
Les mains libres

Les mains libres

Barbara est réalisatrice et travaille dans le milieu carcéral depuis plusieurs années. Elle prépare un film écrit et interprété par des détenus de longue peine dans une maison centrale de la banlieue parisienne. Deux fois par semaine, Barbara se rend à la Centrale où elle réalise avec les détenus, des entretiens qui serviront de base à..

Nataly Fish

Les Petites Mains

Les Petites Mains

Léo, un an et demi, est le fils du directeur d'une usine de produits chimiques. Quand les employés apprennent la fermeture du site, Bruno, un ouvrier plus radical, enlève Léo pour tenter de négocier...

Nataly Fish

Cybermonde - L'avenir c'est maintenant

Cybermonde - L'avenir c'est maintenant

La promesse d'Internet, l'or noir des data, l'intelligence artificielle, la cyberguerre : en quatre tableaux, revue des récents bouleversements causés par l'irruption du cyber dans nos vies.

Nataly Fish

I Am Yet to See Delhi

I Am Yet to See Delhi

In Delhi to study film, "I" listens for the breath of its residents on the streets, in the markets, outside the mosques, and at the tourist sites. Dissolving into these her own thoughts and feelings in the process, she makes the city resonate for us.

Nataly Fish

La Main du saigneur

La Main du saigneur

Deux jeunes gens se rendent à une soirée branchée, qui tourne très rapidement au massacre. Le tueur, masqué, repart avec l'une des invitées, aveugle heureusement. Celle-ci en tombe amoureuse, sans savoir qu'il est un être monstrueux et meurtrier, mais aussi en manque d'amour. Poète et philosophe, il a de plus un gros problème de communicat..

Nataly Fish



Chinese teenagers from the wealthy elite, with big American dreams, settle into a boarding school in small-town Maine. As their fuzzy visions of the American dream slowly gain more clarity, their relationship to home takes on a poignant new aspect.

Nataly Fish

Maintenant que l'été est fini

Maintenant que l'été est fini

"Maintenant que l'été est fini" et dans l'ensemble de la forêt, les écureuils travaillent en train de recueillir des glands pendant l'hiver froid qui s'annonce. Mais un jeune écureuil a une meilleure idée ... gland glands en tirant des dés. Son père désapprouve le plan, mais ne peut pas faire cesser son jeu. L'hiver arrive et le père envo..

Nataly Fish

Belfast, Maine

Belfast, Maine

BELFAST, MAINE is a film about ordinary experience in a beautiful old New England port city. It is a portrait of daily life with particular emphasis on the work and the cultural life of the community. Among the activities shown in the film are the work of lobstermen, tug-boat operators, factory workers, shop owners, city counselors, doctors, judges..

Nataly Fish

La main rouge du diable

La main rouge du diable

Cinq vieux copains se retrouvent pour une réunion d'anciens du lycée. Les souvenirs refont surface et laissent soudain place à une histoire terrifiante de vengeance et d'un homme enterré vivant. Les amis vont alors être obligés de revivre ce sombre passé, ce qui va les améner à un événement plus effroyable encore.

Nataly Fish

Almost, Maine

Almost, Maine

As the northern lights flicker above them, the residents of Almost, Maine, find themselves falling in and out of love in the most unexpected ways.

Nataly Fish

Burial of the 'Maine' Victims

Burial of the 'Maine' Victims

Views of the burial in Key West of victims of the USS Maine.

Nataly Fish

Logging in Maine

Logging in Maine

The subject is the movement of cut timber from the forest to the mill. The few scenes that make up the film are loggers performing the various operations necessary to prevent logs from jamming together. The men keep them headed with the flow of the water toward the lake on which the mill is located. The activities of approximately a dozen men were ..

Nataly Fish

Just Maine Folks

Just Maine Folks

Out in the farm-lands near Portland, the Widow Walters lives with her daughter Ethel. As far as affections are concerned, those of the widow are confined to her daughter, until Squire Lang, a fat old widower, with his son Harry, moves onto the adjoining farm. One day Harry leaves his plowing, when he catches sight of Ethel. They rush to the gate to..

Nataly Fish

Maine Seasons

Maine Seasons

Come back home to the Pine Tree State as you explore the breathtaking beauty of Maine's beaches, forests and other timeless sites.

Nataly Fish

Over the North of Maine

Over the North of Maine

This breathtaking aerial tour showcases the many beautiful sights of the northern region of Maine.

Nataly Fish

Dirigo: Maine at Gettysburg

Dirigo: Maine at Gettysburg

Fifteen units of Maine soldiers–infantry, artillery, and cavalry - were all part of the Union army at Gettysburg. Their contributions were heroic and vital. What they did when they were called upon helped determine the Civil War.

Nataly Fish

Light Spirit: Lighthouses of the Maine Coast

Light Spirit: Lighthouses of the Maine Coast

All about lighthouses.

Nataly Fish

Maine Biographies: L.L. Bean

Maine Biographies: L.L. Bean

Hosted by Jack Perkins (of A&E's "Biography" series), this documentary profiles the life of L.L. Bean, the Maine outdoorsman turned entrepreneur who created one of the most iconic brands in American history.

Nataly Fish

She Burns in Hell: Accounts from Chamberlain, Maine

She Burns in Hell: Accounts from Chamberlain, Maine

A small group of survivors describe their encounters with Carrie White the fateful night she went to her prom...and unleashed hell upon the town of Chamberlain, Maine. "She Burns" is a fan-film based upon a small sliver of the terrifying and electrifying novel by Stephen King.

Nataly Fish

Manchester City - The Maine Road to Glory

Manchester City - The Maine Road to Glory

An insight into the history of Manchester City FC, in its 113 year history, during which they won two League Championships, four FA Cups and the European Cup Winner's Cup. Players past and present talk about their times with the team and some fans, famous and not so famous talk about their dedication to their team. Present manager Joe Royle also di..

Nataly Fish

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