
Bruce Lee, la malédiction du dragon

Bruce Lee, la malédiction du dragon

La gloire de Bruce LEE et l'enthousiasme qu'il a suscité pour les arts martiaux à travers ses films restent toujours inégalés, 20 ans après sa mort prématurée. Ce documentaire montre le véritable Bruce LEE en action, sur scène et en privé, avec : des séquences classiques de combat, ses percées phénoménales en tournois en 1964, les sé..

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Faceless Man

Curse of the Faceless Man

A stone-encrusted body is unearthed at Pompeii, and people left alone with it keep dying of crushed skulls...

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Forty-Niner

Curse of the Forty-Niner

A group of friends discover gold deep inside an old mine. But by taking the gold and think they've hit it big, they awaken a long dead miner who's Hell Bent on protecting his treasure.

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Captain Silverbeard

The Curse of Captain Silverbeard

An incompetent young archeologist pursues a mythical sword

Nataly Fish

Man of the Cursed Valley

Man of the Cursed Valley

Gwen, who is married to Torito, an Indian, she escapes from a rape attempt and is found wandering in the wilderness by Johnny, who leaves her with a missionary Father Ryan. A difficult situation emerges involving warring families and those who had assaulted her, still on their trail.

Nataly Fish

Death Curse of Tartu

Death Curse of Tartu

Un groupe d'étudiants en archéologie vont faire la fête sur un terrain qui se trouve être le lieu d'enterrement d'un ancien shaman indien, le dénommé Tartu. Malgré eux, ils vont réveiller sa colère...

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Hobbes House

The Curse of Hobbes House

Après le décès de sa grand-mère, Jane Dormant se rend dans l'ancestrale demeure familiale, dans l'espoir de recevoir un important héritage. À l'arrivée de sa demi-sœur Jennifer, également venue pour sa part de l'héritage, leur haine mutuelle refait surface. C'est alors qu'une violente tempête surnaturelle les coupe du reste du monde et r..

Nataly Fish

The Cursed Sanctuary X

The Cursed Sanctuary X

Kaname Azuma is sick of her marriage life with her husband and she decides to divorce him. She leaves Japan and travels to South Korea. There, she visits her brother Teruo's villa. Teruo is surprised by Kaname's sudden visit, but after he hears of her marriage life, he lets her to stay with him. Somehow, Teruo and Kaname happen to enter The Cursed ..

Nataly Fish

Crispy's Curse

Crispy's Curse

Paranormal investigators join forces with a medium and a Christian heavy metal band to destroy an evil clown.

Nataly Fish

Le Mystère De La Hache Indienne

Le Mystère De La Hache Indienne

Curse of the Axe retrace une enquête révolutionnaire sur un mystérieux objet en fer qui a été enterré dans un village huron-wendat, 100 ans avant le contact avec les Européens. Cette découverte pourrait réécrire l'histoire américaine à jamais. Lauréat du prix Hugo d'argent du meilleur documentaire au Festival international du film de C..

Nataly Fish

The Curse Of The Fatwolf

The Curse Of The Fatwolf

A man is bit by a fat fuck. He then has to track down the Fat Fuck that bit him.

Nataly Fish

Playmobil: Romains & Egyptiens

Playmobil: Romains & Egyptiens

Le jeune légionnaire Quintus participe à sa première mission avec les soldats romains. L' enjeu est de taille, il doit assurer la paix entre Rome et l' Egypte ! En effet, César et la belle Cléopâtre ont décidé de faire la paix. Mais Ptolemaios, le frère de Cléopâtre ne l' entend pas de cette oreille... Il va tout faire pour empêcher la ..

Nataly Fish

The Curse

The Curse

"The Curse" stars Amy Laughlin ("Class of '02") as Frida, a shy, single New York City woman who suffers a mysterious dog bite during a lingerie sale. Soon after, Frida begins to change with the cycle of the moon, becoming more confident, assertive, beautiful...and dangerous. When she wakes up with her sheets soaked in blood, Frida assumes that she ..

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Abundance

The Curse of Abundance

Ecuador, a South American oil rich country, launched a daring initiative to leave some of its Amazonian oil reserves in the ground in exchange for financial compensation from the international community. It was a revolutionary idea to save one of the Earth’s most vital ecosystems and two uncontacted indigenous tribes. The proposal centred on the ..

Nataly Fish

Dracula's Curse

Dracula's Curse

A team of vampire hunters set out to battle an evil vampire clan in the dark underworld.

Nataly Fish

L'Empreinte de Dracula

L'Empreinte de Dracula

Au Moyen Age, Irenius Daninsky fait la guerre aux adorateurs de Satan pour le bien de l’église. Exécutée sur le bûcher, une comtesse sataniste maudit Irenius et ses descendants ! Plusieurs siècles plus tard, la malédiction va être mise en œuvre. Waldemar Daninsky est donc condamné à se transformer en loup-garou les nuits de pleine lune�..

Nataly Fish

The Djinn's Curse

The Djinn's Curse

Dark forces beyond our world threaten a family’s fate. A father fights to protect his loved ones from the horrors of the Djinn realm.

Nataly Fish

The Wheat Curse

The Wheat Curse

The Algerian region of Tindouf is home to more than 170,000 Sahrawis, who have been living in refugee camps since 1976, when Morocco occupied the Western Sahara region. In a place of inhospitable conditions and scarcity, the Sahrawi population lives on dwindling humanitarian aid. Six percent of them face the added difficulty of coeliac disease.

Nataly Fish

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

Egyptologist Robin Ellis and American reporter Eva Marie Saint uncover King Tut's burial site but wealthy profiteer Raymond Burr tries to make sure that the valuable artifacts in its chambers never leave the country.

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Macbeths

Curse of the Macbeths

In their unrelenting quest for power, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth engage in murder and mayhem to attain the Crown and keep it, in this modern-day version of Shakespeare's famous story. Drink a cup of evil - blood will have blood.

Nataly Fish

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