
Wild Desert

Wild Desert

Wild Desert has enough ingredients to be a cool enough action movie.

Nataly Fish

The Prequel of Gold Convoyers: A Battle of Desert

The Prequel of Gold Convoyers: A Battle of Desert

Martial arts film about officers dispatched to investigate a murder case and solving problems with their agile abilities.

Nataly Fish

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Deserter
Treasure of the Lost Desert

Treasure of the Lost Desert

A Green Beret is sent to the Middle East to combat an Arab terrorist.

Nataly Fish

Le déserteur

Le déserteur

A soldier steals his officer's money and asks the music-hall singer he is mad about to run awy with him.

Nataly Fish

Demons of the Desert

Demons of the Desert

A backwoods biker cult plotting world domination stay busy kidnapping, robbing and murdering people.

Nataly Fish



Two (female) soldiers are alone in the Israeli desert as a part of their final Officers' school Exam - A land navigation. Things are getting complicated when one of them can't find her weapon.

Nataly Fish

Le Désert de Pigalle

Le Désert de Pigalle

Un jeune prêtre ouvrier travaille comme barman dans un bar à Pigalle. Il essaye d'empêcher des jeunes filles à se prostituer, et doit repousser les avances de Josy, tombée amoureuse de lui.

Nataly Fish

Foreign Desert

Foreign Desert

A young Brazilian, who has just started working in a huge forest in Berlin, is dragged into a nightmare involving the German colonial past when he tries to find a girl lost in the woods.

Nataly Fish

Pelican in the Desert

Pelican in the Desert

Latgale is a land on the very eastern edge of the European Union. Sometimes it seems like a land in the middle of a body of water. At other times, it seems a desert with the ark of rescued humanity all covered by sand. The film presents a land that is made by people, spiritual and physical extremes of living and thoroughly Christian resurrection.

Nataly Fish

Lumières du désert

Lumières du désert

Dans l’obscurité du désert mexicain, d’étranges lumières apparaissent. Une histoire commune, racontée à plusieurs voix, de forme chorale, est dessinée par les expériences individuelles. La rencontre avec ce phénomène lumineux peut être surprenante, dangereuse, voire fatale. La nuit n’est pas si noire qu’elle le semble et le dése..

Nataly Fish

Schrödinger's Deserted Island

Schrödinger's Deserted Island

In a time when communication between parallel worlds has become commonplace, Gyeong-sin hears about a special kindergarten from her counterpart in a parallel world.

Nataly Fish

Rock Deserters

Rock Deserters

Belgrade rock musicians and critics talk about the glorious days of Yugoslav new wave that had its peak in 1981.

Nataly Fish

Les Pierres bleues du désert

Les Pierres bleues du désert

Najib, un jeune Marocain, fasciné par la possibilité d'existence de pierres bleues dans le désert, est incompris et exclu par sa communauté. Seul le marabout du village croit en ses qualités.

Nataly Fish

Desert Dream

Desert Dream

In a vast desert area somewhere at the border between Mongolia and China, Hungai lives together with his wife and child. Dutifully, Hungai plants little trees in the desert. After his wife embarks on a long trip to a hospital in the capital Ulaanbaatar to have their sick son examined, Hungai starts to drink out of loneliness. One day, a North Korea..

Nataly Fish

A Woman Singing in the Desert

A Woman Singing in the Desert

Bustling around a fiery oven, a woman baker explains her struggles and highlights the multitude of complicated roles women play in Afghan society.

Nataly Fish

Mother of Desert

Mother of Desert

A story of a mother, in village of Thar desert in border area, who sacrificed her motherhood for the justice to her country and for a soldier whom she also said to be her son. She did not even thought for a single minute for her only son who could get into difficulty.

Nataly Fish

Rajasthan, musiques du Désert

Rajasthan, musiques du Désert

Le Rajasthan : une terre aride et col­orée, dont l’extraordinaire vital­ité des tra­di­tions tient à ce qu’elles sont liées à des modes de pen­sée et de vie ances­traux de com­mu­nautés rurales dont la trans­for­ma­tion s’effectue très lente­ment, par absorp­tion du passé. Des musiques populaires : fondées sur l’art ..

Nataly Fish

Desert Road

Desert Road

In Mexico there are just over 150 films a year, half of them have support or encouragement from the State for their production, only half get projected on a screen commercially or in Festivals and only some of these films are independent. A documentary that arises from the same filming of an independent film, filmed for 4 weeks in Durango in the mi..

Nataly Fish

The Desert Swordsman

The Desert Swordsman

The story of Chen Shishiang, the chief bodyguard master of the Yixing Bodyguard Guild, who is forced to take the last mission, and who is forced to fight against the Black Fist Gang in the crisis-ridden Black Light Inn

Nataly Fish

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