.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

You Built Me a Labyrinth

You Built Me a Labyrinth

Just when everything was going right, she gets a love letter from the past.

Nataly Fish



A man and a woman sit in a room and when the wind blows the window open, the man imagines what would happen if he kills the woman and the following drama blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction.

Nataly Fish

Blue Labyrinth

Blue Labyrinth

Nataly Fish

The river and the labyrinth

The river and the labyrinth

On one side of the Tagus river, Clara just moved to her new apartment. On the other side, a man wanders the night. As time unfolds both margins slowly merge, and what seems left behind in the past can always be waiting in the future.

Nataly Fish

Labyrinth of Residence

Labyrinth of Residence

Investigates the patterns and forms found in a large apartment building. Utilising both macro and micro views of the structure, Saito creates grid-like patterns that are further emphasised by the video’s monochromatic colour scheme. The video’s rapidly changing symmetrical images eventually transform the monotonous architecture into a study of ..

Nataly Fish

Yoeme Labyrinth

Yoeme Labyrinth

Millenary and figsty, the Yaqui tribe defends its existence. Since 2010, Sonora's government diverts illegally 75 million cubic meters of water from the Yaqui River each year. This situation has sparked struggles and resistances. In parallel, the Yaqui people have seen flooded their territory by methamphetamines. Now they search for answers to thes..

Nataly Fish

The labyrinth of the elevator

The labyrinth of the elevator

A man gets trapped in an elevator labyrinth.

Nataly Fish



In the heart of Athens, there is another city. A hidden city. Α city breathing for almost more than a century under the artificial light. A documentary about the labyrinth of the arcades and the people living, working, and creating there for three generations. But in these arcades, Labyrinth discovers also a metaphor of cinema itself.

Nataly Fish

Saudo, Labyrinth of Souls

Saudo, Labyrinth of Souls

Elias ran away from his village at the age of 13. Time has passed and he is now a doctor with a wife and son, who is also now 13.Miracles do not exist. The day that souls are reunited has come.

Nataly Fish

Le dédale

Le dédale

Nataly Fish

Migu & Shinomi in Dream's labyrinth

Migu & Shinomi in Dream's labyrinth

Women are offered as a sexual sacrifice to the Devil.

Nataly Fish

The Moroccan Labyrinth

The Moroccan Labyrinth

Nataly Fish

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