
L'Assassinat d'un œuf

L'Assassinat d'un œuf

Un homme s’apprête à décapiter un œuf à la coque lorsqu’il entend une petite voix provenant de l’intérieur de la coquille…

Nataly Fish

Le jour des assassins

Le jour des assassins

Un chef du Moyen-Orient se réfugie en exil, sur son yacht, au large du Mexique. Mais, suite à un sabotage, le yacht explose. L'homme échappe de peu à la mort, mais n'a plus qu'une chose en tête : se venger...

Nataly Fish

Atticus v. the Architect: The Political Assassination of Don Siegelman

Atticus v. the Architect: The Political Assassination of Don Siegelman

The documentary about the most notorious political prosecution in American history. How a group of corrupt politicos, led by Karl Rove, secretly rigged a federal court to railroad former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman into jail because they couldn't beat him at the polls. It exposes the dark underbelly of political corruption, and reveals the moral..

Nataly Fish

Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories

Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories

Frame 313 examines several theories that have been offered about who was responsible for the JFK Assassination including the single bullet theory, the CIA/Mafia theory, the Soviet Union/KGB theory, the Mafia hit theory, and the CIA/Anti-Castro theory.

Nataly Fish

Requiem assassin

Requiem assassin

Grande cantatrice, Sarah Conrad a été agressée par un admirateur lors d'un concert il y a trois ans. Elle décide de remonter sur scène. Peu avant la représentation, sa rivale Melissa tente de la perturber. Cette dernière est assassinée à la sortie du théâtre.

Nataly Fish

Assassination of Russia

Assassination of Russia

Documentary film that describes the September 1999 Russian apartment bombings as a terrorism act committed by Russian state security services. Based on book "Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within" by Yuri Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko.

Nataly Fish

The Secret KGB JFK Assassination Files

The Secret KGB JFK Assassination Files

On Nov. 22, 1963 the world was shocked by the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The mystery surrounding this history-changing event has led to many unanswered questions.

Nataly Fish

Désolé, l'assassin est toujours occupé

Désolé, l'assassin est toujours occupé

C'est la nuit du nouvel an... et les douze coups de minuit vont bientôt sonner. Angela Cotterel Stevenson seule dans son luxueux appartement apprend, à la suite d'une erreur de communication téléphonique, qu'un meurtre se prépare. Désespérée, elle cherche à contacter son mari, Charlie Stevenson... et découvre qu'il n'est pas l'homme qu'el..

Nataly Fish

Misty Assassination

Misty Assassination

Ten years ago, in order to control the government, the Prime Minister contacted an assassin organization to kill the General. After witnessing her father's murder, the general's daughter, Qing Tian, coincidentally learns that the prime minister who adopted her is the real culprit behind her father's assassination, and that one of the assassins who ..

Nataly Fish

L'Assassin Fantôme

L'Assassin Fantôme

John et Peter sont jumeaux. Mais si leur ressemblance physique est telle qu’on a du mal a les distinguer, ils sont aussi différents de caractère que l’on peut l’être. John, qui est très riche, est malade (il souffre d’épilepsie) et a rédigé un testament dans lequel il a volontairement oublié sa femme, Denise, une ancienne danseuse, ..

Nataly Fish

Le témoin doit être assassiné

Le témoin doit être assassiné

Un patron du syndicat, fainéant de pouvoir, recourt au meurtre pour éliminer les témoins qui devaient témoigner contre lui.

Nataly Fish

The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination

The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination

President John F. Kennedy's 1963 assassination in Dallas has sparked decades of questions and controversy. The "lost" JFK recordings made available for this documentary -- including local TV and radio reports -- shed new light on the tragedy. The rarely seen material has been organized to capture the drama as it unfolded, including the shocked reac..

Nataly Fish

Boris Nemtsov - un visionnaire assassiné

Boris Nemtsov - un visionnaire assassiné

Le 27 février 2015, l'opposant russe Boris Nemtsov est assassiné. Réalisé l'année suivante, ce documentaire éclaire notamment le rôle de l’armée et des services secrets russes dans ce meurtre.

Nataly Fish

The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After

The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After

A behind-the-scenes look at November 22, 1963 from the unique perspective of Lyndon Johnson. On his pivotal first day as President, Lyndon Johnson is put to the test as he contends with the jarring transfer of political power and the daunting challenge of securing the trust of a devastated nation. From new details about when JFK really died, to the..

Nataly Fish

American Media & The Second Assassination of John F. Kennedy

American Media & The Second Assassination of John F. Kennedy

In 1969 New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison prosecuted only trial for the murder of John F Kennedy. Although the defendant, Clay Shaw, was acquitted, he committed perjury and the central charge, that he conspired to murder the President in his role as a CIA operative was given added weight when after his death it was admitted by the CIA that..

Nataly Fish

The Assassination of Martin Luther King

The Assassination of Martin Luther King

In a prelude to the forthcoming bio-opic of his assassination film by Oliver Stone. This video features some great footage of Dr. King after his transformation in 1965 to the war on poverty, discrimination, and unequal distribution of wealth in this great country.

Nataly Fish

Television Assassination

Television Assassination

TELEVISION ASSASSINATION is one of two major works that Bruce Conner began in the days immediately following the Kennedy assassination and the artist's own thirtieth birthday, in the fall of 1963. While REPORT utilized montage and a strongly articulated structure to analyze the forces at work in the killing of a President (including our own complic..

Nataly Fish

JFK Assassination 1st Person Witnesses

JFK Assassination 1st Person Witnesses

Oral Histories of three 1st Person Historical Figures compiled for future generations and researchers. In any research, it is essential to get as close to the original source as possible. This video contains 1st person interviews of historical figures who were there. The words are their own. This resource is priceless.

Nataly Fish

The Assassination of Bane by the Coward Bill Wilson

The Assassination of Bane by the Coward Bill Wilson


Nataly Fish

City of Hate: Dallas and the Assassination

City of Hate: Dallas and the Assassination

Explores a politically turbulent city preparing for a presidential visit, the immense pride many Dallas residents felt to see the president in their hometown and the city’s damaged reputation that followed the death of President Kennedy.

Nataly Fish

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