
Guet-apens, des crimes invisibles

Guet-apens, des crimes invisibles

Fruit d’une enquête de plusieurs mois, ce film documentaire révèle l’ampleur d’un phénomène qu’on pouvait croire disparu: les pièges, parfois mortels, qui ciblent des homosexuels sur des applications ou des lieux de rencontre. Dix ans après la loi ouvrant le mariage aux couples de même sexe, il démontre la persistance de l’homoph..

Nataly Fish

Woody L'Invisible

Woody L'Invisible

Le dessin animé s’ouvre sur une ligne de gens (dont Woody) bavant à la fenêtre d’une boucherie (Buzz Buzzard). Ce qui s’ensuit est une courte série de gags sur la façon dont Buzz malhonnête (et littéralement) "jacks" à tous ses prix. Comme Woody est fauché comme d’habitude, il se faufile et se fait jeter par Buzz. En sortant, Woody..

Nataly Fish

Pour se frayer un chemin dans la jungle, il est bon de frapper avec un bâton pour écarter les dangers invisibles

Pour se frayer un chemin dans la jungle, il est bon de frapper avec un bâton pour écarter les dangers invisibles

This short film is part of the clandestine dialogues of the Nicolas Klotz and Élisabeth Perceval’s 2015 feature, “Ceremony”.

Nataly Fish

Las mujeres invisibles

Las mujeres invisibles

Nataly Fish

Los Amigos Invisibles - SesioneS con Alejandro Franco (Temporada 2)
Barreras Invisibles

Barreras Invisibles

Nataly Fish

Mujeres invisibles

Mujeres invisibles

Nataly Fish

Los invisibles

Los invisibles

Nataly Fish

The Invisibles

The Invisibles

Jude and Joy escape to her Parisian flat for a private detox. A dark comedy of word games, sex, fantasy and pop tarts.

Nataly Fish

Danse des habitants invisibles de la Casualidad

Danse des habitants invisibles de la Casualidad

En 1979, la dictature militaire argentine ferme la Casualidad, une mine de soufre située en pleine Cordillère des Andes, à 4 200 mètres d’altitude. Les deux mille habitants doivent s’exiler aux quatre coins du pays. Un seul homme est resté à la Casualidad, entre ruines et souvenirs, à deux cents kilomètres de la ville la plus proche.

Nataly Fish

The Streets of the Invisibles

The Streets of the Invisibles

Mike Stone (Karl Malden) and Steve Keller (Michael Douglas) are back on today's streets to catch a homicidal maniac who should have been incarcerated thirty years ago. The famous police drama of the 70s in today's Google Street View. A found footage movie exclusively using Google imagery (Street View, Earth & Maps) and audio material from the o..

Nataly Fish

Retratos Invisibles

Retratos Invisibles

A short film documentary on Los Amigos Invisibles where they take us through a journey of the meaning of music and their mixed feelings on the critical situation of their motherland: Venezuela. Shot in a few hours right before their show in Barcelona, Spain.

Nataly Fish

Éramos Invisibles

Éramos Invisibles

Honduras suffered a severe blow on June 28, when its president was kidnapped and forced into exile. Implementing a government, the church, the army and the oligarchy took over the institutionality. From that day on, the people of Honduras took to the streets, raising the country up in struggle. Taking over the streets, with fists and raised voices,..

Nataly Fish

La batalla de los invisibles

La batalla de los invisibles

Is a documentary film that focuses on the janitorial labor force from Puebla, Mexico and the exploitation of their labor by major U.S. supermarkets. It also tells the story of how thousands of workers from a rural town in Mexico became employed by California's

Nataly Fish

Zurcidos Invisibles

Zurcidos Invisibles

Destiny calls, waiting patiently. She dives deep into herself to heel her wounds...

Nataly Fish

Les Harmonies invisibles

Les Harmonies invisibles

Imprégnés par les légendes arctiques qui ont bercé leur enfance, Laurent et Vincent, deux frères partent à la recherche du légendaire narval. L'un est plongeur apnéiste, l'autre cinéaste. En chemin, ils rencontrent le peuple inuit avec qui ils vont partager une quête poétique en respiration avec le monde.

Nataly Fish

El juego de los mensajes invisibles

El juego de los mensajes invisibles

Based on the novel "Adopted son" of Álvaro Pombo. Pancho, a seventy years old man lives isolated in a Galician country house, not far from the sea, which is served by an old maid. Suddenly, the past bursts in his life with the unexpected visit of a man who twenty years before had been his secretary. Soon after, a boy, the son of the man, moves to..

Nataly Fish

Los Invisibles

Los Invisibles

The "Wizard" jewel thief made one of his misdeeds, to be discovered by the business owner, he gets into a toy store, and one of the dolls placed the brilliant he stole. Chip and Capulina are inventors and repairers, candles and grooms daughter of the owner of the toy factory. Capulina accidentally discovers a painting that makes him invisible thing..

Nataly Fish

La Casa del Ritmo: A Film About Los Amigos Invisibles

La Casa del Ritmo: A Film About Los Amigos Invisibles

A compelling story about Grammy-winning Venezuelan funksters Los Amigos Invisibles, from their early days playing in Caracas, Venezuela, to being discovered by David Byrne of Talking Heads and their rise to international stardom. The viewer experiences their story as it intertwines with a live performance filmed at the Highline Ballroom in New York..

Nataly Fish

Los Invisibles

Los Invisibles

This short documentary reviews the lives and experiences of mexican and centroamerican migrants as they try to reach the US border.

Nataly Fish

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