
On The Road With The Spits

On The Road With The Spits

Ride with The Spits along their 2004 U.S. Tour and spend 45 days with the band all over the country.

Nataly Fish

La Vérification

La Vérification

Pendant l'hiver 1942, sous l'occupation nazie, Lazarev, passe à l'ennemi puis se rend aux partisans russes en prétendant avoir été pris malgré lui par les Allemands. Sa personnalité complexe oppose les deux chefs quant a sa sincérité.

Nataly Fish

Left Lane: On the Road with Folk Poet Alix Olson

Left Lane: On the Road with Folk Poet Alix Olson

A year in the making, Left Lane chronicles life on the road with Alix and her road manager/filmmaker Samantha Farinella as they tour the country connecting the dots from a high school visit in Lincoln, Nebraska to a CD release party in New York City. Alix Olson is an internationally touring folk poet and progressive queer artist-activist. One part ..

Nataly Fish

Heavy Haulage in Action- A Steel Giant On The Road

Heavy Haulage in Action- A Steel Giant On The Road

50 meters long, 6.5 meters wide and 4.5 meters high - a 130-ton giant, consisting of a drive station for conveyor belts and transport vehicles, has to be brought to the site 13 kilometers away. The route: an obstacle course! Power lines lead to a forced stop. Tight curves and steep descents require filigree work. A real tough job for heavy haulage ..

Nataly Fish

Fossils on the Rail Road

Fossils on the Rail Road

A group of teenagers find a peculiar body on a rail road and take it upon themselves to determine what to do with it, despite not knowing where where mysterious body came from.

Nataly Fish

Detective Dee and the Road to Hell

Detective Dee and the Road to Hell

Detective Dee is pardoned of prison by the empress with the condition that he solve a complicated case in 7 days, that of ghost soldiers who have ended the life of officers of her majesty.

Nataly Fish

1984 Home Movie: The Gun Club on the Road

1984 Home Movie: The Gun Club on the Road

1984 Home Move: Gun Club on the Road includes never-before-seen footage of the band backstage and onstage during their legendary 1984 tour. This classic line-up only stayed together for this one album, featuring original drummer Terry Graham, as well as guitar from Kid Congo Powers (The Cramps, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds) and bassist Patricia Morr..

Nataly Fish

Atomic Pilgrimage: Ghost Towns, Nuclear Relics, and Lost Civilizations on the Road to the Trinity Site

Atomic Pilgrimage: Ghost Towns, Nuclear Relics, and Lost Civilizations on the Road to the Trinity Site

A 40-day, 40-night road trip to the Trinity Site—where the first atomic bomb was detonated in the summer of 1945—covering many other atomic destinations and driving deep into the natural and social history of the American southwest.

Nataly Fish

The Road to Sampo

The Road to Sampo

En traversant une prison et un chantier de construction, un jeune ouvrier Young-Dal rencontre M. Jeong d'âge moyen alors qu'il se rendait dans sa ville natale de Sampo après dix ans d'absence. Ils font la connaissance d'une serveuse Baek-Hwa qui s'enfuit d'un restaurant puis, ils voyagent ensemble. Arrivé à destination à la gare de Kangcheon, ..

Nataly Fish

Jim Davidson: On The Road - Live In Torquay

Jim Davidson: On The Road - Live In Torquay

Jim Davidson Live In Torquay as part of his On The Road Tour

Nataly Fish

Rolling on the Road

Rolling on the Road

George is a washed-up middle-aged punk rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker. His life becomes even more of a mess when the nurse he raped moves in with them.

Nataly Fish

A Bird on the Road

A Bird on the Road

Faris works as a regional car driver, and he loves Esmat who works in a garment shop. Ismail is the personal driver to wealthy man Gad, he asks Faris to fill in for him and he meets Fawzia,Gad's wife who married him against her will, and soon he falls in love with her.

Nataly Fish

La Légende de Zatoïchi, Vol. 05 : Voyage sans repos

La Légende de Zatoïchi, Vol. 05 : Voyage sans repos

Ichi arrive dans une ville où il est rapidement pris à partie par Tobei, un parrain local qui lui demande de l’aider à combattre le clan rival de Doyama. Ichi trouve sur son chemin un vieil homme mourant qui lui confie la jeune Mitsu, et lui fait promettre de la ramener chez son père. Mitsu appartient à une riche famille de commerçants d’..

Nataly Fish

The Man on the Road

The Man on the Road

Irene is only eight years old when she witnesses her father’s death at the hands of a hit-and-run. Haunted by the sense of guilt of not being able to remember the killer’s face, Irene becomes a rebellious and introverted teen with the sole obsession of getting herself justice.

Nataly Fish

I am alone, walking on the straight road

I am alone, walking on the straight road

I tried to symbolize the emotion of loneliness with the motif of the poet, Taneda Santoka, who has broken the haiku form. Cutout method depicts subtle face expressions of the man who is slightly drunk in the mountain.

Nataly Fish

Brian Johnson Meets Dave Grohl - A Life On The Road Special

Brian Johnson Meets Dave Grohl - A Life On The Road Special

Two rock legends coming together at the Foo Fighters' studio in Los Angeles. AC/DC frontman, Brian Johnson, and Foo Fighters lead singer and former Nirvana drummer, Dave Grohl, talk about their life on wheels and share their experiences with the viewers.

Nataly Fish

The Road to Mother

The Road to Mother

L'histoire de plusieurs générations d'une famille kazakhe des années 1930 à nos jours. Le film retrace les événements les plus marquants de l'histoire du Kazakhstan à travers la guerre, la séparation et la détermination du clan à rester uni.

Nataly Fish

La traversée

La traversée

La traversée, documentaire de 90 minutes, veut être une "mosaïque" de la France, sans "vouloir rien prouver", une observation du quotidien des Français, 50 ans après mai 1968, portée par deux de ses acteurs : Romain Goupil, leader du mouvement lycéen; et Daniel Cohn-Bendit, figure des étudiants du Quartier latin.

Nataly Fish

The Corrs - Live at Lansdowne Road

The Corrs - Live at Lansdowne Road

Enregistré à Dublin le 17 juillet 1998, un live exceptionnel devant 50 000 fans. La quintessence du groupe irlandais dans ce live qui propose les paroles des chansons, un documentaire de 25 minutes, le clip de Brethless et deux titres enregistrés 'live' au Fleadh Festival de Londres, en juin 2000. Belle introduction aux 17 titres de ce live cha..

Nataly Fish

L'hystérique aux cheveux d'or

L'hystérique aux cheveux d'or

Après avoir été violée par son père, Ingrid quitte sa Finlande natale pour tenter sa chance à Rome. Elle enchaîne les rencontres malencontreuses en ville. D'abord avec une autre prostituée du nom de Claudia, son ami beatnick, un client aristocrate porté sur la messe noire et enfin Renato, le mac de Claudia et leader d'un groupuscule néo-..

Nataly Fish

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