
The Snow White Syndrome

The Snow White Syndrome

Nataly Fish

Celebrating Walt Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': The One That Started It All

Celebrating Walt Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': The One That Started It All

By what name was Celebrating Walt Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': The One That Started It All (1990) officially released in Canada in English

Nataly Fish

The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: Snow White / The Wolf and Seven Little Kids

The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: Snow White / The Wolf and Seven Little Kids

This animated tale, adapted from the Grimms' "Snow White," tells the story of a beauty and her evil stepmother, whose jealousy is thwarted by the kindness of strangers. A bonus feature, "Snow White / The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" is included.

Nataly Fish

Blanc comme neige

Blanc comme neige

A father, a son. A snowy retreat, once appreciated, in deep woods. A tete-a-tete that will change their life forever.

Nataly Fish

Snow White isn't a Fairy Tale

Snow White isn't a Fairy Tale

The young girl chooses a life on social media for the safety she has created for herself. She hates her name Snow White because to her, she is not a princess. She ran into a friend and he gave her a different perspective on how to look at life.

Nataly Fish

Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and her sister Rose Red try to help two princes stop an evil dwarf from robbing the royalty of their wealth.

Nataly Fish

Snow-White and Rose-Red

Snow-White and Rose-Red

1938 German adaptation of the Snow-White and Rose-Red fable.

Nataly Fish

Real Stories: A Snow White Story

Real Stories: A Snow White Story

The litte girl and her mother sit down on a seat. The little girl asks her mother to tell the story of "Pamuk Princess". When the mother starts to tell the story, it is understood that the story was different form the known one; Pamuk Princess is a prostitute, the Prince is a looser living on the streets and the bad Witch is a procurer in the stor..

Nataly Fish

Snow White

Snow White

One of five animated fairy tales with a twist.

Nataly Fish

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is considered by many to be the best fairy tale of all. It best describes the diversity of people; evil, cruelty, greed, selfishness, goodness, kindness, nobility and even innocence. The story has many lessons, the most important of which is that goodness always wins.

Nataly Fish

Snow White and the Three Pigs

Snow White and the Three Pigs

Nataly Fish

Snow White and the Prince of Frogs

Snow White and the Prince of Frogs

A twist on the classic tale of Snow White which has been fused with the tale of the Frog Prince in this animated feature length film.

Nataly Fish

The Dwarf and the 7 Snow Whites

The Dwarf and the 7 Snow Whites

Thanasis (Nikos Rizos) arrives in Athens and gets a job at the shop where the "The 7 Snowmen" band appears, in which a friend (Elsa Rizou) of a friend of his (Athenodoros Prossalis) participates. He will fall in love with the head of the band (Despina Stylianopoulou), and after two misunderstandings they will finally get married.

Nataly Fish

Snow White and the 7 Old Boys

Snow White and the 7 Old Boys

Alexia is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with a rich man, Paris, who is studying abroad. Her stepmother treats her cruelly and forces her to escape from home. Alexia finds herself in an isolated area by chance, where she is discovered by seven brothers who live together in a nearby house. The seven bachelors put her up ..

Nataly Fish

The Snow-White Bride

The Snow-White Bride

Under the pretext of treating Baghdad, Kamazhai goes to Almaty to regain her grandson, with whom her son and young Kelin moved from a traditional village to the city.

Nataly Fish

Hello Kitty and Friends, Vol. 2: Snow White and Other Adventures
Lady Snowblood

Lady Snowblood

Une mère privée de sa famille, humiliée, violée puis emprisonnée donne naissance à une fille durant sa captivité, Yuki. Cette dernière sera élevée pour devenir un instrument de vengeance redoutable.

Nataly Fish

Le Chasseur et la Reine des glaces

Le Chasseur et la Reine des glaces

Il y a fort longtemps, bien avant qu’elle ne tombe sous l’épée de Blanche Neige, la reine Ravenna avait dû assister, sans mot dire, à la trahison amoureuse qui avait contraint sa sœur Freya à quitter leur royaume, le cœur brisé.

Nataly Fish

Blanche-Neige et le Château hanté

Blanche-Neige et le Château hanté

A l'aide de son miroir magique, Maliss, le Magicien des ténèbres, a retrouvé Blanche-Neige. Grâce à ses pouvoirs, il se transforme en dragon et capture Blanche-Neige. Le très courageux prince s'élance à leur poursuite et furieux d'avoir été vaincu Maliss lui jette un sort. Avec l'aide des sept cousines des sept nains, de Mère Nature et d..

Nataly Fish

Il était une fois Blanche Neige, 1 pomme, 3 petits cochons, 7 nains

Il était une fois Blanche Neige, 1 pomme, 3 petits cochons, 7 nains

Jeune femme moderne, Blanche Neige préfère s’amuser avec ses amies La Petite Bergère, Boucles d’or et Le Petit Chaperon Rouge plutôt que d’aider les habitants du royaume. Son père, le roi Cole, dépassé par la situation, décide de se remarier et charge la Bonne Fée de lui trouver sa future femme. Mais la maladresse de Mambo et Munk qu..

Nataly Fish

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