
Highway Landscape

Highway Landscape

The filmmaker describes his work as 'a single take, fixed camera meditation on a dead rabbit on Highway No. 1, outside Iowa City.' As the viewer stares at the almost still-life, the elements of composition come together in sad juxtaposition; the silence of death is set off against the impersonal whizz of passing cars, their momentary appearance in ..

Nataly Fish

Canadian Landscape

Canadian Landscape

This documentary follows painter A.Y. Jackson on his canoe trips and on foot to the northern wilderness of Canada in autumn. This leading member of the Group of Seven discusses his approach to his subject matter and shows some of his paintings.

Nataly Fish

Paper Landscape

Paper Landscape

An expanded film performance by Guy Sherwin using a transparent screen and white paint

Nataly Fish

Living Landscapes: The World's Most Beautiful Places
The Landscape

The Landscape

short animated film which won national award

Nataly Fish

Fractured Landscapes

Fractured Landscapes

Using multiple layers of the same shot and animating masks on each produces a wide variety of effects that fracture and distort the shot. These were used here for NYC buildings, to create a dissonant urban symphony. The music is classical piano pieces played backwards.

Nataly Fish

Changed Landscape

Changed Landscape

Changed Landscape observes the mundane lives of cows, donkeys, ducks and humans, and juxtaposes them with the soundtrack of spectacular and catastrophic news headlines happening in the world at large. It depicts a natural world moving towards an ominous shift.

Nataly Fish

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

In Pieter Bruegel's painting, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus," the fall of the god, Icarus, passes unnoticed on earth. The farmers continue to work the land and the boats sail on. As William Carlos Williams later wrote in his poem of the same name, "a once mighty god becomes a little splash quite unnoticed." In Chris Sullivan's version, Icarus ..

Nataly Fish

Landscape (Western Hemisphere)

Landscape (Western Hemisphere)

Landscape (Western Hemisphere) consists of close-up footage of O’Grady’s hair and scalp paired with what seem to be a few varieties of ambient sound.

Nataly Fish

Landscape with Duck

Landscape with Duck

A wayward duck misses his flock's migration south and must find a way to catch up to them.

Nataly Fish

Missing Landscape

Missing Landscape

A film by Anri Sala

Nataly Fish

In a winter landscape

In a winter landscape

December 2010 in the Cévennes.

Nataly Fish

Files in the Electronic Landscape

Files in the Electronic Landscape

Film of electronic text

Nataly Fish

Colorado Landscapes

Colorado Landscapes

The video is an aerial view of Colorado from a Cessna 180 flying over the cities to the mountain peaks, over rivers, farms, canyons and deserts.

Nataly Fish

Inner Landscape

Inner Landscape

Documentary about the creation of the chamber opera Si Fan, composed by Chinese composer Guo Wenjing in 2015 for the Nieuw Ensemble. In Si Fan (‘yearnings of love’), Guo combines traditional opera from his native Sichuan with his own music. "I don’t think when composing, I follow my heart", Guo says to Ed Spanjaard, head conductor of the Nieu..

Nataly Fish

Living Landscape Earthscapes - Flowers & Gardens

Living Landscape Earthscapes - Flowers & Gardens

Découvrez la beauté dans de vastes champs de tulipes aux couleurs vives. Une roseraie renversante avec des dizaines de variétés et des papillons aux couleurs vibrantes dans un jardin élégant.

Nataly Fish

Living Landscapes: Wild Africa

Living Landscapes: Wild Africa

Les programmes Living Landscapes Earthscapes transforment votre écran en une fenêtre sur les paysages naturels les plus inspirants du monde. Afrique sauvage vous emmène dans un safari virtuel pour voir le dernier refuge de la vie sauvage ancienne de l’Afrique, un paradis pratiquement inchangé depuis des lustres. Découvrez de magnifiques trou..

Nataly Fish

Living Landscapes: Sacred Canyons of the American Southwest

Living Landscapes: Sacred Canyons of the American Southwest

Canyonlands Observez à travers de gracieuses arches en pierre sculptées par le vent, vos fenêtres sur un ciel bleu du désert profond et des vues sur des piliers de pierre arrondis, frappés de soleil en rouge et or éclatants. Parc national de Zion Détendez-vous près des falaises sinueuses de Sion, où des milliers de gouttelettes d'argent..

Nataly Fish

Living Landscapes: Flowers & Gardens

Living Landscapes: Flowers & Gardens

Découvrez la beauté dans de vastes champs de tulipes aux couleurs vives. Une roseraie renversante avec des dizaines de variétés et des papillons aux couleurs vibrantes dans un jardin élégant.

Nataly Fish

Landscape dynamics

Landscape dynamics

An investigation about human intervention in nature, from the subjective point of view of the camera, the environment and its transformation are observed.

Nataly Fish

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