
In My Father's Garden

In My Father's Garden

The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.

Nataly Fish

Le père du soldat

Le père du soldat

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Georgy Makharashvili, ancien viticulteur paysan, quitte son village géorgien et se rend au front pour retrouver son fils, un soldat blessé. Mais avant que le père puisse se rendre à l'hôpital, le fils a été renvoyé au front. Le père ne peut pas retourner dans son village sans avoir retrouvé son fils, il..

Nataly Fish

Ordre & Châtiment : Le Péché de nos pères

Ordre & Châtiment : Le Péché de nos pères

Dans les années 80, des prêtres et particulièrement le Père Geoghan sont arrêtés pour abus sexuels sur mineurs. Le Cardinal Law, lui aussi mis en accusation ainsi que le diocèse, était au courant des agissements de ces hommes d'église et le secret fut gardé pendant des années, jusqu'à ce que les victimes décident de demander réparatio..

Nataly Fish

Shoot Your Father

Shoot Your Father

Upcoming Short Film

Nataly Fish

La Justice, un père, son fils

La Justice, un père, son fils

La Haye, le Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie : Deux avocats ambitieux s'affrontent dans le procès de Milorad Krstic, accusé d'avoir commis des crimes de guerre en tant que commandant pendant la guerre de Bosnie. Le défenseur, Mikhail Finn, a réussi à réfuter toutes les accusations portées contre son client. Convaincue de l..

Nataly Fish

A Father's Legacy

A Father's Legacy

On the run and bleeding a young man ends up at a pond house where he meets an old man (Tobin Bell) and holds him hostage in his own home. As the days pass and the secrets about their past are revealed, they learn that they might not have been looking for each other...but they may have been brought together for a reason.

Nataly Fish

Damien de Molokai

Damien de Molokai

En 1872, un jeune religieux belge, le père Damien, se rend volontaire pour partir assister les lépreux qu’on a parqué sur une île près de Hawaï, l’île de Molokaï, afin d’éviter la contagion. Découvrez l’histoire authentique et édifiante de l’apôtre des lépreux, saint Damien de Molokaï.

Nataly Fish

Un père trop célèbre

Un père trop célèbre

Michael Landon Jr. réalise cette histoire biographique de son père Michael Landon, star de la télévision dans "la petite maison dans la prairie". Le film traite des cicatrices que Michael Jr. a ressenties après le divorce de ses parents, alors qu'il avait 15 ans, et s'intéresse aux aventures de son père.

Nataly Fish

Father John Misty - Live from The Ryman

Father John Misty - Live from The Ryman

Father John Misty performs a career spanning setlist at The Ryman in Nashville, TN, during the tour for his 5th studio LP, Chloë and the Next 20th Century

Nataly Fish

Things I Never Told My Father

Things I Never Told My Father

A road trip. Father and Son. Unanswered questions and things left unsaid as they travel through a distorted reality.

Nataly Fish

Father of the Queen

Father of the Queen

Chevalier de Charentes goes to Poland on a double mission.

Nataly Fish

My Father's Bike

My Father's Bike

Grandfather's wife unexpectedly leaves him for another man and this sparks a series of events. His son and grandson arrive from abroad and set of for a journey to find a woman dear to each of them.

Nataly Fish

Father's Day

Father's Day

Professor Seetha's life takes an ugly turn when a criminology student begins spying on her and eventually ends up unravelling some of her dark secrets.

Nataly Fish

Father's Son

Father's Son

A young fishboy and his birdude friend must choose between the satanic babes by the cliffs and the open road ahead.

Nataly Fish

Sweet Smoke of the Fatherland

Sweet Smoke of the Fatherland

This film is a triptych with three stories, involving three characters. They live in different parts of Europe: Western Europe -Catalonia (Spain); Eastern Europe -Lithuania; and in the new Europe -Georgia (Akhazia). They have experienced, in different parts of the 20Th century, civil wars and dictatorships. They share the same fate: they stayed whe..

Nataly Fish

Father Lenin

Father Lenin

An evocative and unsettling journey through christian and also deeply communist Kerala. Amidst red flags and altar boys, between the sea and the jungle, mixing the language of reportage and that of fable, the unedited docufilm tells the touching, profound, at times funny stories of a group of priests and nuns in the days leading up to Easter.

Nataly Fish

Dreams Of My Father

Dreams Of My Father

En route to an audition, aspiring actress Leila stops at a motel and hooks up with one of the locals. After swallowing a weed edible, she is flooded with paranoia and insecurity about her physical appearance as a transwoman. To make matters worse, everywhere she turns she sees the apparition of her biggest tormentor. Will she summon the courage to ..

Nataly Fish

Our Father

Our Father

The Second World War is experienced through the journey of Private Cole, a dramatic study of the contrasting nature between the innocence of childhood and the reality of war, and the emotional struggle that accompanies it.

Nataly Fish

Father Mother Father

Father Mother Father

After several months of not seeing his son, Eran decides to visit him at his ex-wife's house for the first time, knowing he will have to face her new partner. Will Eran be able to take back his place within the new family?

Nataly Fish

Atatürk - Father of the Turks

Atatürk - Father of the Turks

In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as w..

Nataly Fish

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