
Le Doigt Dans L’Engrenage

Le Doigt Dans L’Engrenage

Le Doigt Dans L'Engrenage est un film d'Ahmed Rachedi, écrit par Rachid Boudjedra mêlant fiction, documents filmés et interviews qui raconte l'arrivée à Paris d'un immigré algérien perdu dans le métro. La France et l'Algérie signent le 27 décembre 1968 un accord qui admet chaque année 35 000 travailleurs algériens sur le territoire fran..

Nataly Fish

All Work No Play

All Work No Play

Mixes fiction and documentary to tell the story of Marc Helt and his first sexual experience with other men, as a healing ritual after a violent hate crime.

Nataly Fish

Men at Work

Men at Work

A political allegory on four middle-class guys who pile into their car for a ski weekend. A brief stop at a picturesque vista leads to their chance discovery of a prominent rock formation it seems would be oh so easy to tip over, but...

Nataly Fish

L'Einstein du sexe

L'Einstein du sexe

Fils d'un médecin juif, Magnus Hirschfeld entreprend des études médicales en 1888. Il est choqué que la science considère l'homosexualité comme une maladie. Son diplôme en poche, il ouvre un cabinet. Une expérience traumatisante - le suicide d'un patient gay - le pousse à agir : il fonde en 1897 un comité scientifique pour la dépénalisa..

Nataly Fish

Le Cœur à l'ouvrage

Le Cœur à l'ouvrage

Bruno Markham, réalisateur de films pornographiques, tente de convaincre sa productrice, Françoise, d'investir dans un long métrage classique, dont il a écrit le scénario. Mais celle-ci refuse tout net en prétextant que le X est plus rentable. Bruno a l'habitude de faire tourner son ami Julien, doté d'un insatiable appétit sexuel. Sa parten..

Nataly Fish



A film about the act of creation, in which the representation of the artist's different emotions and her relation to environment shows how the creative process develops to its end.

Nataly Fish

Violence des échanges en milieu tempéré

Violence des échanges en milieu tempéré

À 25 ans, Philippe arrive de province pour intégrer à Paris un grand cabinet de consultants en entreprise. Le matin de son premier jour de travail, il rencontre Eva, jeune mère célibataire dont il s'éprend. Sa première mission, qu'il aborde avec enthousiasme, est de préparer le rachat encore confidentiel d'une usine par un grand groupe. Ses..

Nataly Fish

Working on the Douro River

Working on the Douro River

Short silent documentary from 1931 about those working on the River Douro in Oporto.

Nataly Fish

Une courte journée de travail

Une courte journée de travail

En 1976, la ville de Radom était en proie aux émeutes après la décision du gouvernement d'augmenter les prix des denrées alimentaires. Le Secrétaire du Comité local du Parti avait du faire face à la situation. En 1981, après la création de Solidarnosc, il raconte ce qu'il a vécu.

Nataly Fish

Remote Work

Remote Work

A Zoom work meeting unexpectedly went wrong. During the call, the boss discusses anti-crisis measures and motivates employees for labor feats, despite the pandemic. Subordinates, being in self-isolation, try to find a balance between work and personal life.

Nataly Fish

Mourning Work

Mourning Work

Nataly Fish

Collected Works

Collected Works

The play "Collected Works" is an immersion in the fate of one family and at the same time in the fate of humanity. An attempt to unravel the code of absolute happiness and understand whether it is possible at all.

Nataly Fish

I Like to Work – Mobbing

I Like to Work – Mobbing

A woman comes across the difficulties of modern work: to force her to resign from her job, her firm tries all the humiliation techniques known as "mobbing". The film is based upon real cases reported by Italian unions.

Nataly Fish

After Work

After Work

A documentary focusing on group leisure activities.

Nataly Fish

Wine Working

Wine Working

It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and re..

Nataly Fish

Working on Saturday

Working on Saturday

Do-yeon, an Internet installer, meets a young girl who is guarding her house alone at an applicant's house. Do-yeon could not leave her alone

Nataly Fish

Working Women

Working Women

The various phases of work in a spinning-mill, and the harsh working conditions of the women spinners, cause them physical pain and breathing diseases, not compensated by low wages.

Nataly Fish

The Children of Work

The Children of Work

Nataly Fish

Days and works

Days and works

Peppino lives in the Italian countryside, between Puglia and Basilicata, Altamura and Matera. His days and his works are dedicated to the land and animals. The time of its existence follows the movement of the sky and the wind. We don’t need to know much about him: that little or that much – which is everyone’s life – is written in his eyes..

Nataly Fish

Death at Work

Death at Work

A young man moves to an apartment where an actor has just committed suicide. There is a room with cabinets full of theatrical objects and posters of old films. A child spies on him and in the house opposite a girl haunts him.

Nataly Fish

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