
A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman

A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman

Documentary about internationally-renowned author Ariel Dorfman, the third generation of his family to know exile. His father's leftwing beliefs saw the family uprooted from both Argentina and the US, before settling in Chile. When Allende came to power, Ariel was a prominent member of his circle, but the bloody 1973 coup saw many of his friends an..

Nataly Fish

A Few Short Journeys Of The Heart

A Few Short Journeys Of The Heart

A surreal and nightmarish selection of short stories derived from the cult collection DIRTY FAXES, refracted through the neurosis of a middle-aged writer.

Nataly Fish

3Lux-3: A Journey Through Ambience

3Lux-3: A Journey Through Ambience

"3Lux-3 - a journey through ambience" has originally been released by Stud!o K7 (Berlin) on VHS in 1993.

Nataly Fish

K.364: A Journey by Train

K.364: A Journey by Train

Avri Levitan and Roi Shiloah are a pair of acclaimed classical musicians from Israel who were booked to play a special concert in Poland, performing Mozart's "Concert Symphony in E-Flat Major" with one of the nation's leading orchestras, the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of the Polish Radio. However, the two musicians chose an unusual route to get ther..

Nataly Fish

USA: A West Coast Journey

USA: A West Coast Journey

Explore over 40 amazing destinations in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona & Colorado: From San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Bridge to the pulsating night life of Las Vegas to the breath-taking natural wonders of the Grand Canyon and Yosemite. Filmed in Ultra HD resolution USA 4K – A WEST COAST JOURNEY features spectacular aerial images, time-..

Nataly Fish

A Journey Through Islam

A Journey Through Islam

Nataly Fish

Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima

Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima

Japanese husband and wife muralists Iri and Toshi Maruki are known for their depictions of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their collaborative relationship is unique: one paints a painfully detailed vision of the victims of the atomic blast; the other conceals the carefully delineated brush strokes with a grey-black ink “wash.” The f..

Nataly Fish

World School: A Single Journey Can Change the Course of a Lifetime

World School: A Single Journey Can Change the Course of a Lifetime

An Alaskan mother and her ten year old son sell everything to travel the world for a year.

Nataly Fish

Northern Lights: A Journey to Love

Northern Lights: A Journey to Love

A young boy travels to Alaska to visit his estranged father at the same time as a young woman also travels to Alaska to find her estranged mother.

Nataly Fish

A Single Step - A Journey of a Thousand Miles

A Single Step - A Journey of a Thousand Miles

The Trans-Canada Trail is an epic route across Canada. Donovan Roberts hiked 1850km of it. He documents his solo journey across this expanse in "A Single Step". On his way he encountered some stunning scenery, all different kinds of weather - and a less than friendly bear.

Nataly Fish

Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

One day, Broken Tail, the tiger, simply disappeared. A year later, there's news that Broken Tail was killed by a train, 100 miles away from Ranthambhore. This raised a question, how did Broken Tail travel so far and why did he leave?

Nataly Fish

A Musical Journey - Sicily: A Musical Tour of the Island's Past and Present

A Musical Journey - Sicily: A Musical Tour of the Island's Past and Present

The music chosen for this tour of Sicily is largely Italian; ranging from the Vienna Court Composer Salieri to Verdi and Leoncavallo.

Nataly Fish

A Musical Journey: Scotland: A Musical Tour of the Country's Past and Present

A Musical Journey: Scotland: A Musical Tour of the Country's Past and Present

The Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland inspire this installment of the Musical Journey series, which travels to the Scottish islands known as the Hebrides and the capital city of Edinburgh. Although the accompanying soundtrack doesn't feature Scottish music per se, the selections -- including Mendelssohn's Symphony no. 3 ("The Scottish Symphony") a..

Nataly Fish

Ben Franklin Blowing Bubbles at a Sword: The Journeys of a Mental Athlete

Ben Franklin Blowing Bubbles at a Sword: The Journeys of a Mental Athlete

Ronnie White, a Navy veteran from the war in Afghanistan, can meet a conference room full of strangers and minutes later recall every person's name. Nelson Dellis, a software developer, can remember the order of a shuffled deck of playing cards in just a minute. Brad Zupp, a clown, can juggle and memorize computer-generated numbers at the same time..

Nataly Fish

A Journey in My Mother's Footsteps

A Journey in My Mother's Footsteps

For every person who dedicates their life to a cause, their family makes a collective sacrifice.

Nataly Fish

Out in India: A Family's Journey

Out in India: A Family's Journey

This intimate film follows gay partners David Gere, Peter Carley, and their two children as they leave their comfortable lives in L.A. for 9 months in India fighting AIDS. Their weapon? Painters, puppeteers, and performers of every kind.

Nataly Fish

The Ultimate Betrayal: A Survivor's Journey

The Ultimate Betrayal: A Survivor's Journey

Donna Roman Hernandez exposes her family's 40-year secret of domestic violence that had life-altering consequences for her entire family. Donna felt bound to keep this abuse a secret as she survived more than two attempts by her father to end her life. This edgy, empowering documentary is about a "woman in blue" who suffered in silence and lived un..

Nataly Fish

A Woman's Deeper Journey Into Sex

A Woman's Deeper Journey Into Sex

We follow fictional character Detective Lacey on her travels to investigate aspects of female sexuality including women buying sex and Rent-A-Dreads. Lacey returns at the beginning of the film and reflects retrospectively on her journey.

Nataly Fish

Rebels: A Journey Underground - Society's Shadow

Rebels: A Journey Underground - Society's Shadow

From Bohemia and 19th century European romanticism, this film looks back through history to uncover the beginning of "new vision" thinking in Western civilization and its links to what is now called counterculture. From 1830's Paris to New York City's Greenwich Village at the turn of the 20th century, it follows the paths which brought Europe's mos..

Nataly Fish

Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain's Journey

Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain's Journey

A young chaplain travels to greet the remains of a combat chaplain discovered in an unmarked grave, and, inspired by the stories of those who came before him, perhaps mend his own PTSD and broken life in the process.

Nataly Fish

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