
30 Years to Life

30 Years to Life

In a futuristic dystopia, a teenager is medically aged 30 years to punish him for a crime he didn't commit.

Nataly Fish

One on One

One on One

Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, an..

Nataly Fish

La Chute des héros

La Chute des héros

Guerre de Corée. Après avoir été fait prisonnier, un G.I. (Richard Basehart, le major Harry Cargill) est accusé de collaboration avec l'ennemi, notamment d'avoir donné à ses codétenus des cours de marxisme-léninisme. Un avocat le défend (Richard Widmark, le colonel William Edwards). Histoire de lavage de cerveau, ou un avant-goût des fil..

Nataly Fish

Les Aventuriers de la quatrième dimension

Les Aventuriers de la quatrième dimension

A deux semaines de rendre un projet de science vital pour eux, car susceptible de les faire recaler, deux lycéens, Michael et Vince, adeptes des "400 coups" ne trouvent rien de mieux que de dérober, dans une base militaire, un appareil mystérieux dont ils ne tardent pas à découvrir qu'il est doté d'une technologie leur ouvrant des portes spat..

Nataly Fish

Attractions fatales

Attractions fatales

Simeon, un mystérieux vagabond, passe l'hiver au sein d'une petite communauté isolée en bordure de la mer. Alors que les membres de la communauté commencent à démonter de la sympathie à l'égard son égard, le pouvoir que Simeon exerce sur eux se met à prendre de l'ampleur. Mais voilà que son influence le mène vers un chemin destructeur m..

Nataly Fish

Girls From Another Time

Girls From Another Time

Nataly Fish

Time in Advance

Time in Advance

The future. Criminals serve prison sentences before they commit their crimes. Prisons are on new planets that are being colonised. After serving their time, the former prisoners return to their home planet.

Nataly Fish

Some Lapse of Time

Some Lapse of Time

Dr Max Harrow is awakened from a re-current nightmare in which he is pursued by a barbaric accusing figures, to find a tramp collapsed on his doorstep, The tramp is suffering from a genetic radiation disorder that should killed him in infancy as it did Harrow's baby son. The man is the living image of Harrow's nightmare figures, Clutched in his han..

Nataly Fish

I'm Staying

I'm Staying

Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was ..

Nataly Fish

The Serpent of Death

The Serpent of Death

An archaelogist falls under the spell of a statue with a curse on it.

Nataly Fish

Deux Nigauds dans le manoir hanté

Deux Nigauds dans le manoir hanté

1780. La maîtresse du manoir de Danbury et l'étameur Horatio Prim ont été tués comme espions ennemis de Washington. Jetés dans un puits, les deux fantômes sont condamnés à rester prisonniers du domaine jusqu'à ce que soit établie la preuve de leur innocence. Les nouveaux occupants du manoir vont les aider à retrouver une lettre les inno..

Nataly Fish

Children of the Pale Fox

Children of the Pale Fox

The film tells about one of the most mysterious peoples of the planet, the Dogon. The Dogon live in southeastern Mali in villages scattered over the rocks of Bandiagara like bird nests. They consider themselves aliens from the planet Sirius B and have knowledge in the field of the structure of the solar system, which scientists became aware of only..

Nataly Fish

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