
Westerplatte Resists

Westerplatte Resists

Westerplatte is a small peninsula at the entry to the Gdańsk Harbour. Before World War II, it functioned as a Polish ammunition depot in the Free City of Danzig. Its crew consisted of one infantry company and a group of civilians, 182 people in total. It was the only Polish guard-post at the mouth of the Vistula River, with as little as five sentr..

Nataly Fish

La Vie de château

La Vie de château

Juin 1944, dans un château du bord de mer normand vit Jérôme avec sa charmante épouse, Marie. Excédée par le flegme de son époux, Marie ne désire qu’une seule chose : vivre à Paris. Pendant ce temps là, un résistant est parachuté dans la région, il rencontre la belle châtelaine et en tombe fou amoureux. Le château occupé par des a..

Nataly Fish

Armed Resistance

Armed Resistance

On the Japanese city of Hiroshima in August 1945, a nuclear bomb with a uranium charge was dropped - the United States was the only state that possessed nuclear weapons. In the USSR, extraordinary measures were being taken to speed up work on the atomic project, but to no avail. The reason was simple: there was no uranium in the country. Despite t..

Nataly Fish

Reel Rock 17

Reel Rock 17

Trois nouveaux films retraçant les plus grandes histoires d'escalade et d'aventure de l'année : ADN - SEB BOUIN : le grimpeur sportif français de 29 ans, Seb Bouin, a gravi tranquillement les échelons de l'élite, aboutissant à sa tentative d'établir une longue pente dans un surplomb grotte dans les Gorges du Verdon en France. / CLIMBING R..

Nataly Fish

Resisting Life

Resisting Life

Mexico City, 1960. Aurelia lives happily with her family. Just before the birth of her third daughter, her husband dies in an accident. Years later, Leonor, the oldest daughter, has quit her studies to help her mother support the household. Beatriz, immersed in her music, lets life slip her by like a strange melody. Adolescent Nadia has only one in..

Nataly Fish

War of Resistance

War of Resistance

1941, Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Face au massacre de juifs en Hollande, les étudiants Piet Hartog et Hans Poley rassemblent un groupe de jeunes obstinés pour empêcher le meurtre d'innocents.

Nataly Fish



Brazil, 1961. In the underground of the Piratini Palace, the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Leonel Brizola, awaits a bombing by the Brazilian armed forces. The country is on the verge of a civil war, following the resignation of president Jânio Quadros and the movement to keep vice-president João Goulart from taking office. Using the radio transm..

Nataly Fish

The 5G Trojan Horse

The 5G Trojan Horse

This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government.

Nataly Fish

Entre esquecimentos e memórias, escolho ficar na resistência

Entre esquecimentos e memórias, escolho ficar na resistência

The documentary tells, through images and personal reports left by Roberto Wrencher, director João Castro Barbosa’s grandpa, Roberto’s own life. The reports were found after he passed away and they show how Roberto was always choosing resistance, either in politics or his personal life.

Nataly Fish

Résistance aux antibiotiques : À la recherche de nouvelles molécules

Résistance aux antibiotiques : À la recherche de nouvelles molécules

Ils sont à l'origine d'un recul considérable de la mortalité au cours du XXème siècle. Sur le marché depuis près de soixante ans, les antibiotiques sont à 99 % issus de micro-organismes, principalement des bactéries. Problème : une majorité d'entre eux ont perdu leur efficacité du fait de leur utilisation abusive. Pire, la résistance ..

Nataly Fish

Injustice and Resistance

Injustice and Resistance

For more than eight decades, German Sinti and Roma experienced injustice. The film tells of the family of activist Romani Rose, their resistance and insistence on justice. The painful story of a minority between trauma and self-assertion. The two-part film deals with various forms of resistance by German and Austrian Sinti and Roma over eight deca..

Nataly Fish

Battle for the Xingu

Battle for the Xingu

The government-planned hydroelectric Belo Monte dam would be the world's third-largest and would displace tens of thousands of indigenous people and local farmers who depend upon the Xingu tributary of the Amazon for their way of life. In 2008 over 1,000 of them assembled for a summit in Altamira to protest this proposed dam.

Nataly Fish

Insanity: Cardio Power & Resistance

Insanity: Cardio Power & Resistance

Build lean muscle and upper-body definition with strength-training and power moves.

Nataly Fish

Peloton d'exécution

Peloton d'exécution

Un Alsacien, agent du 2e Bureau, commande une unité de la Gestapo. Il renseigne ses chefs français, sauve des patriotes, désorganise le réseau d'espionnage allemand. Découvert, il quitte l'uniforme et fait sauter un dép t de munitions. Arrêté, condamné à mort, il est sauvé par celle qui l'aime.

Nataly Fish

It Is Useless to Resist Us: 25 Years of Information Society

It Is Useless to Resist Us: 25 Years of Information Society

This DVD celebrates the 25th anniversary of this hugely influential and popular electronic pop act by giving fans a full live concert, their music videos (never before released on DVD), bonus archival footage and photos, and a brand new EP, all on one disc. The live concert took place in Philadelphia in 2008 and featured James, Paul and Kurt in fan..

Nataly Fish

Resistance, Why?

Resistance, Why?

In 1970, Christian Ghazi and Noureddine Chatti met with a number of Arab political figures, especially Palestinians residing in Lebanon, resulting in this piece of armed (alternative or third) cinema that captures a crucial cross-section of the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon in 1970. The film features footage of Ghassan Kanafani, Sadiq Jalal El-..

Nataly Fish

Draw for Change! - Existimos, resistimos

Draw for Change! - Existimos, resistimos

Femicides are daily in Mexico. We follow Maremoto in her fight against sexism, fear and anxiety.

Nataly Fish

We are resistance

We are resistance

A grandmother and her granddaughter watch the debate of the abortion and reproductive rights law on television, in Argentina, 2018. As they listen to the speeches, they take a position about it.

Nataly Fish



Documentary film about Arndt Pekurinen and the peace movement in the early 20th century. Pekurinen spoke out for pacifism, conscientious objection and peace, and received support for his actions around the world. However, his worldview collided with the nationalist and militaristic atmosphere of the era in Finland. He was considered a troublemaker,..

Nataly Fish



#direnayol accompanies trans* activist Sevval Kilic during the 21st Istanbul LGBTI Pride caught up in the reflexions of carnivalesque Gezi Park Uprising. #direnayol is a turbulent audiovisual journey witnessing a wind of hope, humour, and solidarity wished to be remembered in the politics of Turkey today.

Nataly Fish

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