
Projota - AMADMOL (A Milenar Arte de Meter o Louco)
Michael Palin's Quest for Artemisia

Michael Palin's Quest for Artemisia

Michael Palin discovers the story of 17th-century Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi. He unearths not only her paintings, but a complex and difficult life.

Nataly Fish

Bunhill Fields Artefact: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Bunhill Fields Artefact: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Each piece was edited from material that was from the SWANDOWN shoot and named Artefacts 1-5.

Nataly Fish

Napoléon, au nom de l'art

Napoléon, au nom de l'art

Exilé sur l'île de Sainte-Hélène, Napoléon était persuadé qu'après sa disparition il continuerait d'être admiré pour ces nombreux accomplissements. Si ses exploits ont été motivés par sa soif de pouvoir et de gloire, ils l’ont aussi été par son besoin de connaissance et l’ambition d'associer son image aux grandes civilisations du..

Nataly Fish

Artefact #1: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Artefact #1: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Each piece was edited from material that was from the SWANDOWN shoot and named Artefacts 1-5.

Nataly Fish

Quiet Storm: The Ron Artest Story

Quiet Storm: The Ron Artest Story

In the world of professional sports, no American athlete ever came back from a mental health disorder....until Ron Artest, now known to the world as Metta World Peace.

Nataly Fish

Le Magnifique

Le Magnifique

Tous les dix ans, les différents maîtres des arts martiaux se réunissent pour discuter des différentes techniques. De ces réunions est né un art de combat infaillible : "l'art du Snake et du Crane". Si le détenteur de ces secrets est doté d'une grande sagesse, il deviendra un maître vénéré de tous. Mais que deviendrait le pays si de tel..

Nataly Fish

Rafinha Bastos: A Arte do Insulto

Rafinha Bastos: A Arte do Insulto

Após 4 anos de apresentações lotadas por todo o país, Rafinha Bastos lança o DVD de seu primeiro show solo de stand-up comedy: A Arte do Insulto. No espetáculo que o projetou, Rafinha destila humor e muita polêmica. O ator judeu e gaúcho não poupa as próprias raízes – e nem as alheias. Em cima de um palco, apenas um microfone, um banco..

Nataly Fish

The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving

Dans la Pologne communiste des années 1970, une gynécologue défie les tabous et se bat pour faire publier son livre avant-gardiste sur l'amour et la sexualité.

Nataly Fish

Project Artemis - Back to the Moon

Project Artemis - Back to the Moon

La NASA se prépare à renvoyer des astronautes sur la Lune avec les missions Artemis.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Artefact #2: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Artefact #2: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Each piece was edited from material that was from the SWANDOWN shoot and named Artefacts 1-5.

Nataly Fish

Al-Andalus: las artes islámicas en España
Altamira: el origen del arte

Altamira: el origen del arte

A documentary to 'rediscover' the so called Sistine Chapel of Rock Art and to tell the story of the discovery of a cave and some paintings that astonished the world 138 years ago. Filming this documentary lead its director, José Luis López Linares, through many rock caves around the world, grasping information about the life of the Magdalenian ma..

Nataly Fish

Juan Gabriel: Mis 40 en Bellas Artes
Artefact #5: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Artefact #5: Swandown – Culled from a Waterbound Journey from Hastings to Hackney

Each piece was edited from material that was from the SWANDOWN shoot and named Artefacts 1-5.

Nataly Fish

Artemis I: Going Back to the Moon

Artemis I: Going Back to the Moon

Follow the extraordinary, inside story of NASA engineers as they race to build and launch the world's biggest rocket, Artemis I.

Nataly Fish

In omaggio all'arte italiana!

In omaggio all'arte italiana!

Fragment of last reel from "History Lessons" presented in an installation as a special event for the Venice Biennale Arte.

Nataly Fish

Les Arts Martiaux de Shaolin

Les Arts Martiaux de Shaolin

Deux orphelins dont les parents respectifs ont été tués par le même homme, le Seigneur He Suo, connaissent des destins différents. Le premier Zhi Ming est envoyé au Temple de Shaolin du nord par sa mère. Le second Sima Yan est confié au Temple du sud par son oncle. À l'approche de l'anniversaire d'He Suo, Zhi Ming et Sima Yan, décident ch..

Nataly Fish



Palm Springs resident and film and art legend Udo Kier is "arteholic". He lives, breathes and makes art and at times he is even a living art piece. In this playful docu-fiction, we follow Udo on a road trip through famous museums in Frankfurt, Cologne, Paris, Copenhagen and Berlin, and eavesdrop as he chats with artists including Marcel Odenbach, R..

Nataly Fish

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