
Miracle in Cell No. 7

Miracle in Cell No. 7

Séparé de sa fille, un père avec un handicap mental doit prouver son innocence lorsqu'il est arrêté pour le meurtre d'une enfant.

Nataly Fish

The Silence Of The Cells

The Silence Of The Cells

What happens with women in Moroccan prisons? Walls of concrete and silence are hiding a taboo, which is difficult to remove. The director Mohamed Nabil did everything to tell the story of Moroccan women’s prison. After many difficulties and two years of waiting for a filming permit, he and his team were finally able to enter this secret world.

Nataly Fish

The Chicken In The Cell

The Chicken In The Cell

About a chicken in a little cell, which did not want to be friends with anyone, because all the rest were some in a spot, some in a stripe, and some in a flower. A chicken was looking for someone just like him for friendship, until he got into trouble...

Nataly Fish

The Cellar

The Cellar

Nataly Fish

The Cellar

The Cellar

An animation, based on Szczepan Twardoch's screenplay "In the Cellar" and Aleksandra Waliszewska's paintings.

Nataly Fish

The Cellar

The Cellar

The family of the famous artist Eve and pilot Thom starts to experience bizzare incidents after a stranger disappears in their cellar

Nataly Fish

The Cell

The Cell

This is an adaptation of film director Horst Blenek's own novel Die Zelle, which is based on the experiences he suffered as a political prisoner in East Germany and in Russia in the '50s. Filmed in black and white, the dark filming emulates the oppression experienced by the prisoner. In the story, the writer is a prisoner who has not yet been "brok..

Nataly Fish

La Cellule

La Cellule

Today is the apocalypse. And it is at Charles Péguy College that the future of the world is decided: a group of children with strange powers are taking matters into their own hands.

Nataly Fish

The Cello

The Cello

A little boy is learning to play the cello and really wants to love music, but so far only frustrated sounds are coming from his instrument. A magical adventure in which Paganini's "Campanella" will bring to life the heroes of his fantasies, helps the child to feel the music with all his soul.

Nataly Fish

From the Cellar of the Student Council

From the Cellar of the Student Council

From the Association for Young Danish Art: The Student Council's premises, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 6 December. 1967

Nataly Fish

The Cellar

The Cellar

Four college students majoring in art have rented a remote summerhouse for the weekend to get some peace and quiet while working on their latest projects. Their stay quickly becomes increasingly unpleasant however as they start having strange visions. Is the house haunted or are their minds just playing tricks on them? Well, they're just about to f..

Nataly Fish

The Invicible Cell

The Invicible Cell

"Blekingegadebanden" is the true story of a group of young Danish idealists who lost their grip on their own morality. They risked their own freedom and the lives of others and feasibility of raising money for a case that was bigger than themselves. They started as political activists, but came deeper and deeper into an organization that had severa..

Nataly Fish

Dans la Cave

Dans la Cave

Two thugs conk the proprietor of a bistro on the head and drag him downstairs to the cellar where he stores his wine. While they plot the next step of whatever they are doing, two gendarmes come in to finish their meal. Running short of wine, one heads down to the cellar.

Nataly Fish

Towards the Salt Cellar

Towards the Salt Cellar

The Hungarian family make their best to entertain the German exchange-student with traditional Hungarian dishes. The rather insignificant head of the family tries to reach for the salt cellar but can't do it, while his family keeps on chatting and eating without noticing that someone has gone missing from the table.

Nataly Fish

The Glass Cell

The Glass Cell

A man is wrongfully imprisoned for five years. Once out, he hears about his wife's supposed adventures outside of their marriage and becomes increasingly jealous.

Nataly Fish

Cellule 211

Cellule 211

Soucieux de faire bonne impression, Juan débute un jour plus tôt son nouveau travail dans une prison de haute sécurité. Mauvais timing. À peine arrivé, il se retrouve au cœur d'une émeute. Personne ne le connaît et le hasard va lui permettre de se faire passer pour un prisonnier. Il peut ainsi approcher le leader de l'insurrection. Quand ..

Nataly Fish

Music in Nazi Germany - The maestro and the cellist of Auschwitz

Music in Nazi Germany - The maestro and the cellist of Auschwitz

The stories of Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who survived Auschwitz, and of star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who worked with the Nazis, provide insight. The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the Third Reich - albeit in very different ways. Wilhelm Furtwängler was a star conductor; Anita Lasker-Wallfis..

Nataly Fish

The Cellar Lanes of Lower Austria - Wine Culture and the Pleasures of Life

The Cellar Lanes of Lower Austria - Wine Culture and the Pleasures of Life

A Kellergasse – the cellar lane – is one of the distinguishing cultural and physical features of the winegrowing region Niederösterreich – Lower Austria. There are more than a thousand of them. Until recently, wine was not only stored in the Kellergasse, but pressed and fermented there as well. Today, the Kellergassen have less to do with oc..

Nataly Fish

Tales from the Prison Cell

Tales from the Prison Cell

L’imagination peut-elle vous libérer ? Trois pères emprisonnés écrivent des contes de fées pour leurs enfants qui deviendront des courts-métrages dans le cadre d’un atelier au sein de la prison. Des œuvres parfois maladroites, mais chargées de tendresse qui racontent combien la prison affecte la vie d’un foyer, abîme les relations en..

Nataly Fish

Miracle in Cell No. 7

Miracle in Cell No. 7

Yong Gu a l’âge mental d’un enfant de 6 ans. Il vit une vie tranquille avec sa jeune fille qui l'aide dans son quotidien. Un jour, suite à sa présence sur les lieux d'un meurtre et sa condition mentale, il est accusé d’un crime qu’il n’a pas commis. Il se retrouve dans une cellule réunissant les plus gros durs de la prison qui, au d�..

Nataly Fish

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