
Old Testament III, Prince of Egypt

Old Testament III, Prince of Egypt

This high quality animated feature for your kids and family tells the life story of Moses. Moses begs Pharaoh to let his people go, but when he refuses, God unleashes the seven plagues which ultimately leads to the end of Hebrew slavery in Egypt.

Nataly Fish

Egypt: The Story Behind the Revolution

Egypt: The Story Behind the Revolution

Watch as people tell you their reasons for taking to the streets of Egypt to call for freedom and reforms, and what led them to ask for Mubarak's resignation. They also tell you about their experiences during the protest that took 18 days to remove Mubarak from power, and their views on the world's reaction to their stand off. Feel the joy as their..

Nataly Fish

Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 at Glastonbury 2022

Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 at Glastonbury 2022

Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti's famous former band performs, led by his youngest son.

Nataly Fish

007 in Egypt

007 in Egypt

A look at filming James Bond in Egypt.

Nataly Fish

Ahmed Ahmed: Talk Like an Egyptian

Ahmed Ahmed: Talk Like an Egyptian

From Egypt to Australia to Jordan, South Africa and yes even Angola, Ahmed Ahmed has been traveling the world for the past ten years spreading his word of humor. As one of the members of Vince Vaughn's Wild Wild West and one of the original founders and headliners of the very successful Axis of Evil Comedy tour, Ahmed Ahmed's post 911 humor is with..

Nataly Fish

Shadow of Egypt

Shadow of Egypt

A European adventurer tries to steal from an ancient Egyptian tomb, only to become afflicted by a mysterious curse...

Nataly Fish

Private Revolutions - Young, Female, Egyptian

Private Revolutions - Young, Female, Egyptian

Four young Egyptian women with different social background smartly fight for their ideals and rights. For almost two years we follow their everyday lives and their struggle in post-revolutionary Egypt.

Nataly Fish

Like An Egyptian

Like An Egyptian

a short film with comedian Maria Shehata.

Nataly Fish

Egypte, les mystères de Saqqarah

Egypte, les mystères de Saqqarah

Sur la rive gauche du Nil est nichée la plus ancienne et la plus vaste nécropole du pays : Saqqarah, la cité de la divinité funéraire de Memphis, l’une des capitales de l’Égypte antique abritant le tombeau d’une des premières femmes à régner sur le pays. Nous partirons au cœur d’une mission révélant les secrets de Saqqarah l’i..

Nataly Fish

Saving Egypt's Temples

Saving Egypt's Temples

Nataly Fish

A propos d'Egypte

A propos d'Egypte

Un film de Jacques Brissot

Nataly Fish

Egypte - Vivre avec l'histoire

Egypte - Vivre avec l'histoire

D’Alexandrie à Abou Simbel, Pierre Brouwers a filmé sous toutes ses facettes l’un des rares pays dont le nom reste, pour la terre entière, porteur de mythe. La caméra s’attarde à tous les recoins du Caire et à Alexandrie, d’abord, avant de nous faire remonter le Nil, véritable dieu qui a donné naissance à l’Egypte. Les plus impor..

Nataly Fish

National Geographic: Egyptian Secrets of the Afterlife

National Geographic: Egyptian Secrets of the Afterlife

To the ancient Egyptians, life after death was a high-stakes underworld journey fraught with terrifying obstacles: fiery lakes of death, battles with monsters, and ultimately eternal death or resurrection with the sun. It's a journey each Egyptian believed was real, and for the pharaoh the stakes were even higher--the entire cosmos depended on the..

Nataly Fish

Egypte - L'Egypte pharaonique, au musée du Caire et en Haute-Egypte

Egypte - L'Egypte pharaonique, au musée du Caire et en Haute-Egypte

Grâce au DVD Guide, devenez un visiteur privilégié du musée du Caire, l'un des trois lieux les plus visités de la planète. De salle en salle, époque par époque, vous retrouverez les trésors les plus fabuleux de l'Egypte ancienne. Et grâce aux images uniques (hélicoptère, montgolfière...) filmées sur les sites mêmes dont ces richesses..

Nataly Fish

Egypt Exposed: The True Origins of Civilization

Egypt Exposed: The True Origins of Civilization

Robert Bauval is a best selling author of numerous books and has appeared on television and radio. His discovery about the pyramid complex at Giza made him headline news. In this film he brings light to new evidence regarding origins of civilization

Nataly Fish

The Mysteries of Egypt: Ramesses II

The Mysteries of Egypt: Ramesses II

Explore the life and times of Egypt's greatest and most powerful pharaoh, Ramesses II, who ruled for more than 66 years and who left his mark on the Egyptian landscape in the form of impressive buildings such as the spectacular temples at Karnak and Luxor. This historical program celebrates the great achievements of Ramesses II through re-creations..

Nataly Fish

Pilot for a Soap Opera about an Egyptian Air Hostess

Pilot for a Soap Opera about an Egyptian Air Hostess

Sherif el-Azma’s 52-minute video consists of improvised scenarios involving a cadre of stewardesses for a third-world airline. The first part of the video follows them through their training: the young women interrogate one another in varying tempo, learning how to be friendly yet reveal nothing about themselves. In the second part, two of the st..

Nataly Fish

Amazing Planet Earth: From Egypt to Israel

Amazing Planet Earth: From Egypt to Israel

This compelling program visits two countries that have fascinated and amazed the world for centuries. We begin in Egypt, the magnificent crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and birthplace of western civilization. Take a leisurely cruise on the river of legend, the Nile, whose first communities flourished on its banks thousands of years ago. In ..

Nataly Fish

The American Egypt

The American Egypt

Jesse Lerner’s experimental film The American Egypt (2001) focuses on the liberal history of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, which, in addition to having had separatist aspirations, held one of the first socialist governments in the world for a brief period in the early twentieth century. By telling this story using archival images and texts of v..

Nataly Fish

Undercover Egypt

Undercover Egypt

Une journaliste d'investigation enquête incognito sur la religion, le statut des genres, la sexualité et la politique après la révolution égyptienne.

Nataly Fish

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