
Im Bären

Im Bären

An italian girl is looking for a room to stay in Berlin. In the process she will have to undergo a series of casting sessions in which she will lose herself in the big city.

Nataly Fish



A short story with a vivid sharpness that allows a free-spirited female character to swim freely and accurately. From being late to work, to riding a newspaper bicycle and getting fired. The disaster continues...

Nataly Fish

Oasis: 10 Years of Noise and Confusion

Oasis: 10 Years of Noise and Confusion

Live coverage of British rock band Oasis performing at the Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow, Scotland, as part of their 2001 10 Years of Noise & Confusion anniversary tour.

Nataly Fish

Kein Platz für Liebe

Kein Platz für Liebe

Nataly Fish

The Ladies

The Ladies

Filmed in a women's restroom in a park in Tehran, this film offers insights into the lives of women in Iran. The ladies' room enables the women to unveil themselves, both physically and psychologically. In a series of frank and intimate conversations, these women debate everything from drugs and family abuse, to sex, relationships and religion.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

das frauenzimmer

das frauenzimmer

satirical video experiment

Nataly Fish



The mental circumstances and personal involvements of a kidnapped man.

Nataly Fish

Teranga: We Dance To Forget

Teranga: We Dance To Forget

An observational short-documentary about youth, music and conquering collective trauma, shot in Naples over the course of two years.

Nataly Fish

Quartos Siameses

Quartos Siameses

Nataly Fish

Jeewan Hathi

Jeewan Hathi

This riotously funny satire on Pakistan's media industry explores the dark underbelly of a reality show that has the nation enthralled as a channel owner who will do anything for higher ratings.

Nataly Fish

Filme de Quarto

Filme de Quarto

Nataly Fish

비밀방의 선물

비밀방의 선물

Nataly Fish

Alma Mater

Alma Mater

1960's Harvard Professor is having an affair with his male teaching assistant.

Nataly Fish

Jo Az Oreg A Haznal

Jo Az Oreg A Haznal

Mr. Polgár is a provincial paper dealer. His sons, Viktor and Feri, are managers in a big factory in the capital, spending their money lavishly, living their lives in a careless, irresponsible way. Viktor is to marry a baroness and feels rather too uneasy about his father's small business. He persuades his old man into selling the business he had ..

Nataly Fish



Quatre jeunes filles aspirent à l'amour mais chacune le trouve à sa façon. «La supériorité de L'Initiation sur Valérie réside dans le caractère des protagonistes. Nadine, Victoire, Christine et Judith se déshabillent parce qu'elles sont des femmes, ni prostituées, ni épouses. L'approbation ou la désapprobation de la société ne leur d..

Nataly Fish

O Quarto sombrio

O Quarto sombrio

Nataly Fish

Six Man

Six Man

During the 2012 season, two Montana High School teams compete in 6-man football, a smaller version of American football with increasing popularity in rural communities. It's pure football, for the sake of football, played by boys of all sizes and abilities, for themselves and for the communities who know them oh so well. No television timeouts. No ..

Nataly Fish

Baïa, l'Atlantide romaine

Baïa, l'Atlantide romaine

Le Vésuve a submergé Pompéi par le feu et Baïa par l'eau. À quelques kilomètres de Naples, Baïa, la ville du luxe et du plaisir hédoniste de l'Empire romain, est le plus grand site archéologique submergé de la planète. Elle est située à l'intérieur de la caldeira des champs Phlégréens, un des super volcans les plus actifs du monde. ..

Nataly Fish

The Old Maid in the Horsecar

The Old Maid in the Horsecar

A female impersonator giggles and flirts. By the following decade, many female impersonators would be shown doing their acts on the stage and in the movies; the Eltinge Theater on 42nd Street in New York is named for Julian Eltinge, the most famous of them. This was probably the earliest "name" example for the movies. Gilbert Saroni plays an exceed..

Nataly Fish

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