
The Price for Silence

The Price for Silence

After the death of her father, a troubled woman returns home to confront the family who paid for her silence. Kira Flynn grew up in a storybook NJ setting. As a teen, she was a gifted artist with a bright future ahead of her, until one fateful night changed everything; a child’s innocence, a father’s loyalty, and a family’s future. Fifteen..

Nataly Fish

Special Silencers

Special Silencers

Special Silencers are large red pills, obtained from a forest dwelling mystic, which aid in meditation. However, if used by the untrained they cause a huge tree to grow in the stomach, and burst its way through the skin.

Nataly Fish

The Rest Is Silence

The Rest Is Silence

'The Rest Is Silence, a German-made attempt to update Shakespeare, is one of the best and least self-conscious of this minor genre. As indicated by the title, the film's script is a "mufti" version of Hamlet, with young Hardy Krüger trying to prove that his uncle has killed his father. Direct references to the Shakespeare original abound, right do..

Nataly Fish

Underlying Silence

Underlying Silence

An ex-combatant is admitted to a psychiatric facility due to what happened in the Falklands War. During his stay in that institution, he will find a purpose to fight against the treatments that tend to harm him.

Nataly Fish

The silence

The silence

What if we are unable to hear, one day? ‘Silence’ arrives unannounced, to the peaceful daily lives of the residents in the Mapo-gu and Seodaemun-gu area. The strange phenomenon, of which causes sound to disappear in only these two areas, brings about a housing market crash and the residents start to leave. However, Naul, a college student in a ..

Nataly Fish

The Hippocratic Silence

The Hippocratic Silence

After taking several years off to have children, nurse Clara Horn returns to work and begins to feel the effects of the much tougher daily routine at the clinic - pressure, stress and tension are the order of the day. But she soon realizes that there is much more going on in her clinic: Apparently, one of her colleagues is deliberately killing pati..

Nataly Fish

La Porte du Silence

La Porte du Silence

Melvin Devereux, prospère homme d'affaires, est pris dans un embouteillage causé par un cortège funèbre. Bientôt, il est hanté par des visions d'un corbillard qui le poursuit et d'une femme à bord d'une voiture de sport. Le cortège funèbre pourrait-il en fait être le sien ?

Nataly Fish

Silence = Death

Silence = Death

AIDS victims and activists cope with hardship and society’s ignorance.

Nataly Fish

La Ville des silences

La Ville des silences

Creuzeville, petite ville de province avec ses bois, sa campagne, ses remparts, sa messe et ses petits gâteaux du dimanche. Un inconnu arrive. C'est un détective privé à Creuzeville, sur laquelle règne une vieille famille d'industriels, un meurtre vient d'être commis. La victime est l'ancêtre fondateur de ce petit empire devenu trop grand po..

Nataly Fish

Silence on the Lakeside

Silence on the Lakeside

A boy explores his grief and searches for peace, through a series of dreams guided by music.

Nataly Fish

Un silence si bruyant

Un silence si bruyant

À travers ce documentaire, Emmanuelle Béart souhaite lever le voile sur l’inceste. En sortant du silence, l’actrice, accompagnée d’Anastasia Mikova, réalisatrice, confronte sa réalité à celle des autres. Victime d’inceste dans sa jeunesse, son objectif est de faire un film sur les ravages de l’inceste au fil du temps, et de mettre ..

Nataly Fish

All the Silence

All the Silence

Miriam teaches sign language in the mornings and is part of a professional theater production in the afternoons, maintaining a stable and passionate relationship with her girlfriend Lola. Although her life is very much connected to the routine of a deaf person, her world begins to crumble when she discovers that she is losing her hearing.

Nataly Fish

Silence... on tourne

Silence... on tourne

Nataly Fish

Maria's Silence

Maria's Silence

The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful historical drama on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian re..

Nataly Fish

After Breaking the Silence

After Breaking the Silence

4, April, 2014. Worker's who worked in "SaengTak" are get to the struggle to require adjust of working environment for safely food, and guarantied a Three Right of labors. Then. Worker's tried to record there's own struggle and launch forth to street, However, Law, Capital, unconcern of crowd and avoid of famille are swallow up them.

Nataly Fish

L'Empire du silence

L'Empire du silence

Thierry Michel a été témoin des combats, des souffrances mais aussi des espoirs du peuple congolais. ... Il s’appuie sur un document de l’ONU, le rapport Mapping qui répertorie les violences commises au Congo entre 1993 et 2003, un document dérangeant qui fut enterré.

Nataly Fish

Dix minutes de silence pour John Lennon

Dix minutes de silence pour John Lennon

The documentary is about the ceremony dedicated by American people to John Lennon after his murder. The 10 minutes of silence in New York's Central Park allows a deep observation of the particularly immobile people.

Nataly Fish

Silence 6–9

Silence 6–9

Aris and Anna meet one evening in a half-abandoned town surrounded by antennas. In this strange, dreamlike world, the two solitary souls gradually start to develop feelings for one another.

Nataly Fish

Silence Is a Falling Body

Silence Is a Falling Body

The film follows Agustina as she finds the videotapes that her father Jaime recorded before the accident that took his life. The family secrets surrounding Jaime push Agustina to get involved. Her search will reveal a story marked by sexuality and political activism.

Nataly Fish

Silence Like Glass

Silence Like Glass

True story of two diametrically opposed young women dealing with terminal illness.

Nataly Fish

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