
Horror in the Wax Museum

Horror in the Wax Museum

A psychology professor and others spend an evening of horrors in a Madrid wax museum.

Nataly Fish

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror

The original 1922 "Nosferatu" is regarded as one of the most important films ever made, and a cornerstone of the vampire genre. Now, over one hundred years later, the bloodthirsty Count Orlok rises once again to cast an unearthly shadow in a feature-length retelling of the classic horror masterpiece. Faithfully presented in the style of golden-age ..

Nataly Fish

La Chambre des Horreurs

La Chambre des Horreurs

Jason Cravatte, appelé le "Boucher de Baltimore" est un psychopathe, meurtrier sanguinaire qui fait trembler la population et met la police en échec. Après avoir étranglé sa fiancée et obligé un prêtre à les marier, Jason s'enfuit mais grâce à une dénonciation, il est arrêté. Il réussira à s'échapper en se mutilant cruellement ; i..

Nataly Fish

Parts: The Clonus Horror

Parts: The Clonus Horror

An escaped clone tries to expose a government plot to clone everyone and make a perfect society.

Nataly Fish

Horrible Horror

Horrible Horror

A collection of trailers and previews from various low-budget horror films of the '50s and '60s.

Nataly Fish

Sonia Horowitz, l'insoumise

Sonia Horowitz, l'insoumise

"A price above rubies" ("Plus de valeur qu'un rubis") provient d'un proverbe biblique: "Qui peut trouver une femme à l'âme forte? Celle-ci a plus de valeur qu'un rubis." C'est l'histoire de Sonia Horowitz, qui tente d'intégrer la communauté hassidique en respectant ses diktats. Mais bientôt, elle étouffe dans cette vie que d'autres ont tracé..

Nataly Fish

Honeymoon Horror

Honeymoon Horror

Des amants adultères, qui se sont débarrassés du mari gênant, ouvrent, sur leur petite île, des chambres d’hôtes pour jeunes mariés. Mais leur premier groupe clients est bientôt décimé par un mystérieux assassin.

Nataly Fish

Galaxy of Horrors

Galaxy of Horrors

Pris au piège dans une capsule cryogénique endommagée, un homme est obligé de regarder une série d'horribles contes de science-fiction pendant que ses systèmes de survie s'épuisent.

Nataly Fish

Mental Health and Horror: A Documentary

Mental Health and Horror: A Documentary

Mental Health and Horror: A Documentary is a feature-length documentary about the positive impacts and cathartic releases that horror can have on those living with mental illnesses.

Nataly Fish

Vault of Horror I

Vault of Horror I

A compilation of three episodes from the Tales from the Crypt series ("Carrion Death", "None but the lonely heart" and "Abra Cadaver") with some famous cast and directors.

Nataly Fish

Mary Horror

Mary Horror

Mary Horowitz is a normal high school senior who has just moved from Salem Massachusetts to a small corrupt town in New Jersey. Mary's life has not been going the way she planned. Her grandmother has passed away, her best friend Kelly has been missing for almost two weeks and she suspects her boyfriend of cheating on the eve of her homecoming dance..

Nataly Fish

Museum Of Horror

Museum Of Horror

A mysterious killer abducts girls off the street and covers them in wax.

Nataly Fish

The Rati Horror Show

The Rati Horror Show

"El Rati Horror Show" is a documentary portraying the dramatic story of Fernando Ariel Carrera, an ordinary man unjustly convicted to 30 years of prison -not by mistake but deliberately- by the manipulation of a Judicial Case. The movie takes as a central point the way in which Fernando Carrera's case was set up: the manipulation and alteration of ..

Nataly Fish

The Loch Ness Horror

The Loch Ness Horror

Hunters set out to catch the legendary Scottish monster that has defied explanation and eluded capture since the 1940s.

Nataly Fish

Horror in the High Desert 3: Firewatch

Horror in the High Desert 3: Firewatch

As a wildfire bears down on the opposite side of the state, Oscar Mendoza, armed with a secret, takes advantage of the distraction and journeys to Northeastern Nevada in search of missing outdoorsman Gary Hinge's last known whereabouts.

Nataly Fish

Otto Baxter: Not a F***ing Horror Story

Otto Baxter: Not a F***ing Horror Story

We follow Otto Baxter, a 35-year-old man with Down Syndrome, over six years, as he writes and directs a foul-mouthed, autobiographical comedy-horror-musical set in Victorian London. Otto, who has always struggled to explain how he feels, uses his film The Puppet Asylum to explore his birth, adoption and his epic battle with ‘The Master’ – an..

Nataly Fish

Invaders of the Lost Gold

Invaders of the Lost Gold

Japanese soldiers battle a tribe of cannibals while protecting a gold shipment.

Nataly Fish

The Horror Crowd

The Horror Crowd

Revealing, intimate documentary spotlighting the Hollywood horror community.

Nataly Fish

The Philosophy of Horror: A Symphony of Film Theory

The Philosophy of Horror: A Symphony of Film Theory

The Philosophy of Horror – A Symphony of Film Theory is an abstract adaptation of Noël Carroll’s influential film theoretical book of the same title (published in 1990), which is a close examination of the horror genre. Our film uses hand painted and decayed 35 mm film strips of the classic slasher movie A Nightmare on Elm Street (Wes Craven, ..

Nataly Fish

Faces of Horror

Faces of Horror

Although marketed as a "Faces of Death" type of documentary video, this is actually a compilation of scenes--in no particular order--from three different public-domain pictures that were originally released by American-International Pictures from the 1960s and 1970s

Nataly Fish

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