
Visitors at the Door

Visitors at the Door

Are we alone in the universe? This question has been preoccupying humanity for decades. Today, people don’t believe in extraterrestrial life. But there are witnesses from different countries, having interesting experiences. This documentary focuses on stories of a group of people from Turkey who had those kind of experiences.

Nataly Fish

Space Visitors

Space Visitors

Several scientists create drama around a mysterious black ball.

Nataly Fish

Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution

Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution

Deliberately structured and less beholden to its narrative, the film is told in three parts, with each part pertaining to each of the three visits of the time-travelling visitor from when the country was fighting for independence from Spain.

Nataly Fish

Le visiteur

Le visiteur

Un garçonnet habite dans la campagne finlandaise avec sa mère, isolé, à proximité d'une immense forêt. Il rend parfois visite à son père, emprisonné pour violences. Son seul "ami" est un cheval indomptable... La vie de l'enfant et de sa mère va être bouleversée lorsqu'un mystérieux étranger débarque.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

Certain that "the right man" is crucial to her escaping the confines of the Italian village where she lives, Pina places an ad in the newspaper. She gets a response from Adolfo, who agrees to travel from his residence in Rome to visit her. As flashbacks shed light on both their pasts, suspense builds about how they will relate to one another.

Nataly Fish

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

The interplanetary spacecraft Galileo II carries Atom and his friends to Titan, a satellite of Saturn. However, what awaits them when they arrive there is an attack from an unknown entity. What appears is a mechanical life form called "Igza" that wants to destroy humans. The battle between Atom and Igza unfolds in the far reaches of space.

Nataly Fish



Marga, who’s in the middle of a marital crisis with her husband Daniel, decides to spend a few days alone in her old, family home. Once there, she starts to sense some strange and terrifying phenomena happening around her: an invisible entity seems to know a lot about her, among other things, that she’s having an affair with Carlos, an old frie..

Nataly Fish

Cibrâil : Un amour secret

Cibrâil : Un amour secret

Cibrâil, un jeune policier, a une existence heureuse avec son amie galeriste à Berlin. En surface, tout est parfait, l’argent n'est pas un problème. D’origine turque, Cibrâil est bien intégré dans la société. Mais qu’est ce qui cause les insomnies du jeune policier ? Un jour, le cousin de sa petite amie qui vit à Rome vient habiter c..

Nataly Fish

Le Visiteur du musée

Le Visiteur du musée

Dans un monde post-apocalyptique, où une grande partie de la population est constituée de mutants déments et déformés gardés dans des réserves, un homme se lance dans la visite des ruines d'un musée enfoui sous la mer auquel on ne peut accéder qu'à marée basse.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor in the Eye

The Visitor in the Eye

Komori Tiaki est une étudiante en tennis en herbe. Cependant, un jour, pendant l'entraînement, son entraîneur lui envoie accidentellement le ballon dans l'œil. Elle est transportée à l'hôpital mais on lui dit qu'elle ne retrouvera jamais la vue.

Nataly Fish

Plume : Le visiteur du Pôle Sud

Plume : Le visiteur du Pôle Sud

Lars is experiencing exciting adventures again. First he discovers a sunken ship with Robby, then he drives away evil bandits and finally a strange bird appears at the North Pole: It's Caruso, the singing penguin.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

An ex-convict returns home in search of a new life and a chance to reconnect with his estranged young daughter, only to be met with resistance from his father-in-law - an influential pastor in the Evangelical community in town.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

Seven times seven Deaths come to earth to fulfill their mission - to take with them the souls of the people assigned to them. One of the novice Deaths is unable to complete the task, because he becomes more and more human after each person he meets.

Nataly Fish

A Small Visitor

A Small Visitor

A little inexperienced ghost will have to pass an exam to become a real horror. But during the exam, he meets an old man who is not afraid of him and everything is not going according to plan. Will the kid be able to pass the exam?

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

Hamed tries to convince Nadia to impersonate Laila, the daughter of his wealthy uncle, to seize his money. Nadia agrees with him and begins setting her net on the wealthy uncle. However, she meets her ex-lover, Hassan, and tells him her story. Hamed discovers the predicament he is in, and his attempt to kill her fails.

Nataly Fish



Un groupe d'amis en week-end dans une cabane dans les bois se retrouve à la merci d'extraterrestres.

Nataly Fish



The plot revolves around Fatima, who is troubled by a vision of a mysterious person since her childhood. After 22 years of psychological problems, she wants to confront the vision.

Nataly Fish

The Visitor

The Visitor

The scientist Agnes must take care of a foreign flat. Without her family knowing about it, she visits this flat regularly and begins a parallel life. One day she falls asleep there. When she wakes, a foreign man lies beside her in the bed.

Nataly Fish

Madame has a visitor

Madame has a visitor

Nataly Fish

First Visitor

First Visitor

Nataly Fish

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