
Such Miracles Do Happen

Such Miracles Do Happen

To the surprise of the village residents, all of a sudden, the stone figure of Virgin Mary starts moving, leaves the chapel and begins to walk ahead. Soon, it is joined by other animated sculptures. Miracles do happen and they fascinate the most a little boneless girl.

Nataly Fish

About Things That Happened to Me

About Things That Happened to Me

Based on the book by author Marcelo Matthey, this short film narrates his own life in a style reminiscent of school compositions. His constant strolls through streets, houses and beaches are recorded in notes of what he saw, felt or thought during these wanderings or moments, but almost only recalling the processes, the timeline in which things occ..

Nataly Fish

While You're Asleep (My Weird Dreams Happen) – 4

While You're Asleep (My Weird Dreams Happen) – 4

More nightmares about the things that happen when we close our eyes without us noticing.

Nataly Fish

What Happened Before Guests Arrived

What Happened Before Guests Arrived

Roma, a Moscow photography student, has spent four years away from home. He comes back to his hometown for the engagement of his older brother only to find out that the bride is his ex-girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

This Actually Happens a Lot

This Actually Happens a Lot

When a girl at a party confronts a guy about his social anxiety, he starts to float in the air.

Nataly Fish

What Has Happened to This City?

What Has Happened to This City?

Explores the processes of political maneuvering which led to the Hyderabad communal riots in 1984. The city’s history, the provocative speeches of its politicians and the instrumentalisation of religious processions stands next to the testimonies and the striking visual accounts of the Old City’s working class – those who lose their livelihoo..

Nataly Fish

What Happens at Night

What Happens at Night

What happens in the night. An encounter at the bar, closing time. Silent empty alleys. Words bouncing against the buildings' walls. One night, one city. Margot and Alice.

Nataly Fish

Kharkiv Music Fest Did Happen

Kharkiv Music Fest Did Happen

Even despite the terrible events associated with Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, people continue to live showing their fortitude - For example, Kharkiv Music Fest did happen.

Nataly Fish

With Fidel Whatever Happens

With Fidel Whatever Happens

Sierra Maestra, Cuba, 850 km east of Havana. The day before the celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the Revolution. An old man is repairing a few decades old motorcycle. A young dentist is trying to find some transport to a clinic in remote mountains. A middle-aged married couple run a public telephone booth in their modest house for villagers w..

Nataly Fish

The Oil War Will Not Happen

The Oil War Will Not Happen

Directed by Souheil Ben-Barka.

Nataly Fish

what's happen?

what's happen?

8mm film by Idei Hiromi

Nataly Fish

Tout peut arriver ...

Tout peut arriver ...

Gilbert Garcin passed away on April 17, 2020. Having become a late photographer (he was 65), he will never stop defying time, playing with him to clear his head of his memories, to open his eyes to create ... And to become an ageless man, with his double “Mister G”! An unclassifiable being. His work, quickly recognized, is full of poetry and mi..

Nataly Fish

What Happened in Larisa? A Music Story About Nat Birchall

What Happened in Larisa? A Music Story About Nat Birchall

Nat Birchall is one of the most important representatives of the British Jazz scene. Costas Voultsidis is the inspirer of Duende Jazz Bar in Larissa, in 2009. The documentary traces their paths and focuses on the creation of the legendary album Nat Birchall Quintet: Live In Larissa, which received universal acclaim from audiences and critics in 201..

Nataly Fish

But It Did Happen

But It Did Happen

The tension is never interrupted up to the last cut in this 15-minute film with minimal dialogue and explanation. But It Did Happen develops the story in a very restrained manner in which the characters’ emotions are not exposed; the beautiful melody of Chopin’s “Tristesse”, which is the only music used in the film, successfully adds to the..

Nataly Fish

What Happens In Cap Vermell

What Happens In Cap Vermell

What Happens In Cap Vermell is a story of love and heartbreak, of human relationships, of chance encounters and exceptional characters. A succession of moments linked together that all occur in one place, Cap Vermell, a heavenly, incomparable backdrop where anything can happen.

Nataly Fish

Chronicles of revolution that didn't happen

Chronicles of revolution that didn't happen

The documentary follows Oleg, Andrey, and other long-distance truck drivers from all over Russia, who turned their outrage against the 2015 bill that required truckers to pay taxes when driving on federal roads into a 9 month long protest.

Nataly Fish

La Banderita: What Happened

La Banderita: What Happened

¿Who are we?

Nataly Fish

We Have This Happening

We Have This Happening

Female circumcision is the name given to female genital mutilation. Female circumcision is practiced, including in the North Caucasus. There is no age limit; both an adult woman and a baby can trim the clitoris and labia. Most often girls 5-12 years old are circumcised. The authors spoke with women who were circumcised, found out where this mutilat..

Nataly Fish

What Will Happen to Belarus Next?

What Will Happen to Belarus Next?

The protests in Belarus had been going on for the 12th day, but many began to think that they began to slip, and Lukashenko came to his senses and slowly began to regain control. Is it so? Will people get tired? And will they go home, giving Old Man another five years in office?

Nataly Fish

It happens

It happens

Kira and her child were abandoned by her husband – a banal story in General, tragic for our heroine in particular. But, as they say, time heals everything: years pass, the bitterness of betrayal ceases to disturb the soul, life is gradually filled with small joys. A new admirer Vadim, an intelligent and decent man, offers a woman a hand and heart..

Nataly Fish

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