
Menage Italian Style

Menage Italian Style

In Italy in the 60's it is difficult to get a divorce. Carlo gets a visit from his Swedish wife, but he is already remarried. Every time he meets a new woman, he vanishes away from the last wife.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures de Miss Catastrophe

Les Aventures de Miss Catastrophe

Paolo, representant en farces et attrapes, sa valise d'échantillons à la main, et "Miss Catastrophe "la plus jolie myope du monde ,se rencontrent dans une banque au moment d'un hold-up.

Nataly Fish

Ces messieurs dames

Ces messieurs dames

Tony Gasparini confie à son ami et docteur, le professeur Castellani, ses ennuis intimes. Celui-ci estime que le meilleur remède est de conduire son ami à une party. Pour ce faire, il n'hésite même pas à le jeter dans les bras de sa femme Noemi. Mais voici que le plus grand colporteur de ragots de Trévise, Scarabello, apprend à Castellani q..

Nataly Fish

Fratelli d'Italia

Fratelli d'Italia

Three episodes held together by a common element: a car rented by three different characters.

Nataly Fish

Force and Courage, Rise and Decline of an Italian Football Club

Force and Courage, Rise and Decline of an Italian Football Club

The 100-year history of the Sambenedettese Club - a football team from a small town on the Adriatic Sea that, in the 1970s, came close to reaching Serie A. The sports narrative intertwines with the political one, telling, from the unique perspective of the Italian province.

Nataly Fish



L'italien Dino Fabrizzi est le vendeur numéro un de la concession Maserati de Nice. À 42 ans, il arrive à un tournant de sa vie, le poste de directeur lui est ouvertement proposé et sa compagne depuis un an, Hélène, a la ferme intention de l'épouser. Pour Dino, la vie est belle, sauf que cette vie parfaite s'est construite sur un mensonge. D..

Nataly Fish

Caprice à l'italienne

Caprice à l'italienne

Film à sketches : un regard souvent acerbe sur la société italienne des années 60.

Nataly Fish



Une famille italienne vient dans une ville provinciale russe pour adopter un enfant. Le petit Vania, âgé de six ans, leur plaît, et ils l'adoptent. Mais les copains de Vania lui donnent le surnom "l'Italien". Une vie en Italie sans malheurs et sous le soleil attend le petit garçon, mais il décide de trouver sa vraie mère et part à sa recherc..

Nataly Fish

An Italian Name

An Italian Name

Paolo is an outgoing and handsome real estate broker married to Simona, a beautiful woman from the rough outskirts of Rome who has become an author of spicy bestsellers and is pregnant with their child. Betta, Paolo’s sister and her husband Sandro organise a dinner party with Paolo, Simona and their childhood friend, the eccentric musician Claudi..

Nataly Fish

Italian Gigolò

Italian Gigolò

Filippo is the hottest male escort around. Incredibly sexy, he makes up in looks for what he lacks in wits. When an accident causes him to undergo transformative plastic surgery, he wakes up to find himself in a new body, with a new face and a new kind of beauty. As demand plummets, Filippo gets more and more desperate, till he finally resorts to a..

Nataly Fish

Medicine Italian Style

Medicine Italian Style

Story of an ambitious young doctor through unethical means intend to make a quick career. Now is primary in a luxury clinic where administers the sick with the same cynicism of his young years.

Nataly Fish

Sergio Leone: The Italian Who Invented America

Sergio Leone: The Italian Who Invented America

To mark the recent thirtieth anniversary of Sergio Leone’s death, this documentary sets out to pay tribute to one of the great legends of world cinema. The singular artistic vision of Sergio Leone has transcended national borders, creating the Spaghetti Western genre and transforming the international cinematic panorama forever with his innovativ..

Nataly Fish

The Home Front – A Journey in Italy with Domenico Quirico

The Home Front – A Journey in Italy with Domenico Quirico

Human technology has made great leaps forward in recent decades, but what about humanity itself? Post-industrialization is causing distressing social changes, and Home Front: A Journey in Italy with Domenico Quirico shows what that means in practice.

Nataly Fish

Lost in Italy

Lost in Italy

Tang Hao, a second-generation rich man studying in Milan, made a bet with his buddies to pursue the Italian beauty Claudia, who he met unexpectedly. However, he unexpectedly encountered family decline and became depressed. With the help of Luo Xi and Claudia, , and finally succeeded in getting out of the trough. In order to find Luo Xi, he resolute..

Nataly Fish

Ghosts, Italian Style

Ghosts, Italian Style

Pasquale and Maria, husband and wife, live in a palace supposedly haunted by ghosts and pay no rent. When Pasquale finds some food in the cupboard he thinks the ghosts are at work.

Nataly Fish

Adultère à l'italienne

Adultère à l'italienne

Pour que son mari s’intéresse davantage à elle, une femme s’invente un amant. Le mari va recueillir tous les indices en essayant de déterminer qui est l’amant.

Nataly Fish

Italian Capriccio

Italian Capriccio

"I shot this film, Italian Capriccio, as if it were my last. Now I see I had nothing to offer to anybody. No thought, no suggestion, nounderstanding. It is my conviction that this is a way to make this film uninteresting. I hope that Power will get people riled enough some day."

Nataly Fish

Adventures Italian Style

Adventures Italian Style

A few weeks before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Pago, Rice and Bibi leave the calm city of Cesena looking for adventure: a ten-days-long holiday in Eastern Europe, in those places where the Soviet regime is still alive.

Nataly Fish

Play-Boy Party

Play-Boy Party

Dans cette comédie romantique, un homme rejoint sa femme le temps d'un week-end sur la Riviera ligure et la soupçonne de le tromper avec un ami à l'allure B.C.B.G.

Nataly Fish

Rossini: Il turco in Italia (Opernhaus Zurich)

Rossini: Il turco in Italia (Opernhaus Zurich)

When a wealthy Turkish aristocrat arrives in a humble Italian town, the married women roll their eyes in delight, their rival lovers lose out, and the husbands rage with jealousy. These may be silly clichés, but they are the subject of IL TURCO IN ITALIA and the composer plays with them – quite deliberately. He knows that he is putting archetype..

Nataly Fish

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