
Measuring the Level of Resistance

Measuring the Level of Resistance

This work explores the idea of resistance as an everyday life activity, using three basic foods: rice, eggs and pickles. A puppet gets boiled and cooked. After each cooking scene, the resistance of the puppet is measured with a cold scientific diagram.

Nataly Fish

Raphael  Résistance à la nuit, live - Zénith de Paris

Raphael Résistance à la nuit, live - Zénith de Paris

1.01 Funambule 1.02 La Route De Nuit 1.03 Ne Partons Pas Fâchés 1.04 C'Est Bon Aujourd'hui 1.05 Chanson Pour Patrick Dewaere 1.06 La Mémoire Des Jours Written-By – Gérard Manset 1.07 1900 1.08 Schengen Guitar – Djélé Moussa Kouyaté* 1.09 La Petite Chanson 1.10 Il Y A Toujours 1.11 Comme Un Homme À La Mer 1.12 Au Temps Des Colonies 1.13 ..

Nataly Fish

Raphael : Résistance à la nuit, live - Théâtre Du Châtelet

Raphael : Résistance à la nuit, live - Théâtre Du Châtelet

01. Happe 02. J'L'Ai Pas Touchée 03. C'Est Bon Aujourd'hui 04. 1900 05. Elégie Funèbre 06. Ceci N'Est Pas Un Adieu 07. Elisa 08. Caravane 09. Sur Mon Cou 10. Les Petits Bateaux 11. Saint-Etienne 12. Des Mots 13. Sur La Route 14. Poste Restante 15. Ne Partons Pas Fâchés 16. Une Petite Cantate 17. Et Dans 150 Ans

Nataly Fish

Child of Resistance

Child of Resistance

A woman dressed in a robe, hands bound, is being transported through a barroom into a jail cell, directly outside of which later appears a jury box filled with jurors. Linearity is rejected as space is treated poetically, following the coordinates of a propulsive social idea - the social imprisonment of black women.

Nataly Fish

Wild West 10 - Golborne Stories of Struggle and Resistance

Wild West 10 - Golborne Stories of Struggle and Resistance

Golborne, West London, bordered by Ladbroke Grove, The Westway and the Grand Union Canal. An area that from the 1950s saw a unique struggle against poverty, greedy landlords, racism and political neglect to a musical backdrop of reggae, punk and carnival.

Nataly Fish

RESF : un réseau de résistances

RESF : un réseau de résistances

Depuis la forte mobilisation du 11 novembre 2006 à l’aéroport de Marignane contre l’expulsion de M. Douibi, le "Collectif 360° et même plus" a suivi sur différentes actions et initiatives le Réseau Education Sans Frontières Bouches-du-Rhône (RESF 13). À ce jour, une série de cinq films d'actualités documentaires intitulés "RESF : un..

Nataly Fish

Dark Star Universe - Resistance Hangar: Outer Rim

Dark Star Universe - Resistance Hangar: Outer Rim

Just beyond the large asteroid belt sits the Andaluz outpost. This floating fortress is the first line of defense for the resistance movement in this outer rim sector. Resources are spread thin making relief unlikely for the Andaluz crew. The bonds between crew members is the driving force sustaining their insular community. The looming uncertainty..

Nataly Fish

Résistance, le maquis de l'Ain

Résistance, le maquis de l'Ain

Le maquis de l'Ain fut un maquis méconnu, l'un de ceux qui a infligé le plus de pertes aux Allemands, et qui n'a jamais lâché les armes, malgré les rafles, et les opérations militaires lancées par la Wehrmacht afin d'anéantir ce noyau de résistance et toutes les personnes civiles susceptibles de l'avoir soutenu.

Nataly Fish

Les Grands sabotages de la résistance

Les Grands sabotages de la résistance

Raconter l’histoire des sabotages, c’est raconter la Seconde guerre mondiale d’une manière inédite, et relire l’histoire de la Résistance à l’aune de ses plus grands exploits. Spectaculaires, efficaces et destructeurs, ils sont le fer de lance de la Résistance et le creuset de la légende de l’Armée des ombres. “Ohé saboteur, a..

Nataly Fish

Alice Fraser: The Resistance

Alice Fraser: The Resistance

The Resistance is a stand-up comedy show about the tumbledown house Alice grew up in, and the tumbledown people who lived in it. Alice brings you an hour of silly funny jokes, silly funny songs.. and a bit of devastating human truth.

Nataly Fish

La Resistance

La Resistance

Top Russian snowboard riders in the main movie of the year from WeAre2012 studio.

Nataly Fish



Predatory industry has hijacked our regulatory system, placing ancient food systems and a fifth of the world’s freshwater at risk. LN3 features Tara Houska, poet-hip hop artist ThomasX, and living-legend Winona LaDuke as they lead an alliance to take on Big Oil and their enablers at the institutional level, and on the frontlines, to stop the flow..

Nataly Fish

The Eastpak Resistance Tour: Volume III

The Eastpak Resistance Tour: Volume III

Take a journey into the hardcore punk underground with this compilation of live concert footage. Songs from some of the scene's best bands include "Clobberin' Time" (Sick of It All), "Sooner or Later" (7 Seconds), "Firewalker" (Slapshot), "Endless" (Unearth), "A Little Piece of Me" (Walls of Jericho), "Spit It Out" (The Bones), "The Only Truth" (He..

Nataly Fish

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 2

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 2

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 2

Nataly Fish

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 1

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 1

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 1

Nataly Fish

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 3

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 3

22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 3

Nataly Fish

22 Minute Hard Corps: Special Ops Resistance

22 Minute Hard Corps: Special Ops Resistance

22 Minute Hard Corps: Special Ops Resistance

Nataly Fish

Into the Light: The Film Resistance

Into the Light: The Film Resistance

Biomorphic shapes at play in this film reiterate and expose the persistence of vision, frame flickering and illusions. The random cycling images question who is the projector and who is the projectionist, while light forms the sound frequencies.

Nataly Fish

Raising Resistance

Raising Resistance

Les luxuriantes fermes de soja du Paraguay sont des champs de bataille entre les grandes entreprises agroalimentaires et les petits agriculteurs. Les haricots OGM font grossir le bétail dans les pays riches, de sorte que les steaks restent bon marché. Mais les pesticides utilisés détruisent les récoltes des campesinos et nuisent à leurs enfan..

Nataly Fish

Rituals of Resistance

Rituals of Resistance

A Tibetan-American filmmaker explores modes of resistance to Chinese occupation by speaking with activists across generations. A former Tibetan monk broke his vows and became a guerilla leader. The filmmaker's own mother followed the Dalai Lama's Middle Path and raised her family in America. A young Tibetan man attempted to self-immolate in 2006. H..

Nataly Fish

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