
Rampage: The Hillside Strangler Murders

Rampage: The Hillside Strangler Murders

Kenneth Bianchi est l'un des deux violeurs et tueurs en série qui ont terrorisé Los Angeles avec son cousin Angelo Buono dans les années 1970. Le criminel, qui prétend avoir des troubles de la personnalité, est interrogé par la psychiatre Samantha Stone, contrainte de revivre les crimes du meurtrier.

Nataly Fish

Familiar Strangers

Familiar Strangers

"Familiar Strangers" asks the question. "Is it really possible to relate to ones parents and siblings after being replaced by the family dog? . . . Perhaps as friends - weird friends?" An off beat - funny - heartfelt story of family negotiating the changing relationships between parents and children, especially as those children grow into adulthood..

Nataly Fish

L'Étranger de la plage

L'Étranger de la plage

En le voyant perdu dans ses pensées sur la digue, Shun Hashimoto est instantanément tombé sous le charme de Mio Chibana. Les deux hommes se sont rapprochés de jour en jour, jusqu'à ce que Mio quitte l’île. Trois ans plus tard, ce dernier revient pour retrouver son amour perdu, mais Shun hésite à se lancer dans une relation…

Nataly Fish

More Than Strangers

More Than Strangers

Five strangers of different nationalities share a car ride from Berlin to Paris. All of them have only one thing in common: wanting to reach their destination easily and cheaply. When it turns out that one passenger has a serious problem that could get them all into trouble, the trip becomes a little more complicated. The journey must go on. How it..

Nataly Fish

Stranger in My Pocket

Stranger in My Pocket

The seven old friends decide to come together for dinner. Everyone is seated at the table, chatting, eating laughing accompaniment. During the meal, it is decided to play a game. The game is pretty simple; everyone will put their phones on the desk, every incoming message and notification will be read aloud. Their relationship begins to deteriorate..

Nataly Fish

Strangers at Sunrise

Strangers at Sunrise

In the Transvaal, in 1900, the British army condemns to death an American mining engineer for aiding and abetting the Boer enemy. The engineer escapes from custody and takes refuge at an isolated Boer farm. When three deserters from the British army arrive on the scene, the engineer takes steps to protect himself and the Boer family.

Nataly Fish

Cry for the Strangers

Cry for the Strangers

The little coastal town of Clark's Harbor seems like the perfect place for psychiatrist Brad Russell and his wife to get a little peace and spend more time with each other. But the locals don't seem very friendly and every time a storm rolls in another mysterious death occurs... Could an ancient Indian legend of ghostly tribes and human sacrifice h..

Nataly Fish

Strangers in Love

Strangers in Love

Fredric March essays a dual role in this story of a ne'er-do-well who impersonates his brother when the latter dies.

Nataly Fish

The Kindness of Strangers

The Kindness of Strangers

Ellie and Joe Farrelly are a busy couple bringing up a teenage son while running a large building company. When they suddenly have twins, a stranger comes into their life at just the time when they need help the most.

Nataly Fish

Family of Strangers

Family of Strangers

Three patients of different backgrounds, illnesses and stages are being treated at a psychiatric clinic in Nagano Prefecture. Their cases range from the criminal to merely asocial. That should be that, but soon matters take a darker turn when a corpse turns up and a murder has occurred. The culprit fingered is one of the patients.

Nataly Fish

Strangers on a Train: A Hitchcock Classic

Strangers on a Train: A Hitchcock Classic

A retrospective look at Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train.

Nataly Fish

Perfect Strangers

Perfect Strangers

What lies beyond the art of giving and receiving? Ellie, a liberal Democrat and kind-hearted masseuse, decides she wants to share the gift of life with a stranger. Five hundred miles away, Kathy loses hope of receiving a transplant until she hears from Ellie. Over the course of four years, both women face unexpected challenges.

Nataly Fish

We Were Never Really Strangers

We Were Never Really Strangers

On their way of seeking familiarity, two strangers find themselves in a casual encounter that steers their fate into eventually becoming a pursuit of certainty.

Nataly Fish

Welcome Strangers

Welcome Strangers

Every night at 6pm, just outside of Denver, Colorado, detained immigrants are legally released from an ICE facility onto unfriendly, industrial streets. Most of the men and women are asylum-seekers. They have little idea where they are and have nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Welcome Strangers is a short documentary that tells the sto..

Nataly Fish

Les Inconnus dans la maison

Les Inconnus dans la maison

Ancien ténor du barreau, Hector Loursat vit retiré en province. Alcoolique depuis le départ de sa femme, voilà dix-huit ans, les rapports avec sa fille Nicole sont quasi inexistants. Un jour, le cadavre d'un homme est découvert dans sa vaste demeure. Nicole, qui fréquente une bande de jeunes voleurs, est soupçonnée.... -Le film fut interdi..

Nataly Fish

Blood Strangers

Blood Strangers

A mother is dealt a double blow when she learns that her murdered teenage daughter was working as a prostitute.

Nataly Fish

Shanghai Strangers

Shanghai Strangers

A young woman in modern-day Shanghai whose chance encounter with a stranger moves her to divulge a deep-seated secret. In atmospheric flashbacks she is shown in an old house filled with mementos of the Jewish population who were given asylum in Shanghai during World War II.

Nataly Fish

Strangers May Kiss

Strangers May Kiss

After years of fighting off the advances of her old flame Steve, Lisbeth settles into a steamy, casual romance with journalist Alan. Against the advice of her happily married aunt Celia -- who encourages her to demand a serious commitment -- Lisbeth continues to see Alan, even after she hears he may have a wife in France. When Alan's work sends him..

Nataly Fish

Strange Colours

Strange Colours

Milena se rend dans une communauté minière isolée de chercheurs d'opales pour y retrouver son père qu'elle n'a pas vu depuis longtemps et qui est malade. Perdue et seule, elle se retrouve dans une atmosphère étrange, peuplée d'hommes cherchant à échapper à la société et partageant des idéaux de liberté. Bientôt, son père ne veut plu..

Nataly Fish

Intimate Strangers

Intimate Strangers

A Vietnam War nurse, who was captured by the enemy and held prisoner of war for many years, escapes her captors and finds her way back to America. Upon returning to the States, she must cope with her readjustment to post-war society, POW nightmares and her husband's new wife.

Nataly Fish

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