


Set during the terrifying reign of Filipino despot, Marcos, two upper caste but very different strangers team up to try and survive the physical and mental torture they undergo after they are suddenly jailed. Geny is the conservative businessman while Serge is more sensitive and outgoing. Both of the young men's parents give all of their money, but..

Nataly Fish

Confinement Escape the Woman Who Bloomed in Hell

Confinement Escape the Woman Who Bloomed in Hell

The 12th instalment of the confinement escape series.

Nataly Fish

La dernière fugue

La dernière fugue

Toute la famille Lévesque est réunie dans la maison familiale pour le souper de Noël. Un sujet occupe toutes les conversations : l'état avancé de la maladie de Parkinson qui accable le patriarche, dont la qualité de vie a grandement diminué. Au milieu des disputes et des avis divergents, André, son fils ainé, et Sam, son petit-fils, envisa..

Nataly Fish

The Escape

The Escape

Details the struggles of an oppressed woman's sexual frustrations.

Nataly Fish

Escape From Segovia

Escape From Segovia

In the summer of 1977, a political prisoner, living in exile, recounts the circumstances of his escape to a journalist: in April 76, a group of ETA members planned to escape from prison, but the project fails when, due to a tip-off, the guards discover the tunnel they are digging. The inmates, far from being discouraged, start a second tunnel.

Nataly Fish

Fuite à travers l'Himalaya

Fuite à travers l'Himalaya

Lors de son ascension du Cho Oyu, l'un des vertigineux sommets de l'Himalaya, Johanna, étudiante en médecine, tombe dans une crevasse. Elle y découvre avec horreur les corps inanimés de deux enfants, morts de froid. Encore bouleversée par son accident, elle poursuit son chemin jusqu'aux portes d'un monastère tibétain, où elle se lie d'amiti..

Nataly Fish

El Chapo's Escape

El Chapo's Escape

They claim to be taken to maximum security prisons, but when government power and corruption intervene there is no impossible escape, such is the case of this story that everyone witnessed and that we now present.

Nataly Fish

L'Échappée sauvage

L'Échappée sauvage

Dans les années 50, par une belle journée d'été, un jeune garçon de la ville, gracieux et fier, fait la rencontre de deux jeunes paysans libres et espiègles. C'est ainsi qu'il découvre le monde de la nature et qu'il vit ses premiers émois amoureux.

Nataly Fish

Le départ d'Arlequin et de Pierrette

Le départ d'Arlequin et de Pierrette

Columbine resists Pierrette's courting in favour of Harlequin in this hand-coloured short by Alice Guy.

Nataly Fish

Tokyo Untouchable: Escape

Tokyo Untouchable: Escape

Nataly Fish

The Great Escape from Café City

The Great Escape from Café City

James a toujours aimé sa vie de hipster : les bons petits cafés, la musique indé, son lomo, son fixie et la jolie Bao du café d’à côté. Jusqu’au jour où Bao bouleverse sa vision du monde.

Nataly Fish

At Attempt to Escape

At Attempt to Escape

Bessarabia on the eve of World War II... Soldier Ștefan Brebu is being taken to trial in a prison car as a witness. The escorts were ordered to shoot him on the way "at attempt to escape." A soldier can give testimony in court that is undesirable for the authorities: it was not communists who were shooting at unarmed peasants...

Nataly Fish

Escape from Hellhole

Escape from Hellhole

Un gang enlève de jolies filles pour en faire des "femmes sous contrats". Les récalcitrantes sont envoyées dans une prison souterraine appelée le "trou de l'enfer", prison où les femmes sont fouettées et battues avec brutalité, ou torturées si elles n'assouvissent pas tous les désirs des gardes.

Nataly Fish

The Escape Of Horned Vikings, or Five Days In The Life Of Johnny Vorobyova

The Escape Of Horned Vikings, or Five Days In The Life Of Johnny Vorobyova

Friends terrorized by a gang of street hooligans run the risk of spending the entire summer being locked up in their backyard. But thanks to their resourcefulness, mutual assistance and the support of the local population, they manage to get into their hands a serious “biological weapon”.

Nataly Fish

Reunion: Escape from the Monstrous Snake

Reunion: Escape from the Monstrous Snake

In order to rescue his old comrades Blind Man goes deep into the Cambodian forest and fights against the strange insects and monsters hidden in the underground palace of the monument, and solves the mystery of his comrades' disappearance. The film is adapted from the original work of the Nanpai Sanshu.

Nataly Fish

L'angoissante aventure

L'angoissante aventure

Octave, le plus jeune des fils du marquis de Granier, tombe entre les griffes d'Yvonne, actrice de théâtre et femme fatale. Ils partent ensemble à Constantinople, puis se rendent à Paris. Octave devient acteur de cinéma et ses premiers pas sont couronnés de succès. Mais à la suite d'une accusation injustifiée, commence pour lui une suite d..

Nataly Fish

Escape from Hong Kong Island

Escape from Hong Kong Island

Arrogant day trader, Raymond, experiences a series of setbacks as he tries to cross from Hong Kong to Kowloon.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful Escape

Beautiful Escape

Akihiko Kobe, a first-year high school student with a stutter, is a target of bullying in his class and spent his days depressed. Akihiko lives at home with a face that can not endure anything and kills God in his brain every day. One day, I accidentally see a classmate, a brilliant and intelligent girl student, Mitsuri Nanao killing a cat. Kuri wa..

Nataly Fish

Last Escape

Last Escape

Nataly Fish

Sudden escape

Sudden escape

Nader is a former pilot who retires due to embezzlement cases in which his father is accused.

Nataly Fish

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