
The Power Principle

The Power Principle

"Probably the best documentary ever made about American foreign policy". - Information Clearing House. Massive compliation of very valuable and trust-worthy information.

Nataly Fish

Don't Tread On Me

Don't Tread On Me

From the Tea Party Movement to State Legislators, the American people are drawing a line in the sand. On what side of it will you stand? Has the government our Founders created been forgotten by Washington DC? Is a Patriot Uprising ready to capture the spirit of 1776? "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" gives the viewer a look into the moveme..

Nataly Fish

Nazi Nurseries

Nazi Nurseries

During World War II, the Nazis began a secret Aryan breeding program called Lebensborn. Born in special nurseries, the children were meant to renew the ranks of the SS in order to ensure the continuation of the Master Race. The fathers of these children were all SS officers, a prerequisite. Illustrated with the testimonies of the victims, this film..

Nataly Fish



On a stormy night Caleb decides to box away his past but little does he know what power lies inside the box that risk him and his friends lives.

Nataly Fish

Les pouponnières du IIIème Reich

Les pouponnières du IIIème Reich

Pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, le régime nazi a pensé et mis en place une «fabrique d’enfants aryens». Censés fournir des forces vives au «Reich millénaire», les enfants nés au sein du programme du Lebensborn devaient être la relève SS à même de faire perdurer la race supérieure. Tous les pères de ces enfants étaient des SS. ..

Nataly Fish

The Hitler Conspiracies

The Hitler Conspiracies

A closer look at those who tried to rid the world of Hitler, including many within his organization. The story of the German Resistance is one that is rarely heard, but the bravery of the conspirators, despite their lack of success in stopping Hitler in his tracks, is nothing short of heroic. In 1944, Operation Valkyrie and Colonel Count Claus von ..

Nataly Fish

Alta Morte

Alta Morte

Nataly Fish



Province of Ciudad Real, Spain, December 29, 1990. During the annual march to the Herrera de la Mancha prison, held in support of the members of the terrorist gang ETA imprisoned there, the Basque rock band Negu Gorriak holds a concert, which is recorded, edited on video and turned into a tool of vindication. Decades later, a film crew tries to ela..

Nataly Fish

Hasse Dunder

Hasse Dunder

Nataly Fish

A Primeira Pedra

A Primeira Pedra

The First Stone exposes the terrible face of intolerance, where angry lynch mobs take justice into their own hands. The documentary tells the story of lynching victims and investigates the shocking growth of this crime in Brazil where one lynching is registered everyday - the highest rate worldwide. A narrative with engaging characters and dramati..

Nataly Fish

Elton Medeiros - Or the Sun Shall Be Born

Elton Medeiros - Or the Sun Shall Be Born

Beautiful tribute to the composer Elton Medeiros. Together with his last partner Vidal Assis, he sings, tells stories and moves.

Nataly Fish

The Cambodian Space Project: Not Easy Rock'n'Roll

The Cambodian Space Project: Not Easy Rock'n'Roll

In a Phnom Penh karaoke bar in 2009 Australian musician Julien Poulson hears the extraordinary voice of poor village girl Srey Thy. The result is tempestuous cross-cultural romance and the birth of The Cambodian Space Project, a thrilling musical explosion that wows audiences worldwide with sounds from the 1960s and '70s golden age of Cambodian roc..

Nataly Fish

National Geographic Inca Mummies: Secrets of Lost Empire

National Geographic Inca Mummies: Secrets of Lost Empire

Their empire stretched from Ecuador all the way to Chile. Only 40,000 strong, they ruled ten million subjects and created one of history's greatest civilizations. But with one quick blow, the Spanish brought this mighty empire to its knees. it is one of the most dramatic and poignant stories in history. Unfortunately, the drama unfolding today is a..

Nataly Fish

Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst

Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst

A documentary on the curious American domestic terrorist group, infamous for the 1974 kidnapping of Patty Hearst.

Nataly Fish

Douvan Jou Ka Leve

Douvan Jou Ka Leve

Quelle est cette « maladie de l'âme » qui ronge le peuple haïtien? Ce film autobiographique cherche à comprendre cette forme « d'ambivalence culturelle » exprimée principalement à travers la spiritualité.

Nataly Fish

Prehistoric: Predators of the Past

Prehistoric: Predators of the Past

Journey back millions of years to experience life among the mythical beasts that filled the prehistoric world. This three-part collection includes What Killed the Mega Beasts, Prehistoric Assassins: Blood in the Water, and Rise of the Feathered Dragon.

Nataly Fish

Queen without Land

Queen without Land

This is the true story of the meeting between Frost, a beautiful polar bear mother, and Asgeir Helgestad, a Norwegian wildlife filmmaker. It is a four-year journey in Svalbard. Rising temperatures are responsible for dramatic changes in Frost's ecosystem as the ice is melting at record speed. From complete darkness to the absolute light of the midn..

Nataly Fish

Blood Moon

Blood Moon

In 1812 the first curse began now it lives on and the local sheriff’s department has found two women brutally ripped apart in the local forest. Additional members of the sheriff’s department have arrived to assist in locating and saving anyone left alive. A guns blazing shotgun to the head werewolf movie in the tradition of Dog Soldiers.

Nataly Fish

Why Hitler Lost WWII

Why Hitler Lost WWII

Explores the fascinating reasons behing Hitler's demise and delves into several explanations for the failed 1,000-year Reich.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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