
Virus Empire: From SARS to Ebola

Virus Empire: From SARS to Ebola

In the 20th Century more people died from viral infections than from all the wars around the globe. The Virus Empire takes a look at how deadly infections like SARS have warped to become scourges like Ebola.

Nataly Fish

The Viva Voce Virus

The Viva Voce Virus

London actress Ronnie receives a plum role in a lesbian vampire B-movie. No one knows she also likes girls offset. But the assistant director's a jerk, Ronnie's girlfriend's fed up, and bits of a disturbing 1970s gay "utopia" parallel world are seeping into Ronnie's real life. Investigating, Ronnie encounters a disease from Hollywood's yesteryear t..

Nataly Fish

Breakthrough: Virus Fighters

Breakthrough: Virus Fighters

Scientists, virus hunters, medical detectives and public figures battle viruses at warp speed.

Nataly Fish

Covid-19 : le virus ou la vie ?

Covid-19 : le virus ou la vie ?

La santé publique peut-elle prendre le pas sur l'État de droit ? Entre Allemagne, France et Suède, enquête sur les choix opérés face au Covid-19 et sur leurs répercussions.

Nataly Fish

Digital Virus

Digital Virus

With the progression of technology and the increasing attention to the world through screens and monitors, the influence of the digital virus is spreading.

Nataly Fish

Virus In Paradise

Virus In Paradise

Sarah, a newly recruited machine investigates the disappearance of a mother and daughter, victims of a virus capable of possessing its host. She soon finds herself in a standoff where nothing is what it seems.

Nataly Fish

Language Virus

Language Virus

Directed by Raymond Salvatore Harmon

Nataly Fish

El Virus Zika

El Virus Zika

Este corto animado nos muestra los riesgos que conlleva el virus Zika y las medidas preventivas que pueden detener el contagio a través de los mosquitos.

Nataly Fish

Viruses: Destruction And Creation

Viruses: Destruction And Creation

What is a virus? How does it affect humans and how does it spread? Doctors, virologists and scientists examine the spread of the Zika virus, what effect this growing epidemic may have on large populations, and possible next steps to stop the illness.

Nataly Fish

The Dangers Of The Zika Virus

The Dangers Of The Zika Virus

A short primer on the Zika virus and tips on how to avoid the airborne carrier of the virus, the mosquito.

Nataly Fish

Rox - Slaap Zacht - Stand In - Virus
Virus-Destruição e Criação

Virus-Destruição e Criação

O que é um vírus? Como isso afeta seres humanos e como ele é transmitido? Médicos, virologistas e cientistas avaliam a propagação do vírus Zika, os efeitos que essa epidemia pode ter em grandes populações e possíveis medidas para parar essa doença.

Nataly Fish

Viruses: Threshold of Life

Viruses: Threshold of Life

With the electron microscope, tissue cultures and advanced experimental procedures, explores the nature of viruses, their structure and behavior and observes fascinating directions of viral research, among them, the protective action of interferon against cancer. Latency, transduction, and the role of viral nucleic acid are also explained.

Nataly Fish

Abdzé Wede´Õ – Vírus não tem cura?

Abdzé Wede´Õ – Vírus não tem cura?

The documentary reveals the impact of the Coronavirus on one of the indigenous but affected by the disease in the country. Narrated in first person by Divino, which highlights the desperate struggle of his village, Sangradouro, east of Mato Grosso, to survive the most tragic epidemic known by the Xavante nation. Crossed with archival material and i..

Nataly Fish

The Virus is Capitalism: Extract

The Virus is Capitalism: Extract

How has cinema changed with the experience of the pandemic experienced by the whole planet? The camera is no longer a "screen" to hide behind but a weapon to fight with.

Nataly Fish

Le virus qui soigne

Le virus qui soigne

Renaud, Geoffrey, Mouna et Cassandre, atteints de l’amaurose de Leber, une maladie génétique incurable qui s’attaque à la rétine, ont longtemps pensé être condamnés à la cécité totale. Mais depuis le début des années 1990, les avancées de la science leur permettent d'espérer une guérison. Cet espoir porte le nom de thérapie gén..

Nataly Fish

Verden mot Virus

Verden mot Virus

Nataly Fish

The Virus: What Went Wrong?

The Virus: What Went Wrong?

In this 90-minute FRONTLINE documentary special, award-winning journalists Marcela Gaviria and Martin Smith trace the coronavirus’s path across the globe and identify a chain of fateful missteps — from Chinese authorities’ early silencing of dissent around the virus's emergence in Wuhan, to the World Health Organization’s failure to more ..

Nataly Fish

Love, Life & the Virus

Love, Life & the Virus

A mother’s fight to survive COVID and see her newborn baby. How the coronavirus hit one immigrant family, their struggle to be reunited, and the community that rallied around them. Also in this two-part hour, with The Marshall Project and the Pulitzer Center, a look at what it means to be Undocumented in the Pandemic.

Nataly Fish

Les virus et nous

Les virus et nous

Agents pathogènes mais aussi micro-organismes essentiels à notre évolution, les virus pourraient contribuer à traiter certaines maladies. Voyage bluffant dans un monde complexe et méconnu.

Nataly Fish

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