
Hitler: The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

Hitler: The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

Adolf Hitler the fighting man is the subject of this engrossing feature, chronicling the future dictator’s combat experience as a foot soldier in World War I. Excerpts from Hitler’s letters from the front, recollections of regimental comrades, and evaluations by his officers offer a revealing portrait of a brooding, fearless loner who preferre..

Nataly Fish

Special Boy Soldiers of the Navy

Special Boy Soldiers of the Navy

Japanese youngsters enduring hard training in Recruit Camp and then going to Iwo Jima in the last days of World War II.

Nataly Fish

Di Renjie Secret Soldier Borrows the Road

Di Renjie Secret Soldier Borrows the Road

During the Wu Zhou period, the entire family of Hu Xiande, the Deputy Imperial Censor, was murdered, prompting Wu Zetian to order Detective Dee to investigate. As Detective Dee delved into the investigation, he discovered that Hu Xiande, who had previously been a law-abiding and upright man, mysteriously became involved in a major case. Detective D..

Nataly Fish

New Legend of the Heroes of the Warring Nations - The Ten Sanada Brave Soldiers Sanada 10

New Legend of the Heroes of the Warring Nations - The Ten Sanada Brave Soldiers Sanada 10

In the Fifth Year of the Keicho era, the Tokugawa clan sought to solidify their control of Japan. Hidetada Tokugawa has come to the doorsteps of Ueda Castle with the intentions of having ...

Nataly Fish

Daemonium: Soldier of the Underworld

Daemonium: Soldier of the Underworld

The story of Daemonium begins in an alternate universe to ours, in which magic and technology coexist with humans and demons. A powerful family hires a band of mercenaries and forces Fulcanelli, a wizard and con artist, to invoke a demon with the purpose of gaining even more power. Of course, things go terribly wrong. The wizard escapes and the dem..

Nataly Fish

The Skull Soldier

The Skull Soldier

Narumi, a man out for revenge with the powers he received and a bit of help from the one who saved his life, he creates the persona of Skull Soldier and attempts to discover who really killed his sister.

Nataly Fish

Jenny and the Soldier

Jenny and the Soldier

A good natured soldier with a killer right hand falls in love with a beautiful girl who has a troubled past.

Nataly Fish

The Women Soldiers

The Women Soldiers

Four girls graduate from high school with the hope of joining the army, even though that may clash with their parents' wishes...

Nataly Fish

Hoodlum Soldier and the C.O.

Hoodlum Soldier and the C.O.

Nataly Fish

The Soldier's Opinion

The Soldier's Opinion

Over the span of fifty years, the Israeli military censorship secretly copied soldiers' personal letters, extracting their views on the most contentious issues facing Israeli society. The findings were presented to leaders in a top-secret report identified as "The Soldier's Opinion."

Nataly Fish

L'Étoile du soldat

L'Étoile du soldat

11 septembre 2001. Du haut des montagnes afghanes, Vergos, journaliste français, apprend l'attaque des tours du World Trade Center par les terroristes d'Al-Quaida. Il se souvient...1984. Nikolaï, jeune musicien soviétique, débarque en Afghanistan comme des milliers d'autres conscrits pour livrer une guerre qui n'est pas la sienne. La peur au ve..

Nataly Fish

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Directed by Wladyslaw Starewicz.

Nataly Fish

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

This is the tale of the tin soldier with one leg who won the heart of a ballerina, but was swallowed by a fish before he found his way back to her. The film is a delightful presentation of Hans Christian Andersen's story, employing puppets and clever camerawork.

Nataly Fish

Les Petits Soldats de plomb

Les Petits Soldats de plomb

With Jean-Baptiste at the front, Louise takes care of Bébé with the help of Uncle Pierre. The letters she receives from Jean-Baptiste worry her, but Pierre distracts Bébé with a box of tin soldiers. That night, Bébé has a dream of his soldiers vanquishing the enemy, and the next morning, Jean-Baptiste surprises the family by returning home.

Nataly Fish

Le soldat méconnu

Le soldat méconnu

Alors que les négociations de paix sont en marche, sur le front, des hommes continuent de se battre. Augustin Trébuchon va livrer avec son régiment la dernière bataille française de la Grande Guerre. Il mourra le 11 novembre 1918, quelques minutes avant le cessez-le-feu. Le Soldat méconnu, c’est le destin tragique du dernier tué, en marge..

Nataly Fish

Rose et le soldat

Rose et le soldat

La Martinique en 1942. Rose, jeune institutrice, est révoquée par le régime vichyste de l’amiral Robert. Révoltée, affamée par le blocus britannique, elle cherche à partir avec les dissidents, ces jeunes rebelles qui tentent au péril de leur vie, de fuir en bateau vers les îles anglaises. Les projets de Rose sont contrariés par le déba..

Nataly Fish

Monika the Soldier

Monika the Soldier

Monika Donner is a transsexual elite soldier, a front figure for gender rights and an author celebrated by the political right-wing. She, who was once a he, quickly becomes a lone fighter between the ideological fronts.

Nataly Fish

The Maiden and the Soldier

The Maiden and the Soldier

A strikingly realized puppet tale, based on an old folk ballad of a maiden who sets out to search for her lost fiancé in the turmoils of war. The beloved is found in a stationary hospital where the Grim Reaper is preparing for his gloomy task. It was inspired by the poem The Legend of the Dead Soldier by Bertolt Brecht.

Nataly Fish

The Soldier and the Woman

The Soldier and the Woman

Set in the times of King Herod (73-4 b.c.), Rachel is a woman traumatized after her innocent son was slaughtered by Herod's men. When discovering an injured officer in the stable, she is determined to kill him. Then a soldier enters. Danish adaptation of Morgan's 1960 BBC Christmas play.

Nataly Fish

The Good Soldier

The Good Soldier

As a young boy, Tommaso's (Gerard Darier) interest in women and in his cousin Marta (Mariangela Melato) in particular, inspired him to bore peep holes into her wall and vicariously partake of her forbidden private life, including her wedding day. Time goes by, and after living through many changes going on around him, Tommaso has grown up and is no..

Nataly Fish

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