
David Walliams Celebrates Dame Shirley Bassey

David Walliams Celebrates Dame Shirley Bassey

Ahead of her 80th birthday in Janurary 2017, comic actor David Walliams hosts this special night of entertainment paying tribute to Welsh diva Dame Shirley Bassey. Featuring songs, interviews and comedy sketches.

Nataly Fish

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Mauvaise copie du Notre Dame de Disney, version allemande.

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The Tokyo Dame

The Tokyo Dame

A young woman tries to keep her family together after her father disowns her sister.

Nataly Fish

We want sex equality

We want sex equality

Au printemps 1968 en Angleterre, une ouvrière découvre que, dans son usine, les hommes sont mieux payés que les femmes. En se battant pour elle et ses copines, elle va tout simplement changer le monde…

Nataly Fish

kimi dame

kimi dame

A young writer's father returns after a long-time disappearance.

Nataly Fish

The Bells of Notre Dame: The Battle of Kosovo

The Bells of Notre Dame: The Battle of Kosovo

It is a sequel to Lazarica, the second part of "Zvona Noter Dama". History is being revived, it shows what happened back in 1389.

Nataly Fish

The Card

The Card

A charming and ambitious young man finds many ways to raise himself through the ranks in business and social standing - some honest, some not quite so. If he can just manage to avoid a certain very predatory woman.

Nataly Fish

Our Ladies

Our Ladies

En Écosse dans les années 1990, de jeunes filles profitent d'un concours de chant à Édimbourg, loin de leur école catholique, pour goûter à des plaisirs interdits.

Nataly Fish

Parvis de Notre-Dame

Parvis de Notre-Dame

Circulation des piétons et voitures sur le parvis de la cathédrale.

Nataly Fish

Daming County

Daming County

The incompetent county magistrate led the yamen guards to guard the city gate, trying to arrest Liangshan people. However, the brave and witty Liangshan heroes went into the city disguised as buskers such as dish players and flower drum girls.

Nataly Fish

La Scala Ballet: Notre-Dame de Paris

La Scala Ballet: Notre-Dame de Paris

With Roland Petit’s cool, cabaret-style choreography and chic costumes by Yves Saint Laurent, Notre-Dame de Paris has been a modern ballet hit ever since its 1965 premiere. Petit’s deft condensation of Victor Hugo’s epic and tragic novel is now renewed by two stars of our own time, Roberto Bolle and Natalia Osipova: a stunning tribute to Peti..

Nataly Fish

Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris

Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy street dancer, arouses the desire of men, especially of Claude Frollo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame. The latter asks Quasimodo, the deaf and deformed bell-ringer of the cathedral, to kidnap the girl. Quasimodo, who has been adopted by Frollo and obeys his every word, captures the gypsy but she is saved thanks to Phoebus..

Nataly Fish

The Grey Dame

The Grey Dame

In a mansion full of secret rooms and passageways, people are dying shortly after seeing the ghost of a woman in gray, as an old legend dictates. Called in to solve the mystery, Sherlock Holmes has doubts about the supernatural aspect of the crimes and focuses on a more earthly culprit.

Nataly Fish

Dame Valerie Adams: More Than Gold

Dame Valerie Adams: More Than Gold

Olympic Champion, Kiwi Icon, Tongan Leader, Orphan, Mother...winning was just part of the journey.

Nataly Fish



Initially shown off at the "GeGeGe no Kitarou Tribute Art Exhibition Kitarou EXPO", which was an art exhibition in Japan commemorating the 100th anniversary of mangaka Shigeru Mizuki's birth. The animation directed by Atsushi Wada was later released publicly onto the Toei Animation Beyond YouTube Channel on March 12, 2024.

Nataly Fish

Clockwork Banana

Clockwork Banana

Gilles est lassé de sa situation professionnelle. Son ami lui propose de profiter de la situation pour se reconvertir et ouvrir une maison close destinée aux femmes. Le succès est au rendez-vous mais les amis se retrouvent vite dépassés par la situation.

Nataly Fish

Pension d'artistes

Pension d'artistes

A Footlights Club, une pension de femmes artistes, cohabitent Jean Maitland, une danseuse blonde sarcastique ; Linda Shaw, une brune prétentieuse ; Kaye Hamilton, une jeune comédienne obsédée par son art ; Catherine Luther, une ancienne vedette ; Judy Canfield, une rousse exubérante, Eve, Annie et bien d'autres encore. Terry Randall, une riche..

Nataly Fish

Hore tatte dame yo

Hore tatte dame yo

1962 Japanese movie

Nataly Fish

Ladies of the '80s: A Divas Christmas

Ladies of the '80s: A Divas Christmas

Cinq stars de télé se retrouvent pour tourner un ultime épisode de Noël de leur ancienne série. Le producteur Alex et la réalisatrice Nell, de vieux amis de fac, font de leur mieux pour que tout se passe bien, mais de vieilles rivalités ressurgissent et menacent la production.

Nataly Fish

Swinging Wives

Swinging Wives

Sex comedy about lonely housewives and their activities while the husband is away. It’s a series of vignettes connected by documentary-style interviews with people on the street. The eroticism relies completely on nudity, not altogether different from British sex comedies of the era.

Nataly Fish

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