
House of Chains

House of Chains

It follows a troubled married couple as they imprison their six children due to their intense religious ideology.

Nataly Fish

Mars à table

Mars à table

Exceptional Vista, paisible bourgade d'Amerique du Nord, coule des jours paisibles, en depit de la fermeture de l'usine a ecrous. Mais voici qu'un beau jour le signal du relais de television se brouille et c'est la ville entiere qui bascule dans l'inconnu et la terreur: des citoyens disparaissent les uns apres les autres et leurs restes atrocement ..

Nataly Fish

The Chain Reaction

The Chain Reaction

Johan, an innocent and cute young guy, enters a gay bar for the first time. The bar's quiet and Johan is clearly transfixed by the barman. He can't take his eyes off him. His trance is broken by the arrival of the barman's boyfriend who is also young and pretty, but obviously more confident than the naive young Johan. At first he's amazed at their ..

Nataly Fish

Pilote du diable

Pilote du diable

Un ancien pilote de bombardier se fait engager en tant que pilote d'essai. La secrétaire de son patron, un constructeur d'avions à réaction, n'est autre que la femme qu'il a connu en Europe. Il accepte de faire un vol publicitaire au-dessus du pole Nord, afin de prouver la viabilité d'un prototype...

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains

The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains

The true story of Robert Elliot Burns, the prisoner who, after being sentenced to a Georgia chain gang, attempted two daring escapes.

Nataly Fish

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~  Vol.1

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.1

A new horror TV drama by six up-and-coming directors, set in a school built on land where a legend of a priestess who was slaughtered by warriors 400 years ago remains... Three high school girls begin to tell a hundred stories and face the horror of a chain of curses..

Nataly Fish

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.2

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.2

A new horror TV drama by six up-and-coming directors, set in a school built on land where a legend of a priestess who was slaughtered by warriors 400 years ago remains... Three high school girls who begin to tell a hundred stories are confronted with the horror of a chain of curses...

Nataly Fish

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.3

Rensakaidan ~a chain of curses~ Vol.3

A new horror TV drama by six up-and-coming directors, set in a school built on land where a legend of a priestess who was slaughtered by warriors 400 years ago remains... Three high school girls begin to tell a hundred stories and face the horror of a chain of curses...

Nataly Fish

Chainsaw Sally

Chainsaw Sally

Sally is a young woman living two lives: a calmly librarian by day, and a brutal serial killer by night where she randomly targets any man or woman whom even slightly upsets her. Sally lives with her reclusive, transvestite younger brother Rudy whom assists her with the killings. Both Sally and Ruby were traumatized as children when both of them wi..

Nataly Fish

The Weight of Chains 3

The Weight of Chains 3

Boris Malagurski explains how the military-industrial complex, big business and political interest groups endanger peoples' health and existence, focusing on the examples of Serbia, Cuba, Chile, Italy and Bolivia.

Nataly Fish

Ball & Chain

Ball & Chain

A couple who are struggling in their marriage end up getting superpowers.

Nataly Fish

Chainsaw Cheerleaders

Chainsaw Cheerleaders

When the cheering stops, the SCREAMING starts! A demonic 500 year old witch is on the loose, looking for fresh souls to possess. Now only one thing stands between her and the ultimate apocalypse ... CHAINSAW CHEERLEADERS!!!

Nataly Fish

Chain Gang

Chain Gang

Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.

Nataly Fish

Women in Chains

Women in Chains

A parole officer goes undercover to investigate prison brutality but is trapped when the only person on the outside who knows why she's there is killed.

Nataly Fish

Chain of Circumstance

Chain of Circumstance

A childless couple adopts a baby girl, but a crime committed by the husband's secretary could cause them to lose custody of the infant.

Nataly Fish

L'Archipel du Japon

L'Archipel du Japon

Lorsqu'un sergent de l'armée américaine est retrouvé noyé dans la baie de Tokyo, une enquête est ouverte pour déterminer comment et pourquoi il a perdu la vie. L'enquête met au jour un système de marché noir impliquant de la fausse monnaie, un meurtre et une conspiration.

Nataly Fish

Chainsaws Were Singing

Chainsaws Were Singing

Adventures await when new lovers are separated by a chainsaw killer.

Nataly Fish

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait

A documentary about the classic 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' film, including interviews with Gunnar Hansen, Edwin Neal, John Dugan and Jim Seidow.

Nataly Fish

The Buttercup Chain

The Buttercup Chain

Born to twin sisters on the same day in London, France and Margaret are more like brother and sister than cousins. The close relationship between the cousins is suspended when Margaret is sent abroad for schooling. Now a young woman, Margaret returns to London and resumes her intimate connection with France.

Nataly Fish

The Weight of Chains 2

The Weight of Chains 2

'The Weight of Chains 2' is a documentary film largely dealing with the effects of the Washington Consensus economic doctrine on the newly established former Yugoslav republics, but also with neoliberalism as an economic concept. Through interviews with Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone and many others, the author, Serbian-Canadian Boris Malagurski, attem..

Nataly Fish

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