
Perfect Leader

Perfect Leader

Produced to coincide with the 1984 Presidential Campaign, Perfect Leader is a cautionary tale that brings to life a prototypical politician, as packaged by Madison Avenue. With a driving soundtrack and bold visuals, Almy satirically presents this dynamic simulation of media politics as a fast-paced music clip. The narrator is a disembodied Big Brot..

Nataly Fish

Universal Leader

Universal Leader

Universal Leader refers to the countdown on analogue film stock, while simultaneously addressing the current state of leaders in the world. The film uses poetry-like film semantics to travel a sociopolitical path between gun violence, leader figures, war images and subsequent refugees. It is composed of physically manipulated 24 frames per second, ..

Nataly Fish

The Leader

The Leader

A short horror movie

Nataly Fish

Christian Mandalas Leader's Guide

Christian Mandalas Leader's Guide

Christian Mandalas The Leader's Guide Mandala is the Sanskrit word for circle or disk. Traditional mandalas have been used in Hinduism and Buddhism for hundreds of years. Non-traditional mandalas were made popular in the West by Psychiatrist Carl Jung in the early 1900s. His ground breaking work with non-traditional mandalas led to the concept of t..

Nataly Fish

End Time Revealed: Coming World Leaders

End Time Revealed: Coming World Leaders

Tim LaHaye's Prophecy Institute presents this engaging home video collection that provides an in-depth examination of Biblical prophecy. Featuring the world's foremost Biblical scholars and theologians, including Tim LaHaye (author of the Left Behind series), Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice, this complete collection offers insight into what the Bible rev..

Nataly Fish

Academy Leader Variations

Academy Leader Variations

Twenty animators from the U.S., Switzerland, Poland and China express their friendship with and love of animation in a series of animated variations on the standard countdown.

Nataly Fish

Newt Leaders

Newt Leaders

Presents the physically necessary film “leaders”; at the front and back end of movies as aesthetic in themselves. (Amy Halpern)

Nataly Fish

Universal Leader

Universal Leader

A parody of experimental video, Ted Mills and Gary Tseng's short mixes Japanese and Taiwanese television, straight and gay porn, and educational films into an insane, heady brew, scored by Dave LaDelfa.

Nataly Fish

The Vision of the Leader

The Vision of the Leader

Anyone can accomplish exponentially more -- if they know how. The Vision of the Leader series was developed to train anyone how to "lead," whether in business, churches, neighborhood groups or national organizations. Best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson teaches the secrets to a powerful life that will help you accomplish radically more.

Nataly Fish

Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader

Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader

Ke$ha is one of pop music's hottest artists on the scene today. But what message is she spreading to countless young fans? Millions of her young impressionable fans are being introduced to overtly satanic themes, partying, promiscuity and more. Is this really what we want our kids exposed to?

Nataly Fish

Hitch: A Portrait of a Black Leader As a Young Man

Hitch: A Portrait of a Black Leader As a Young Man

A dramatised documentary which explores ghetto life as seen and felt inside Harlem, based on experiences of the Northside Centre for Child Development. Concerns a southern black adolescent boy’s reaction to ghetto life.

Nataly Fish

The Leader News (Vol. 2, No. 4)

The Leader News (Vol. 2, No. 4)

The fourth in a second volume of promotional news real footage produced by Chevrolet. The short touches on a number of subjects in a generally upbeat manner. Included is a firehouse cat named Mickey, a model plane competition, and the Detroit police's unique approach to enforcing traffic laws using a cruiser hooked up to a large speaker on the roof..

Nataly Fish

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader

Muggs and Glimpy, two East Side Kids in the army, return to their neighborhood, supposedly on furlough; actually, Muggs has been honorably discharged with a physical defect, but he tells no one of this. Danny, another East Side kid, is in jail because a large amount of medical supplies have been stolen from the warehouse where he works. Muggs see S..

Nataly Fish

Precious Leader Woman

Precious Leader Woman

Hailing from the remote village of Alert Bay, British Columbia snowboarder Spencer O’Brien dedicated her life to becoming a world champion. But, being driven to win came at a cost. Snowboarding at the elite level was taking Spencer further from her Indigenous heritage than she realized. Precious Leader Woman tells Spencer’s story from childhood..

Nataly Fish

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader is a real-life coming-of-age story of three traditional American boys with Presidential dreams. At sixteen-years-old, high school Class Presidents Ben, D.J. & Nick are all conservatives who plan to continue leading their peers as President someday. Over three life-changing years, they split into Republican, Democratic and Ind..

Nataly Fish

Ensat, Spiritual Leader of Atlantis

Ensat, Spiritual Leader of Atlantis

Students of Unarius take part in a past life psychodrama and share the resulting healings.

Nataly Fish

Great Indian Leaders and Nations

Great Indian Leaders and Nations

The achievements, cultures and histories of Native Americans are highlighted in two programs. "Great Indian Leaders" tells the story of Geronimo, Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse and Quanah Parker. "Great Indian Nations" covers six tribes: the Iroquois, Shawnee, Seminole, Navajo, Cheyenne and Lakota Sioux. Reenactments, archival photos, traditional music ..

Nataly Fish

Inside North Korea: The Next Leader

Inside North Korea: The Next Leader

North Korea’s leadership has been in the hands of one family for over 70 years, claiming a divine right to rule. Who would be the next in line?

Nataly Fish

Leaders of WWII: The Early Years

Leaders of WWII: The Early Years

A look at Charles de Gaulle, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, and Marshal Petain, and the roles they play in the Great War of 1914 to 1918.

Nataly Fish



Piotrek arrives at a building where different courses take place. Basia, his fiancée, enrolled him in the smoking cessation training. Due to an accidental turn of events, he ends up on a mysterious self-development training.

Nataly Fish

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