
Un roi sans divertissement

Un roi sans divertissement

En 1840, sur le plateau enneigé de l'Aubrac, le capitaine de gendarmerie Langlois vient en plein hiver enquêter sur la disparition d'une jeune fille du village. Il tente de s'identifier à l'assassin afin de comprendre son comportement. L'assassin est « Monsieur V*** », ce qui peut vouloir signifier « Monsieur Voisin » : Le tueur est quelqu'u..

Nataly Fish

Per vivere meglio, divertitevi con noi

Per vivere meglio, divertitevi con noi

For having suffered the violence of seven Himalayan Sherpas, the Countess Valentina Contarini has fallen ill of "fallophobia" and consults a healer, a supposed extraterrestrial who is actually a young Swedish man who "works" for certain American psychologists.

Nataly Fish



A man who murdered a woman is being interrogated by the police... .

Nataly Fish

Ladri si diventa

Ladri si diventa

Nataly Fish

Hell Divers

Hell Divers

A film based on Nicholas Sansbury Smith's novel "Hell Divers".

Nataly Fish

Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence

Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence

For as long as he can remember, Knuckles has preferred to operate on his own. As the guardian of the Master Emerald, he knows every corner of his island and every secret it holds…or so he thought. A sudden discovery is about to turn his world upside down.

Nataly Fish

One Last Dive

One Last Dive

In the morning's small hours, a police diver in search of evidence at a cold underwater crime scene makes a final effort to further investigate and goes for one last dive. The Chief wants to wrap it up in twenty minutes, however, what the diver is about to discover is utterly unexpected and fiendishly gruesome.

Nataly Fish

The Demolition Squad

The Demolition Squad

The Germans held the strategically important airport, where planes were taking off to bombard partisans positions. Headquarters of one a partisan unit sent a few commandos to blow up airplanes and airport in the air.

Nataly Fish



Dans le Paris chic des années 1920, deux hommes, M. Un et M. Deux, se disputent les faveurs d’une mystérieuse dame. Devinant qu’il est probablement distancé par son rival plus jeune et séduisant, M. Deux rêve de l’éliminer...

Nataly Fish

Il sergente Rompiglioni diventa... caporale

Il sergente Rompiglioni diventa... caporale

An inept sergeant is mistaken for a secret agent and charged with finding a spy, but he is so stupid he is demoted and becomes a corporal.

Nataly Fish

The Amusements of Private Life

The Amusements of Private Life

Italian-French costume dramedy that takes place in France in the end of 18th Century during the French Revolution. It is "The Marriage of Figaro" meets "The Dangerous Liaisons" and it tells the story of two women, Mathilde Seurat, the actress and Julie Renard, the aristocratic wife and a mother (Delphine Forest plays both) with the same face who ca..

Nataly Fish

Apnée extrême

Apnée extrême

Pendant plus de dix ans, le cubain, Pippin Ferreras et l'Italien Umberto Pelizarri, champions du monde de plongée en apnée, s'efforcent d’améliorer le record du monde, chacun dans sa discipline. Leur but: plonger plus profondément que quiconque au monde avant eux et ce, grâce a une simple aspiration d'air.

Nataly Fish

Tropical-Rouge! Precure Petit: Dive in! Collab♡Dance Party!

Tropical-Rouge! Precure Petit: Dive in! Collab♡Dance Party!

Manatsu and her friends receive an invitation to a dance party from the Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure team, however it starts in just three minutes. They head out for "Dancing Island" with great haste, but unexpected things occur. Will the Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure team safely arrive at the dance grounds and Tropica-shine while dancing with the Heal..

Nataly Fish

Criminali si diventa

Criminali si diventa

Nataly Fish

PWG: Holy Diver Down

PWG: Holy Diver Down

1. Joey Ryan vs. Top Gun Talwar 2. Ricky Reyes vs. Ronin 3. Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson vs. "The Future" Frankie Kazarian 4. Arrogance ("Photogenic" Chris Bosh & "The Professional" Scott Lost) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match 5. Bino Gambino vs. Disco Machine 6. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC ..

Nataly Fish

Los Cazurros - Diversion

Los Cazurros - Diversion

Nataly Fish

An Item of News

An Item of News

A typesetter is in search of an anonymous hero that saved two children.

Nataly Fish

The Dive

The Dive

Based on the true life story of Francisco Ferreras and his wife, Audrey Mestre, a pair of record-breaking freedivers.

Nataly Fish



C’est l’histoire d‘un amour total entre César et Paz. Paz, photographe espagnole, nourrit une soif de rencontres, d’expériences et de voyages, alors que César, ex-grand reporter de guerre, souhaite à l’inverse s’extraire du tumulte du monde. Paz est enceinte, cette perspective l’angoisse, l’étouffe. Elle semble s’éloigner ..

Nataly Fish

Dive, Dive, Dive! with Robert Llewellyn

Dive, Dive, Dive! with Robert Llewellyn

Robert Llewellyn examines the enduring appeal of submarine movies, finding a beached Cold War Russian nuclear sub on the Medway and WWII German U-boat pens on the French coast.

Nataly Fish

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