
Détectives en herbe

Détectives en herbe

Durant leur voyage de classe, Mia et Benny enquêtent sur une malédiction mystérieuse. Le garçon de ferme Luca a-t-il apporté la malédiction du Roi Noir sur sa famille alors qu'il essayait de trouver un trésor légendaire? Ensemble, ils découvrent un complot diabolique.

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Abigail Proctor

The Curse of Abigail Proctor

Inheriting the home of his estranged mother after her recent death by mysterious circumstances, Darius and his wife Amanda relocate to Florida in hopes of repairing their broken marriage in a new setting. While Darius is away at work, and Amanda begins to settle in, supernatural occurrences begin to take place on the estate as Amanda unravels crypt..

Nataly Fish

Annabellum - The Curse of Salem

Annabellum - The Curse of Salem

Une vieille poupée est possédée par l'esprit d'une sorcière vengeresse de Salem. La malédiction s'abat sur une famille, piégée dans un manoir anglais historique.

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Scarecrow

Curse of the Scarecrow

After witnessing their parents murder as infants, June and Carl have held a deadly secret throughout their entire lives, a secret that none will believe. Years later, June is back to investigate the family home after her estranged brother Carl's mysterious suicide. As she walks the grounds, and inhabits the house, June learns that the Scarecrow who..

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Humpty Dumpty

The Curse of Humpty Dumpty

An old doll seemingly returns to life to wreak havoc.

Nataly Fish

Sex and Curse

Sex and Curse

Women keep throwing themselves at Charlie, but he falls for charming masseur Si Wai, who is beholden to a cute little idol who once saved her from being raped by a gangster. Unfortunately, the ghost of the gangster goes after Charlie, making him have sex with the women he is obliged to show around for work purposes.

Nataly Fish

Bloody Nun 2: The Curse

Bloody Nun 2: The Curse

The Bloody Nun is back, this time unleashed on a brothel, will the unholy victims survive the night?

Nataly Fish

School Ghost Story: Curse Special

School Ghost Story: Curse Special

Japanese horror film with four segments.

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Dog God

Curse of the Dog God

A trio of young scientists investigate a source of uranium at the base of a sacred mountain, and after running over a dog, find themselves cursed by the locals.

Nataly Fish

La Malédiction

La Malédiction

Des nouveaux propriétaires emménagent dans une maison maudite. Rapidement, de lourds secrets du passé refont surface.

Nataly Fish

Curse of Aurore

Curse of Aurore

A “Dark Web” thumb drive reveals footage of three American filmmakers in rural Quebec researching a historic child murder case. After witnessing several disturbing paranormal occurrences, they attempt to communicate with the spirit of the child.

Nataly Fish

Les Larmes de la Malédiction

Les Larmes de la Malédiction

Pour la veille de son anniversaire, Amelia et son mari sont invités au manoir que possède sa tante Selma. En route, on lui apprend que de mystérieux meurtres se seraient produits à proximité du château et que ce dernier serait hanté. À son arrivée, elle constate que ce sont bien plus que des rumeurs et apprend la raison pour laquelle Selma..

Nataly Fish

Dwellers: The Curse of Pastor Stokes

Dwellers: The Curse of Pastor Stokes

A puzzle of dark secrets surfaces when a pastor inherits a church from his mentor.

Nataly Fish

La malédiction de l’Oiseau Singe

La malédiction de l’Oiseau Singe

Daffy et Porky sont partis à la recherche du trésor de l’Oiseau-Singe. Ils espèrent devenir riches et célèbres et aussi payer toutes leurs contraventions de mauvais stationnement. Mais la tâche risque d’être ardue, car il découvrent que pour s’emparer de ce trésor, il faut affronter la malédiction de l’Oiseau-Singe.

Nataly Fish

Curse Of The Re-Animator

Curse Of The Re-Animator

Herbert West is totally out of control on campus, sticking his glowing green reagent into every corpse he can find!

Nataly Fish

The Curse of the Screaming Dead

The Curse of the Screaming Dead

Un groupe de chasseurs s’arrête dans un cimetière dans les bois. Leurs activités réveillent les zombies, des soldats qui les attaquent.

Nataly Fish

Lost in the Barrens II: The Curse of the Viking Grave

Lost in the Barrens II: The Curse of the Viking Grave

An archaeological expedition journeys to Manitoba, Canada, in search of a legendary crucifix supposedly buried in an ancient Viking grave.

Nataly Fish

Evil Grave La Malédiction Des Mayas

Evil Grave La Malédiction Des Mayas

Jeffrey, un psychiatre, aménage dans une maison isolée du désert du nouveau mexique avec Renee, sa patiente et fiancée. Elle va rapidement être victime de cauchemars et acquérir la certitude que la maison recèle un secret lié aux antiques traditions funéraires mayas. Un jour qu'elle se promène dans les environs, elle rencontre Michael, un..

Nataly Fish



A woman tries to attract her reincarnated lover from her previous life but eventually turns to the aid of an evil sorcerer who rules over a tribe of cannibal midgets.

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Turandot

The Curse of Turandot

The plot follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday gifts. These bracelets’ life-draining effects cause the princess to becomes cruel, and gradually she loses her humanity.

Nataly Fish

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