
In the Belly of a Whale

In the Belly of a Whale

Berlin has long established itself as one of the first places to go for up-and-coming creative minds from all over the world and clearly stands out within the German art scene. But what draws the young bohemian to the cultural metropolis on the Spree of all places? And what opportunities and dangers does the existing oversupply on the art market ho..

Nataly Fish

The Whale That Swam To London

The Whale That Swam To London

In January 2006, a Northern bottlenose whale swam into the River Thames. This is her story and the story of her rescue.

Nataly Fish

The whaler

The whaler

In 2022, Iceland killed 160 Fin whales, the second largest animal in the world: an endangered species. In fact, the International Commission whaling commission has banned its capture worldwide. How is it then that the slaughter continues? The journalistic investigation “The Whaler” has contributed to the suspension, in summer 2023, of Fin wha..

Nataly Fish

Les Derniers Baleiniers de São Miguel

Les Derniers Baleiniers de São Miguel

Dans ce documentaire, des habitants des Açores revivent l'époque controversée de la pêche à la baleine et se demandent pourquoi il en reste peu de traces historiques.

Nataly Fish

The Whale Song

The Whale Song

The everyday life of Marek, a pharmacist, is a B-class movie. When a beautiful girl with herpes appears in the pharmacy, the hero escapes into the world of fantasy. He begins to direct his life as a great artistic cinema, in which he himself appears as an omnipotent creator.

Nataly Fish

The World of Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale

The World of Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale

Written, co-produced and co-directed by David J. Skal, THE WORLD OF GODS AND MONSTERS is a behind-the scenes chronicle of the making of the 1998 Academy Award-winning film GODS AND MONSTERS starring Ian McKellen, Brendan Fraser and Lynn Redgrave. Narrated by author/ filmmaker Clive Barker, the documentary interweaves the life and career of James Wh..

Nataly Fish

Flipping the Whale

Flipping the Whale

Captain William Moore leads an expedition of scientists into the "Ravenswood Ocean", a dimensional realm where dreams and memories of the human race collect. The goal is to study the Ravenswood in an effort to guide humanity toward more effective inner harmony, but it eventually becomes clear to the other scientists that Moore has only been using t..

Nataly Fish

The Whale Story

The Whale Story

A diver encounters an injured whale. He decides to help the animal and gets a friendly look of thanks. For the space of a few seconds, the border between the two species seems permeable. The whale disappears in the depths of the ocean and leaves the diver wondering whether this was all just a projection of human hopes.

Nataly Fish

The Whale Tattoo

The Whale Tattoo

The Whale Tattoo follows Joe who returns to the small Norfolk fishing town where he grew up to confront the past. Haunted by death, trauma and unfulfilled love, he soon learns the disturbing truth about the river running alongside the house his estranged father still lives in.

Nataly Fish

Fishtales: The Christmas Whale

Fishtales: The Christmas Whale

Celebrate Fishmas with the sea creatures of fish tale reef. Join Fifi and Lily as they celebrate their favorite holiday and learn more about love and friendship. It's time for The Christmas Whale!

Nataly Fish

Ode to the Whale of Christ

Ode to the Whale of Christ

She carries He, a forever sleeping man.

Nataly Fish

The Story is About a Shark and a Whale
The Whale Hunter

The Whale Hunter

The shy Byung-tae has a crush on Mi-ran, a college student. He fails to win her over. Disheartened, Byung-tae runs away from home in search of something more. He wanders the streets when he meets and hangs out with Min-wu, a beggar. They walk around the city when they meet Chun-ja, a mute maiden, in the red district. With Min-wu's support, Byung-ta..

Nataly Fish

Carried in the Whale

Carried in the Whale

A straight-laced Canadian discovers L.A.-- and himself-- while searching for answers after the nervous breakdown of his estranged brother, a professional skateboarder.

Nataly Fish

Pour la suite du monde

Pour la suite du monde

Une pêche au marsouin abandonnée depuis trente-huit ans est reconstituée pour le film par les habitants de l'Ile-aux-Coudres. Le marsouin sera ensuite transporté vers un zoo de New York.

Nataly Fish

Predators of the Wild: Killer Whale

Predators of the Wild: Killer Whale

This video examines the killer whale, one of nature's greatest predators. It is part of a multi-volume Time Warner series that markets the ferocious, killing aspects of various wild animals.

Nataly Fish

The Bone of a Whale

The Bone of a Whale

The lives of two beach drifters are interrupted by the discovery of a mysterious bone.

Nataly Fish

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures: Sea Ghosts and Call of the Killer Whale

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures: Sea Ghosts and Call of the Killer Whale

A pair of voyages with noted ocean explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau reveals the surprising interdependence between marine mammals and humans, as well as how climate change, pollution and dwindling habitat affect life both on land and in the sea. In "Sea Ghosts," Cousteau journeys to the Arctic to document conservation efforts aimed at protecting white..

Nataly Fish

Tahlequah the Whale: A Dance of Grief

Tahlequah the Whale: A Dance of Grief

In the aftermath of her newborn baby's sudden death, orca mother Tahlequah carries her daughter's body across the Salish Sea in the incredible true story that captivated the world.

Nataly Fish

Fly! Peek the Whale

Fly! Peek the Whale

As a little boy Kei saw his fisherman father lost at sea only seconds after catching his parting gift of a pan flute carved from whalebone. A few years later young Kei and his kid brother Moito discover a baby whale trapped by a rock in a shallow inlet near the Spanish coast.

Nataly Fish

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