
Encyclopedia of a Drifter

Encyclopedia of a Drifter

Nagaremono zukan is a documentary video, release from V&R Planning (AV). "Flower Picture Book" is the second work in the bicycle trilogy after Yumika. A very private sexual movie with Tomoko Matsunashi, right after Hirano broke up with Yumika. The violence of the camera is clearly increasing. If Yumika was the light, Nagaremono zukan is the shadow...

Nataly Fish

A Dream of Living

A Dream of Living

A play that looks at the lives of F. Scott Fitzgerald, his wife Zelda, and Ernest Hemmingway in 1925 Paris. This dramatization brings to life the personalities of Scott and Zelda as well as the time period that produced “The Great Gatsby.”

Nataly Fish



Faced with the emptiness and lack of rational explanation for many of the problems of the contemporary world, it sometimes seems that the only solution is to take refuge in the instincts ... and instincts lead us to sex. At least this is the exit that find the protagonists of this story: sex as a shock to stay alive, the manipulation of others as a..

Nataly Fish

So Ended a Great Love

So Ended a Great Love

The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.

Nataly Fish

Mubende : le Café de l'injustice

Mubende : le Café de l'injustice

Ce film expose un cas d’accaparement de terres en Ouganda : plus de 2000 petits paysans qui vivaient depuis des générations dans une région fertile dans le sud-ouest de l’Ouganda ont été expulsés en 2001 afin de faire place à une plantation de café détenue par une entreprise de commerce de café de Hambourg. Les personnes déplacées o..

Nataly Fish

Lovagias ügy

Lovagias ügy

Nataly Fish



Pink film, false sequel of Resume of Love Affairs.

Nataly Fish

Amateur Daddy

Amateur Daddy

Jim Gladden, a construction site foreman, is partially responsible for the accidental death of one of his workers, Fred Smith, and makes good on Fred's deathbed request to go to Scotch Valley and take care of his surviving wife and children. When Jim arrives in the small town, he is told that there are two Fred Smith families in Scotch Valley, the ..

Nataly Fish

Nick Carter, le roi des détectives
Eine Bonner Affäre

Eine Bonner Affäre

Nataly Fish

Star Struck

Star Struck

A man thinks he's found a cheap thrill, but discovers it's thrown him into a world of danger in this steamy drama. A filmmaker (Nero Campbell) who has moved into a new home discovers to his pleasant surprise that his next door neighbor is a beautiful woman (Amber Smith) who isn't inclined to keep her shades drawn. However, one night while watching ..

Nataly Fish

Married Female Banker

Married Female Banker

Pink film by Hiroyoshi Takishima.

Nataly Fish

His Lordship

His Lordship

A complicated adventure involving twin brothers and the Foreign Office trying to thwart the ambitions of a hostile sheikh.

Nataly Fish

Matter of Chemistry

Matter of Chemistry

A chemical analyst, finds himself under unbearable pressure from the environment he chose to live in. Which leads him to a drastic change, for self-acceptance.

Nataly Fish

아저씨 안마만 하세요

아저씨 안마만 하세요

Nataly Fish

Tegui: Un asunto de familia

Tegui: Un asunto de familia

Nataly Fish

Sherlock Hernandez

Sherlock Hernandez

Amateur detective Diego "Sherlock" Hernandez tries to help his brother's friend, only to find a mob connection. Diego tries to use his influence over his close friend to help the troubled Cortez Family. Can he make the right choice to help, or will he make things worse?

Nataly Fish

Le collier de la reine

Le collier de la reine

La machination célèbre, ourdie par la comtesse de la Motte pour aider le cardinal de Rohan à retrouver la faveur royale et l'assister dans ses entreprenants desseins auprès de Marie-Antoinette.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Writer and philosopher Voltaire, loyal to his king, Louis XV of France, nonetheless writes scathingly of the king's disdain for the rights and needs of his people. Louis admires Voltaire, but is increasingly influenced against him by his minister, the Count de Sarnac.

Nataly Fish

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