
La cheminée fume

La cheminée fume

When someone is cooking on the first floor. The smoke get in on the sixth floor

Nataly Fish

Smoking Po-Ryazanski

Smoking Po-Ryazanski

Выиграв конкурс красоты в своем родном Галушкино, новоиспеченная "Мисс Галушкино" Инна отправляется в Москву покорять мир высокой моды. На первом же дефиле происходит конфуз: на глазах у зрит..

Nataly Fish

Smoking Kills

Smoking Kills

After dropping a body in the morgue, a hospital porter takes a break to smoke a cigarette and contemplate his life. The line bewteen life and death is not as clear as we think.

Nataly Fish

Smoking Aliens

Smoking Aliens

Then one day, her daily life suddenly changes. Unknown creatures fly out from a large number of spheres sent from outer space and begin to parasitize and manipulate human beings. The parasites not only move in strange ways, but some of them also exhibit extraordinary physical abilities. Trapped in a building at work, Shang and his colleagues disco..

Nataly Fish

No Smoking Here

No Smoking Here

An occasional acquaintance at a business party leads to mutual sympathy. But is this acquaintance really occasional? If any sincere sympathy is possible in a world where money rules?

Nataly Fish

The Day I Quit Smoking

The Day I Quit Smoking

A story about the loneliness, alienation, fear and nervousness of modern man.

Nataly Fish

An Easy Way to Quit Smoking

An Easy Way to Quit Smoking

Nataly Fish

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

Dans l’intimité des saunas sacrés d’Estonie, tous les rituels de la vie se croisent. Les femmes y racontent ce qu’elles taisent partout ailleurs, et dans la fumée des pierres brûlantes, la condition féminine apparaît, dans toute sa vérité et sa force éternelle.

Nataly Fish

Stale Smoke

Stale Smoke

Can we say that we were sexually assaulted by our brother to our own mother? The obvious answer should be yes. However, few come out of the silence. The question we ask ourselves is "Why are't we talking about it?"

Nataly Fish

I Still Hide to Smoke

I Still Hide to Smoke

Au cœur du hammam loin du regard accusateur des hommes, mères, amantes, vierges ou exaltées islamistes, des fesses et des foulards de Dieu se confrontent, s’interpellent entre fous rires, pleurs et colères, bible et coran… avant le sifflement d’un poignard et le silence de Dieu.

Nataly Fish

Smoke Over London

Smoke Over London

Dante Fontana is an antique dealer from Perugia infatuated with the culture of the British upper classes. His wife and relatives mock him and snub him, seeing him as a silly daydreamer doing no serious work. Unfussed, Dante plans a vacation to London to learn more about the culture he so admires. However, once in London, he struggles to fit in, is ..

Nataly Fish

The Smoke Master

The Smoke Master

The journey of Gabriel and Daniel, two brothers cursed by the Chinese mafia with its feared Three Generations Revenge, who have already reaped the life of their grandfather and their father. To survive, one of the brothers must learn the Smoke Style secrets, a little known Cannabis martial art, taught by a single master, high up in the mountains.

Nataly Fish

Kiss in the Smoking Room

Kiss in the Smoking Room

A lonely, shy guy wants to start a conversation with anyone in a bar, but, not having the courage to do so, goes to a smoking room, where he meets a girl, one look at whom takes his imagination away.

Nataly Fish

As Not to Fly the Smoke

As Not to Fly the Smoke

Fahmi Abdul Hadi .. A distinguished student of law school .. His dreams are simple and his actions are ideal and pure .. Fahmi collides with the bitter reality of life when losing his mother because he cannot afford the price of her treatment. At a time, He watches his colleagues around him spend money like water and making fun of his poverty and e..

Nataly Fish



The young man, originally a Jew, is deeply burdened by the consequences of war, in which he had lost his loved ones. He is considering himself mandatory to take revenge to former commander of the concentration camp where his family was killed, and who returns from prison after serving the minimum sentence. Coincidentally, planned revenge takes a di..

Nataly Fish

Mi$e à prix

Mi$e à prix

Stanley Locke, directeur adjoint du FBI, envoie ses meilleurs agents, Richard Messner et Donald Carruthers, à Lake Tahoe. Ils ont pour mission de retrouver Buddy "Aces" Israel, un magicien louche de Las Vegas, et de le protéger de Primo Sparazza, un gros bonnet de la Mafia dont on dit qu'il a fait assassiner plus de 130 personnes. Buddy a en effe..

Nataly Fish

Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais… elle cause !

Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais… elle cause !

Germaine, une femme de ménage, a trois clients, un caissier suppléant à la prévoyance de crédit, une présentatrice télé et un éducateur d'enfants, et apprend certains de leurs secrets (assez inavouables). En révélant habilement ces secrets, elle arrivera à ce que le caissier fasse chanter la présentatrice qui fera chanter l'éducateur ..

Nataly Fish



Un homme d'affaires voyage vers l'ouest pour rejoindre sa fiancée dans les montagnes.

Nataly Fish

Diary of a Beloved Wife: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Diary of a Beloved Wife: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Chiho has prohibited her husband, Takahashi, from smoking while she is trying to become pregnant. Takahashi hasn’t told his wife he was laid off, and has a paid sexual encounter with a high-school student, attracted by the pungent odor of her cigarettes, Peace Regulars. That evening, Chiho became outraged by the foul odor of the Peace Regulars sa..

Nataly Fish

The Smoke Seller

The Smoke Seller

A salesman comes to town offering an extraordinary merchandise: to realize the dreams of its inhabitants, though, for a small fee. However, the locals do not have time to fantasize, more busy with their chores.

Nataly Fish

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