
Harlan County U.S.A.

Harlan County U.S.A.

This film documents the coal miners' strike against the Brookside Mine of the Eastover Mining Company in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973. Eastovers refusal to sign a contract (when the miners joined with the United Mine Workers of America) led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included violent battles between gun-toting company..

Nataly Fish

Tell Them About Us

Tell Them About Us

A group of delightful teenage girls who have all fled to Germany find their own creative ways to overcome hidden discrimination in a film about friendship, sisterhood and living your dreams.

Nataly Fish

U.S. Warrior

U.S. Warrior

Steve Parrish is the Forgotten Warrior, a man who refuses to be defeated. Now he's become a creature of the jungle who lives to kill. He has survived the inhuman brutalities of war and prison camps and he finally finds love and peace among some native villagers. However, happiness is only temporary as his compatriots turn against him. He becomes a ..

Nataly Fish

Délivrez-nous du mal

Délivrez-nous du mal

Dans les années 70, aux Etats-Unis, le prêtre catholique pédophile Oliver O'Grady a violé des douzaines d'enfants en se servant des relations d'amitié qu'il entretenait avec leurs familles. Durant tout ce temps, l'Eglise catholique, au courant de ses agissements, ne disait mot...

Nataly Fish

Alex Edelman: Just for Us

Alex Edelman: Just for Us

After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in an all-new comedy special. In the wake of a string of anti-Semitic threats pointed in his direction online, Edelman decides to go straight to the source; specifically, Queens, where he covertly attends a meeting of White Nationalists and comes face-to..

Nataly Fish

Happy Death Day to Us

Happy Death Day to Us

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

An aging man, aware that he has a few months to live, attempts to gather his family for a final family photo.

Nataly Fish

Fabricant de larmes

Fabricant de larmes

Adoptés par la même famille après une enfance difficile dans un orphelinat, Nica et Rigel réalisent qu'ils éprouvent l'un pour l'autre des sentiments inattendus et irrésistibles.

Nataly Fish

Death Do Us Part

Death Do Us Part

Ryan et Kennedy vont se marier, mais avant, ils partent quelques jours accompagnés d'amis. Arrivés sur les lieux, les citadins venus pour s'amuser vont se rendre compte que le bonheur tient à peu de chose...

Nataly Fish

They Live Inside Us

They Live Inside Us

Seeking inspiration for a new writing project, a man spends Halloween night in a notoriously haunted house. He soon realizes he is living in his own horror story.

Nataly Fish

L'Amour et les Forêts

L'Amour et les Forêts

Quand Blanche croise le chemin de Gregoire, elle pense rencontrer celui qu’elle cherche. Les liens qui les unissent se tissent rapidement et leur histoire se construit dans l’emportement. Le couple déménage, Blanche s’éloigne de sa famille, de sa sœur jumelle, s’ouvre à une nouvelle vie. Mais fil après fil, elle se retrouve sous l’e..

Nataly Fish

Kourtney & Travis : jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare

Kourtney & Travis : jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare

Kourtney et Travis célèbrent leur mariage à Portofino, en Italie, entourés de leur famille et de leurs amis. Des images privées, tournées lors de ce week-end luxueux, révèlent un évènement familial et intime truffé de beaux moments.

Nataly Fish

Something Between Us

Something Between Us

An upbeat choreographer must make an impression on her first big job but finds herself falling for her new client, an unteachable Bollywood star.

Nataly Fish

Useless Humans

Useless Humans

A thirtieth birthday -- and the survival of mankind -- are left hanging in the balance after a mysterious creature crashes the party, forcing four childhood friends to save the night.

Nataly Fish

The Light That Burns Us

The Light That Burns Us

“GREECE, your light caught us by your E and burned us all the way to your G.” A poetry film against nationalism and the state of emergency in Greece.

Nataly Fish

Doctor on Display: The USA Tour 1986-1988

Doctor on Display: The USA Tour 1986-1988

In 1986, BBC Enterprises organized the Doctor Who USA Tour, a two-year travelling exhibition of props and memorabilia from the program, showcased in a 48-foot trailer decorated with alien landscapes from the show, police box entrances, and a mock-up of the TARDIS interior. This documentary features footage from the events as well as interviews with..

Nataly Fish

La cavale infernale

La cavale infernale

Deux agents du FBI doivent protéger une jeune fille des gangsters qui ont tué son petit ami.

Nataly Fish

Not Enough Womb for the Two of Us

Not Enough Womb for the Two of Us

Cameron Kletke depicts an in utero skirmish between twins with spacious hand-drawn animation, employing watercolours and pastel to plunge us into an intimate watery universe where the umbilical cord becomes a prop in a comic battle of wills. Those little elbows can be sharp.

Nataly Fish

Asperger's Are Us

Asperger's Are Us

Quatre amis autistes et membres d'une troupe d'humoristes s'apprêtent à donner leur dernier spectacle avant de continuer chacun dans leur voie.

Nataly Fish

Laurel Et Hardy - Sous les verrous

Laurel Et Hardy - Sous les verrous

Durant la prohibition, Laurel et Hardy se retrouvent en prison après avoir vendu une bière à un officier de police...

Nataly Fish

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