
Believe Me: The Cyprus Rape Case

Believe Me: The Cyprus Rape Case

A British teenager tried and persecuted over a gang-rape claim in Cyprus in 2019 gives her first TV interview to Julie Etchingham, putting forward her side of the story.

Nataly Fish

Rape for Who I Am

Rape for Who I Am

Homosexuality is one of Africa’s last great taboos. In South Africa, homophobia is being ‘expressed’ through targeted rape of black lesbians. Four extraordinary women expose harrowing experiences and the struggles of African lesbians.

Nataly Fish

Acquaintance Rape Prevention

Acquaintance Rape Prevention

Presents a four-part series of trigger films designed to raise the consciousness of young adult audiences in an effort to reduce rape among acquaintances. Pt. 1: The party game- How ineffective communication can contribute to sexual assault. Pt. 2: The date- How sex role stereotypes contribute to sexual assault. Pt. 3: Just one of the boys- How pee..

Nataly Fish



The myths of the Suruí-Aikewara indigenous people, from Brazil, about the sky constellations.

Nataly Fish

Slut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape Trial

Slut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape Trial

York University alumni Mandi Gray is forced to grapple with a university administration, legal system and police force unwilling to take seriously her report of rape by a fellow PhD student.

Nataly Fish

To Rappel

To Rappel

The prelude of the romance between a married family man and his attractive nephew.

Nataly Fish

Weapon of War: Confessions of rape in Congo

Weapon of War: Confessions of rape in Congo

Wherever war breaks out, men with guns rape. During the decades of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo possibly hundreds of thousands of women and girls were brutally raped. In WEAPON OF WAR military perpetrators unveil what lies behind this brutal behavior and the strategies of rape as a war crime. An ex-rebel explains how he raped. Like ..

Nataly Fish

The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo

The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo

Since the late 1990s, more people have died in war-torn Congo than in any conflict since World War II. In addition to the dead, hundreds of thousands of woman and girls have been raped. Rape, explains a British colonel, is a weapon of war, part of a destabilization covering the theft of valuable minerals. Rape victims are traumatized, injured, aban..

Nataly Fish

Rape in the Ranks: The Enemy Within

Rape in the Ranks: The Enemy Within

This hard-hitting film is the first to cover the shocking story of sexual harassment and rape of American women soldiers. The Pentagon has acknowledged receiving 3,000 reports of sexual mistreatment in one year alone. These female soldiers were not attacked by the Afghan or Iraqi "enemy," but by colleagues in their own platoons and sometimes by the..

Nataly Fish

Fields of Rape

Fields of Rape

All the poor dying guy wants is to return once more to the giant field of rape of his youth. Seems reasonable.

Nataly Fish

The Rape of Tutankhamun

The Rape of Tutankhamun

John Romer’s documentary, originally broadcast on Channel 4 in 1993, where he sets out a case for a sympathetic and effective conservation of ancient Egyptian culture.

Nataly Fish

Mr Rape's First Date

Mr Rape's First Date

In a future where entertainment is outlaw a man finds an old television that informs him to commit crimes

Nataly Fish

The Marita Gonzaga Rape-Slay: In God We Trust!

The Marita Gonzaga Rape-Slay: In God We Trust!

Sexually assualted to death by unknown gangs, which is led by Brando Legaspi's wild obsession.

Nataly Fish

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape

An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys," "The Sleep Creep," "The Meat Man," and "Silver Bullets," each of which obliquely dramatizes an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. "What Fun We We..

Nataly Fish

She Stole My Voice: A Documentary About Lesbian Rape

She Stole My Voice: A Documentary About Lesbian Rape

In one of the most important and controversial documentaries of the last five years, filmmakers Justine Chang and Armand Kaye examine a crime that has been ignored, discounted, and even declared impossible. The result of years of research and production, She Stole My Voice: A Documentary About Lesbian Rape is a jarring, terrifying, and eye-opening ..

Nataly Fish

Rape within the family: The Philippines’ Silent Incest Problem

Rape within the family: The Philippines’ Silent Incest Problem

Incest rape happens far more often in the country than official data shows, but it remains to be an unspeakable secret within families – leaving girls to suffer repeated abuse for years inside their own homes.

Nataly Fish

The Unspeakable Crime: Rape

The Unspeakable Crime: Rape

Directed by Sara Hardy and Blue Ryan.

Nataly Fish

The Rape of Ganymede

The Rape of Ganymede

Ganymede tells what really happened up there on Mount Olympus.

Nataly Fish

Rape for Profit

Rape for Profit

An up-close look at the true nature of the sex trade. The film unveils a growing problem in major U.S. cities where girls as young as 12 years old are bought and sold as many as 15 times a night to service the desires of men. Experience the shocking truth and follow several heroes as they fight to end this modern-day slavery and stop the next gener..

Nataly Fish

Rape Story

Rape Story

A Los Angeles victim that was raped in the rainy night of 30 June 2005.

Nataly Fish

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