
Bandit and the Ram

Bandit and the Ram

Doycho is the last person inhabiting a remote village in the heart of the Balkan mountains, where his neighbours are animals and best friend is a Ram.

Nataly Fish

A Bathtub Bandit

A Bathtub Bandit

Bathtub movers on the job.

Nataly Fish

Bombs and Bandits

Bombs and Bandits

The Mayor and the Chief of Police have offices in the same building, and are both enamored of the chief's stenographer, Dolly. However, she gives most of her attention to young Sammy, secretary to the Mayor. Approximately, 11 minutes survive from this two-reeler.

Nataly Fish



A poor man inherrited a painting from his dead uncle. He sold the painting only to later discover that there was more to it than meets the eye.

Nataly Fish

Street Bandits

Street Bandits

A lawyer (Robert Clarke) defends a slot-machine king, and his bride (Penny Edwards) and partner (Ross Ford) don't like it.

Nataly Fish

Swing Banditry

Swing Banditry

A group of musicians is determined to appear on a radio program.

Nataly Fish

Tijiuana Bandit

Tijiuana Bandit

Two beach goers are forced to hand over their clothes and fight a thug.

Nataly Fish

Die Banditen von Asnières

Die Banditen von Asnières

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The Bandit King

The Bandit King

As a result of a stagecoach hold-up and other crimes, Buck Brady has become known locally as the "King of Bandits". The sheriff posts a $1000 reward for Brady, dead or alive. Soon a full-scale effort is underway to capture the bandit king.

Nataly Fish

Bandit cinéma

Bandit cinéma

Directed by Bouna Medoune Seye.

Nataly Fish

Banana Bandit

Banana Bandit

"The city is gripped with fear following a spree of banana related crimes." Or at least, that's the pitch Ethan Valery has ready for one lucky film producer.

Nataly Fish

Banana Bandit

Banana Bandit

"The city is gripped with fear following a spree of banana related crimes." Or at least, that's the pitch Ethan Valery has ready for one lucky film producer.

Nataly Fish



Dans le contexte de la Résistance italienne, le documentaire enquête sur l'expérience des femmes qui ont combattu dans des formations partisanes de 1943 à 1945, révolutionnant le rôle qui leur est attribué par le patriarcat et devenant les protagonistes de l'histoire. Des femmes d'horizons sociaux, culturels et politiques différents exprim..

Nataly Fish

Gayeol 79Beon, Banditbul

Gayeol 79Beon, Banditbul

Nataly Fish

Lampiao, Rêve de Bandit

Lampiao, Rêve de Bandit

Nataly Fish

The Barefoot Bandit Documentary

The Barefoot Bandit Documentary

A telling of the life of Colton Harris-Moore, notorious young airplane thief. A young boys dream of flying and designing airplanes becomes a reality when he breaks out of a halfway house at the age of 15 and steals the first of five airplanes. Colton's captor, lawyer, mother, the FBI team that hunted him for several years tell the almost unbelievab..

Nataly Fish



BANDITS (2003) retraces the roots of the escapade of a group of Georgians in their twenties who hijacked an Aeroflot passenger plane on November 18, 1983 from Tbilisi.

Nataly Fish

Los Banditos

Los Banditos

A lawman chases a bandit through a mine and hilarity ensues.

Nataly Fish

Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits

Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits

Blood literally runs in the streets through the chronicle of Feb. 2004's forced ouster of Haiti's elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide and the terror of its citizens that followed. Aristide and his Lavalas political party were democratically elected in 2000 by Haiti's poor majority. The film shows thousands of Aristide supporters gathered to ce..

Nataly Fish

K. Il bandito

K. Il bandito

What is the English language plot outline for K. Il bandito (2008)?

Nataly Fish

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