
Rabbit Trap

Rabbit Trap

Situé en 1973, les musiciens Daphne et Darcy Davenport, quittent Londres pour s'installer dans une cabane isolée au Pays de Galles afin de terminer leur nouveau disque. Lorsqu'ils enregistrent accidentellement sur le terrain un son mystique jamais entendu auparavant par des oreilles humaines, un enfant étrange entre dans leur vie...

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

Uncle and nephew try to recover their lands from a corrupt casino owner. A farmer is pressured to pay his gambling son's huge debt. Both problems have the same source, and will come together.

Nataly Fish

The Ghost Trap

The Ghost Trap

The story of Jamie Eugley, a young lobsterman struggling with the grinding responsibilities of a head-injured fiancée and a mounting trap war with a rival lobstering family.

Nataly Fish

Jaal: The Trap

Jaal: The Trap

Sunny Deol battles terrorists from Kashmir; from director Guddu Dhanoa.

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

A woman becomes obsessed with a man she can't have, and carries the torch for more than 15 years.

Nataly Fish

Piège dans l'espace

Piège dans l'espace

Un policier en disgrâce doit escorter des millions de dollars dans l’espace. Il est le seul à ne pas dormir. Mais un astéroïde est sur la route. Une équipe de voleurs détourne le vaisseau.

Nataly Fish

Piège au grisbi

Piège au grisbi

Joe Barron, un policier criblé de dettes, est chargé d'enquêter sur un assassinat perpétré par le Dr. Horace Van Tilden. Il découvre que le praticien profite de sa position pour vendre de la drogue. Lorsque Joe repère où Van Tilden cache le butin de son trafic, il décide de le voler. Mais les choses se compliquent lorsqu'il apprend que la ..

Nataly Fish

Maigret tend un piège

Maigret tend un piège

Paris, 1957. La police ne parvient pas à élucider le meurtre de quatre femmes, retrouvées poignardées, leurs vêtements lacérés. Le commissaire divisionnaire Jules Maigret prend l'enquête en main.

Nataly Fish



Have you seen Quincy?

Nataly Fish

Music Through Brazil: The National Trap is here!

Music Through Brazil: The National Trap is here!

Since 2016, Trap consumption on Spotify has grown by an average of 61% per year. This past year, only Recayd Mob plays have gone up almost 1000%. Every month, over 1 million fans hear the sound of artists like Matuê, Raffa Moreira, Ebony, FBC and Sidoka. And so on. Have a doubt if the trap is pumping?

Nataly Fish

Trapped: Concrete Cell

Trapped: Concrete Cell

Jake wakes up to a terrible dream as he finds himself locked away in a small concrete cell. He must fight to survive the claustrophobic isolation as he tries to hold onto sanity. How will Jake escape his imprisonment? Will he? Only time will tell.

Nataly Fish

Trapped in the City of a Thousand Mountains

Trapped in the City of a Thousand Mountains

A new phenomenon of authentic Chinese rap has taken the internet by storm. But behind the unprecedented gains in popularity, there is a struggle for freedom of speech. Rappers are trying to figure out what they still can and cannot do after new censorship is announced.

Nataly Fish

Dino Death Trap

Dino Death Trap

The Pit of Death is what some scientists are calling it, others "Dinosaur Pompeii". Envision dinosaur corpses stacked one on top of each other, piled four and five high. But not just any old dinosaurs, new, well-preserved skeletons - many that have never been seen before. A bizarre T. rex ancestor, a triceratops ancestor, an ancient crocodilian and..

Nataly Fish

Trapped at Boarding School

Trapped at Boarding School

A boy is being bullied at a Boarding School. Things get out of hand and he will need his revenge.

Nataly Fish

The Trapeze Artists

The Trapeze Artists

Piñon is 6 years old and Chestnut is 9, they are clowns and have lived all their life in the circus, learning to combine applause and school. Piñon dreams of being a renowned circus artist, while his brother worries about studying. One day their life is interrupted by a terrible news, they must leave the circus and with it their father and friend..

Nataly Fish

Trap for Cinderella

Trap for Cinderella

Une jeune fille souffrant d'amnésie suite à un incendie ayant tué son ami d'enfance commence progressivement à s'en remettre...

Nataly Fish

Blood Trap

Blood Trap

Six criminels sont chargés d'enlever un jeune pour rançon, mais quand ils sont enfermés dans le manoir, ce qu'ils trouvent n'est pas ce qu'ils attendaient.

Nataly Fish

Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon

Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon

Inheriting a family resort in Hawaii, the Wyatts find it in such a run-down condition that they decide to sell it after trying to fix it up. Amidst confusing goings-on among the triplet teenage girls and the boys they meet, Jeffrey meets an old high school rival who promises to keep the resort as-is if Jeffrey will sell it to him. He has other plan..

Nataly Fish



Yu Higashi, a high school girl, aims to be an idol. To achieve her dream, she sets four rules for herself: she will not be active on social media, she will not have a boyfriend, she will not stand out in school, and she will make friends with beautiful girls from the north, south, east, and west.

Nataly Fish

The Click Trap

The Click Trap

Digital advertising algorithms curate content precisely for users. Major tech firms claim to restrict disinformation yet still profit from harmful content, raising ethical concerns about democracy and online capitalism.

Nataly Fish

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