
Wise Donkeys

Wise Donkeys

Puglia, May 2021. A group of folk music artists decide to make a 200-km journey on foot from Torre Guaceto (Brindisi) to Santa Maria di Leuca (Lecce) along the ancient roads of the Via Francigena. A young farmer and his donkey named Bartolo join the group, creating the "Company of Wise Donkeys." The documentary is the story of a musical journey int..

Nataly Fish

Tiger and Donkey

Tiger and Donkey

A tiger behaves violently against the other animals he meets, but a bad experience makes him pay high respect for a donkey.

Nataly Fish



Indra finds that people constantly discriminate against her and judge her due to her skin color. With a humorous and critical perspective, Donkeyland puts into words structural racism through a contested narrative.

Nataly Fish

L'Étoile de Noël

L'Étoile de Noël

L’histoire d’un petit âne courageux, Bo, qui rêve d’une vie meilleure loin du train‐train quotidien du moulin du village. Un jour, il trouve le courage de se libérer pour vivre enfin la grande aventure ! Sur sa route, il va faire équipe avec Ruth, une adorable brebis qui a perdu son troupeau, et Dave, une colombe aux nobles aspiration..

Nataly Fish



Donkeys inhabit and communicate with each other - and the filmmakers - in a Sanctuary.

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Osel domácí

Osel domácí

Nataly Fish

Crazy Guy with Super Kung Fu

Crazy Guy with Super Kung Fu

Dead Eye and his gang are terrorizing a small Chinese region. Chan Ling and his group of misfit friends take it upon themselves to stop evildoers by learning the Super Kung Fu style. Luckily for them, a mysterious stranger is also after Dead Eye.

Nataly Fish

Voyage avec un âne dans les Cévennes

Voyage avec un âne dans les Cévennes

En 1877, dans une auberge près de Fontainebleau, fréquentée par des artistes et des peintres, Robert Louis Stevenson rencontre Fanny Osbourne. Les deux jeunes gens décident de se marier, mais il faut que Fanny retourne en Californie pour divorcer.

Nataly Fish

Agraharathil Kazhutai

Agraharathil Kazhutai

A donkey strays into a village dominated by the upper caste Brahmins.

Nataly Fish

En un burro tres baturros

En un burro tres baturros

Three Spaniards emigrate to Mexico and become prosperous landowners.

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Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Tontolini e l'asino

Tontolini e l'asino

Jenkins goes to a public park where a procession is in progress. There, he takes a fancy to a donkey and determines to possess it. Cautiously mounting the beast, he rides away when the owner is not looking. Riding through the country, he meets a peddler with a quantity of toy balloons.

Nataly Fish

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