
The European

The European

Frans Timmermans, the first vice chairman of the European Commission, is followed during a trying time for Europe. The refugee crisis is always present, and the possible Brexit looms over Europe as well

Nataly Fish

Amougies (Music Power - European Music Revolution)

Amougies (Music Power - European Music Revolution)

A film by Jerome Laperrousaz, showing the festival at Amougies, October 1969.

Nataly Fish

Pauvre Europe ?

Pauvre Europe ?

Près d’un Européen sur quatre vit sous le seuil de pauvreté ou est menacé de pauvreté... Enquête sur les différentes facettes de la pauvreté en Europe et les causes de ce phénomène endémique.

Nataly Fish

100 Years of Sport Lisboa e Benfica Vol. 2 - European Champion
100 Years of Sport Lisboa e Benfica Vol. 3 - Two-time European Champion
The European Dream: Serbia

The European Dream: Serbia

“The European Dream: Serbia” is an investigative documentary by journalist Jaime Alekos about the tortures of Hungarian police to the refugees and migrants they catch trying to cross their border and the harsh living conditions in which they survive in Serbia awaiting an opportunity to enter the EU.

Nataly Fish

Europe: The Final Countdown World Tour

Europe: The Final Countdown World Tour

Recorded live at Hammersmith Odeon in London during Europe's Final Countdown World Tour in February 1987.

Nataly Fish

Volcans Menace Sur L'Europe

Volcans Menace Sur L'Europe

Partout en Europe, la terre gronde. L’éruption en 2021 du Cumbre Vieja dans l’archipel espagnol des Canaries ou encore celle de l’Eyjafjallajökull en Islande en 2010, sont là pour nous rappeler que le vieux continent n’est pas à l’abri d’événements volcaniques majeurs. Leurs conséquences, qu’elles soient humaines, économiques ..

Nataly Fish

European Man...American Beach

European Man...American Beach

A European man goes naked to an American beach. A clothed American beachgoer takes offense and a brawl ensues.

Nataly Fish

Rick Steves' European Easter

Rick Steves' European Easter

A spring journey through Spain, Slovenia, Italy and Greece reveals how various cultures celebrate the Easter holiday.

Nataly Fish

Europe for Sale

Europe for Sale

How would you feel if the state sold the mountain above your village to a big multinational, your country's beautiful islands, its beaches or your great monuments? Strangled by debt, governments and public administrations all over Europe act like any indebted family: they try not only to reduce costs, but attempt to replenish their coffers by putti..

Nataly Fish

Visions of Europe

Visions of Europe

Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.

Nataly Fish

Les Unwanted de Europa

Les Unwanted de Europa

Le film retrace les événements d'un sentier dans les Pyrénées, fuyant le fascisme qui infectait le cœur de l'Europe. Catalans et militants internationalistes ayant déjà fui le régime franquiste; Juifs, communistes et dissidents par les nazis peu après.

Nataly Fish

Made In Europe

Made In Europe

Stories of Turkish people living in three European cities Madrid, Paris, and Berlin. Most are illegal immigrants, and while seeking for permits or living in hide outs they go through life dealing with humiliation, insecurities, betrayals, self-pity. The stories reflect the schizophrenic nature of the immigrant world, which turns the movie into some..

Nataly Fish

Black Country Communion: Live Over Europe

Black Country Communion: Live Over Europe

"Live Over Europe" is the first video album by English-American hard rock band Black Country Communion. The album documents the supergroup's debut tour of Europe in the summer of 2011. Produced by Kevin Shirley, who also produced the band's two studio albums, the video's track listing is made up of six tracks from "Black Country" and nine tracks f..

Nataly Fish



A compilation of live performances from across Europe by the German electronicore band, Electric Callboy.

Nataly Fish

Europe: Live at Sweden Rock - 30th Anniversary Show

Europe: Live at Sweden Rock - 30th Anniversary Show

On 7th June 2013, Europe took the stage in their home country Sweden for a special occasion: celebrating 30 years of rock music. The Swedish rock band celebrated this event together with 30,000 fans at the prestigious Sweden Rock Festival. Europe performed 28 songs, selecting their personal favourite moments spanning from their earlier years up to ..

Nataly Fish

Kenya’s marathon stars in Europe

Kenya’s marathon stars in Europe

For African athletes making money abroad is the big goal. But Kenyan marathon runners need to be careful – the industry is ruthless and only few make it. For years, sports managers have been bringing African athletes to Europe to run in marathons with promises of potential prize money and a top career. For many it’s a means of escaping poverty..

Nataly Fish

Princesse Europe

Princesse Europe

Pendant la campagne des élections européennes de 2019, Bernard-Henri Lévy entreprend de sillonner l'Europe avec une pièce de théâtre écrite et jouée par lui. Le film suit l'infatigable défenseur de l'UE le long des routes d'une vingtaine de pays entremêlés, et le réalisateur décide de sortir des théâtres et des palais, à la rencontr..

Nataly Fish

Kaliningrad: A Russian Fortress in the Heart of Europe

Kaliningrad: A Russian Fortress in the Heart of Europe

Located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, between Poland and Lithuania, Kaliningrad is a piece of Russia in the heart of Europe. A curious territory, isolated from Moscow after the fall of the USSR, today transformed into a military fortress facing NATO. In Kaliningrad, headquarters of the Russian Baltic fleet, there are 30,000 soldiers, hypersonic ..

Nataly Fish

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